Stopped porn but unable to stop massage with happy ending


Hello guys!

This is my first post. I am not sure how number of NOFAP days are displayed in post. This is my 34th day without watching porn and masturbation. And I am really surprised that I did it.

I am 35 years old and since age of 15, I dont remember when I didnt watch porn or didnt do masturbation for consecutive 4 days. But after so many years of porn watching and masturbation, I realised bad effects of this habit in my life.. I will go into detail of those bad effects in some other post. In this post I seek your help and advice on some real issues I have been facing during NOFAP.

As I mentioned that it is my 34th day without porn or masturbation but I am feeling flat line and Chaser effect issue. Besides watching porn, I had been regular to massage with happy ending (once in a week). I quit porn but I am still going for happy ending massage as I thought that it is with real person and not imagination of watching porn. But now for last 2 weeks, I have been going for happy ending twice a week. And today I did it twice in same day which made me worried. I have been looking for new massage girls like someone really hungry...

I always tell myself that I want get rid of this massage thing as well but After stopping watching porn I feel horny when I see girls with attractive body in train etc. So I feel real urge to go and see massage girl and have happy ending. This is waste of money as well as I feel like chasing and searching for new massage parlours and new beautiful girls. Anyone who had this habit and successfully got rid of this ? Any advice please?

The other issue is flat-line. As time is passing, I feel my organ is not that active or almost dead. I get worried if I am loosing interest in sex. That is another reason to go to massage parlour to check myself.

That is confusing mix feeling. Some time I want to see girls and some time I feel I am sexually in-active. I think my brain is confused. But the good thing is that, I have set my brain not to go for watching porn or do masturbation.

Please note that I dont have girl friend or wife. So no opportunity to have sex with real partner at the moment. But I have plan to get married in next 8 months and I want to get rid of these bad habits before I marry. So that I can have quality relationship with only my wife.

I would really appreciate if anyone could please share some material/links about getting rid of massage happy ending habit or share personal experience? Also, should I be worried about flat-line feeling?

Thank you very much. All the best to everyone.

I discovered massaage parlors a few years ago after I first discovered nofap. It became a new outlet when I cut down on masturbation and it was more real as I was with actual women. I am married and I never went more than once a month. I also used it to experiment with my fetishes. I have a spandex fetish and the Korean masseuses where I was going all wear tight leggings. I started going to the massages wearing spandex tights and shirts. it added an interesting dynamic even though the clothes come off before the table shower. Sometimes I wore cock rings and once even a butt plug. It was a stage for me. It was something I had to get out of my system, but it is something I have given up for now too. For me, if I get a massage now with the ST, I would call it a reset.
I too struggle with happy ending massages. I have been dealing with this for years. I do not have sex with the woman but I will get a happy ending if offered. My advise is to do everything in your power to quit. This is more addicting than Porn for me.
Best wishes to you.
I too struggle with happy ending massages. I have been dealing with this for years. I do not have sex with the woman but I will get a happy ending if offered. My advise is to do everything in your power to quit. This is more addicting than Porn for me.
Best wishes to you.

Hi William

Thank you for sharing this. Yes you are right, that is really addicting. Every time I decide that I wouldnt do it again but then I go out in search for new girls or visit my favourite girls. I want to end this. Good luck to you too.

Hi William

Thank you for sharing this. Yes you are right, that is really addicting. Every time I decide that I wouldnt do it again but then I go out in search for new girls or visit my favourite girls. I want to end this. Good luck to you too.


Hi Sam

I’m an addict in recovery from porn addicition, as well as addiction to drugs.

I have a lot more clean time from drugs than porn/sex addiction, and one important fact in any recovery journey is we are masters of replacing one addiction for another. For instance, many addicts I know have come off serious drugs (crack, heroin) to find themselves watching hours of porn each day, just to get some kind of ‘kick’, to satisfy some kind of urge.

There are hundreds of thousands of people alive today who aren’t just living life managing to avoid addictive behaviours, they’re living lives of freedom and joy, totally unabated by urges or cravings they would rather do without.

If that’s something you’re interested in, give me a message. I would love to chat.

for last 2 weeks, I have been going for happy ending twice a week. And today I did it twice in same day which made me worried. I have been looking for new massage girls like someone really hungry...

Hey @Fcaccount - To my read this is addiction, plain and simple. You've managed to lessen one of it's manifestations in your life (ie: porn) and now the hunger is intensifying elsewhere (ie: massage with happy ending). This is a very common experience for recovering addicts and I am certain many people here could testify to this.

As a first step in getting clean from this, I'd suggest turning the same tools and techniques that helped you move away from porn in the direction of the massage situation. Whatever you did for one, do for the other! You will likely need to adjust a bit, but this seems a good start.

Best of luck and please stay with it!
Hey @Fcaccount - To my read this is addiction, plain and simple. You've managed to lessen one of it's manifestations in your life (ie: porn) and now the hunger is intensifying elsewhere (ie: massage with happy ending). This is a very common experience for recovering addicts and I am certain many people here could testify to this.

As a first step in getting clean from this, I'd suggest turning the same tools and techniques that helped you move away from porn in the direction of the massage situation. Whatever you did for one, do for the other! You will likely need to adjust a bit, but this seems a good start.

Best of luck and please stay with it!

Thanks for encouraging words. That helps a lot. You are right I am getting addicted to something else. I read good books on porn addiction and it helped me a lot to divert my brain from that. I am not sure if I would get similar matrrial on massage etc. If anyone knows, please let me know.

All the best.

Hi Sam

I’m an addict in recovery from porn addicition, as well as addiction to drugs.

I have a lot more clean time from drugs than porn/sex addiction, and one important fact in any recovery journey is we are masters of replacing one addiction for another. For instance, many addicts I know have come off serious drugs (crack, heroin) to find themselves watching hours of porn each day, just to get some kind of ‘kick’, to satisfy some kind of urge.

There are hundreds of thousands of people alive today who aren’t just living life managing to avoid addictive behaviours, they’re living lives of freedom and joy, totally unabated by urges or cravings they would rather do without.

If that’s something you’re interested in, give me a message. I would love to chat.


Thank you newday. Good to know that you are also in recovery phase. You are absolutley right I am getting stuck into other addiction. As soon as I am thinking to stop massage, my brain is reminding me of my favourite porn movie scenes.. I am scared if I stop massage, I may go back to porn. To be honest, I am very happy after quiting porn.

I read good books on porn addiction and it helped me a lot to divert my brain from that. I am not sure if I would get similar matrrial on massage etc.

As a first step, try revisiting those same books and substituting 'massage' for 'porn'. My guess is there will be some very helpful similarities. After all, at some level addiction is addiction.
Thank you newday. Good to know that you are also in recovery phase. You are absolutley right I am getting stuck into other addiction. As soon as I am thinking to stop massage, my brain is reminding me of my favourite porn movie scenes.. I am scared if I stop massage, I may go back to porn. To be honest, I am very happy after quiting porn.


It’s a scary thing this addiction business! Often it seems we’re working on a solution but perhaps we’re moving into something more insidious.

Similar to you, after I first tried to quit porn early this year I began looking into other sexual behaviours. I was obsessively trying to compile girls’ phone numbers and attempting to date/sleep with as many as I could. In the end, this led me back to watching porn, I think because porn can never reject you.

If you truly are an addict, replacement of one behaviour for another is a slippery slope. It was easy for me to be glad I’d let go of a sharp object, without realising I’d picked up a hot one. The damage was the same, and the only solution I’m finding is absolute abstinence from sexually damaging behaviours.

Of course, this is my journey and your choices are only yours to make, Sam. Learn what you can, and stay in the light.
the only solution I’m finding is absolute abstinence from sexually damaging behaviours.

This is very well put - and, in my experience, so true. Certainly we are all unique in how this addiction manifests, but all of us seem called to at least a couple important questions as we get healthy: (1) what kind of behaviours are sexually damaging for me (ie: compulsive / obsessive) and (2) how can I removed these from my life?

Personally, I would like to be able to say that holding onto one or two 'not so damaging' behaviours is okay. The truth of my experience in recovery suggests otherwise, though. For me, continuing with something even slightly compulsive seems to inevitably lead to full relapse.
It’s a scary thing this addiction business! Often it seems we’re working on a solution but perhaps we’re moving into something more insidious.

Similar to you, after I first tried to quit porn early this year I began looking into other sexual behaviours. I was obsessively trying to compile girls’ phone numbers and attempting to date/sleep with as many as I could. In the end, this led me back to watching porn, I think because porn can never reject you.

If you truly are an addict, replacement of one behaviour for another is a slippery slope. It was easy for me to be glad I’d let go of a sharp object, without realising I’d picked up a hot one. The damage was the same, and the only solution I’m finding is absolute abstinence from sexually damaging behaviours.

Of course, this is my journey and your choices are only yours to make, Sam. Learn what you can, and stay in the light.

Thank you newday for your sincere advice. If I quit sex at all, I am scared if I would loose my desire... Not sure.
Thank you newday for your sincere advice. If I quit sex at all, I am scared if I would loose my desire... Not sure.

I think that’s a very normal fear, and one many of us experience. Sometimes I’m afraid that by stopping compulsively chasing women, I’ll die alone! I even used to worry that if I quit drinking, I’d never again be able to speak my mind. These things are not true, but rather are examples of the mental twist addiction subjects my mind to.

Trust me though, you are a male human and are built/evolved(/however you want to say it) to desire a sexual partner. By letting go these harmful, compulsive behaviours through whatever method works for us (some can build willpower, I have to use a 12 step program) it opens the door to healthy, rewarding expression of that desire.

We will all do it, though it is not easy and takes a lot of effort and courage
I think that’s a very normal fear, and one many of us experience. Sometimes I’m afraid that by stopping compulsively chasing women, I’ll die alone! I even used to worry that if I quit drinking, I’d never again be able to speak my mind. These things are not true, but rather are examples of the mental twist addiction subjects my mind to.

Trust me though, you are a male human and are built/evolved(/however you want to say it) to desire a sexual partner. By letting go these harmful, compulsive behaviours through whatever method works for us (some can build willpower, I have to use a 12 step program) it opens the door to healthy, rewarding expression of that desire.

We will all do it, though it is not easy and takes a lot of effort and courage

Thanks mate for your support and advice. Which 12 step program you followed? Is there any material which you can share?
I’m a member of Cocaine Anonymous and more recently Sex Addicts Anonymous.

Here’s some of the SAA literature, if you find some similarities there let me know!:

The bubble:

Sexual Sobriety and the Internet:

I found these really powerful personally. A great reminder that we’re not alone, and there is a solution

Thanks a lot.