Still Virgin and Addicted to Porn - Recovery


Hii folks,
I had started my NoFap journey past 4 month but due to lack of knowledge I relapsed my highest days of NoFap is 45 days . I had seen many benefits but I relapsed , now I again started my journey to make myself a better person day by day, currently I had completed 1 week no porn no mastburation everything works well now a days but sometime one question always stuck in my mind is that I am still virgin, so when I get a chance to have a sex could I perform better how should I know that I am completely reboot from all this shit damange what I had done.
So , please help me out .
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Hey, brother. Good work. Not viewing porn is one of the best things you can do to improve your life. It is not easy, but stay on that path.
Since we are living in the age of the coronavirus, it's probably not a good time for you to meet a woman. But losing your virginity should not be a priority for you. Too much porn can make a guy's first sexual encounters very awkward, because real sex is so different than porn. I get the feeling you are a very nice guy. Well, I guess I am too, and I was one of the last of my friends to lose my virginity. I was about 24. I regret the way it happened and I would not want that to happen to you. Keep away from porn and just stay busy and be a gentleman. It will happen. Good luck.
Hii folks,
I had started my NoFap journey past 4 month but due to lack of knowledge I relapsed my highest days of NoFap is 45 days . I had seen many benefits but I relapsed , now I again started my journey to make myself a better person day by day, currently I had completed 1 week no porn no mastburation everything works well now a days but sometime one question always stuck in my mind is that I am still virgin, so when I get a chance to have a sex could I perform better how should I know that I am completely reboot from all this shit damange what I had done.
So , please help me out .
Fall is not failing keep going and make sure never relapse again.since going nofap is much tough journey so you have to be strong..

When you stop pornograpghy everything will be reset..and you will be reborn...and feel better when attend sex you will fell good....
Hey, brother. Good work. Not viewing porn is one of the best things you can do to improve your life. It is not easy, but stay on that path.
Since we are living in the age of the coronavirus, it's probably not a good time for you to meet a woman. But losing your virginity should not be a priority for you. Too much porn can make a guy's first sexual encounters very awkward, because real sex is so different than porn. I get the feeling you are a very nice guy. Well, I guess I am too, and I was one of the last of my friends to lose my virginity. I was about 24. I regret the way it happened and I would not want that to happen to you. Keep away from porn and just stay busy and be a gentleman. It will happen. Good luck.
Thanks brother
Fall is not failing keep going and make sure never relapse again.since going nofap is much tough journey so you have to be strong..

When you stop pornograpghy everything will be reset..and you will be reborn...and feel better when attend sex you will fell good....
Thanks for the information I'll try my best in this journey hope everything gonna be alright
Thanks brother
Could you let me know staying away from pornography could fix all the issue what I have i had always regret about my past what i had done to myself, sometimes i'll think about when I had real sex about recovery I could be fine, there are so much tension I had created in my mind about my future , I just want to be a good human as normal , that porn totally distrub my brain when I see girs I had a felling hope i get a chance of sex, but I don't want anymore what I am now as of porn. I cound not imagine how it's happen but i am trying day by day.
Please tell me the best I can do to change my behaviour towards life future i.e each and everything aspects of life.