Stopped Porn Since November, I Just Want My Life Back

Crimson Heart

I am 38 years old, been using porn for a long long time, but in the past 3 years I really ramped up on the porn consumption by 10x and was literally glued to my screen almost everyday watching porn all day long while jerking off (but in 95% of cases not ejaculating, I only ejaculated once in a while like once a week or once every 2 weeks), I became a porn hoarder, I have so much TBs of porn on my HDDs...

Now I feel weird like I have been stuck in gigantic brain fog for almost 2 months, I don't feel like myself anymore, it's like I am half-drunk all the time or my awarness is not all there anymore.

I have big problems falling asleep and staying asleep now, while just in October and before I could sleep 10 hours easy.

Everything stresses me out easily and anything and everything is an excuse to increase my anxiety, I feel very bipolarish now, like I have a very hard time to control my feelings anymore and my mood swings like crazy. I never had such problems before!

I have been trying to following recommendations I seen people posting online, like go on a walk 1 hour a day, do yoga, breathing excercises, but I can't tell if doing these things are helping or not!

Anybody got these symptoms like I do?
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I am 38 years old, been using porn for a long long time, but in the past 3 years I really ramped up on the porn consumption by 10x and was literally glued to my screen almost everyday watching porn all day long while jerking off (but in 95% of cases not ejaculating, I only ejaculated once in a while like once a week or once every 2 weeks), I became a porn hoarder, I have so much TBs of porn on my HDDs...

Now I feel weird like I have been stuck in gigantic brain fog for almost 2 months, I don't feel like myself anymore, it's like I am half-drunk all the time or my awarness is not all there anymore.

I have big problems falling asleep and staying asleep now, while just in October and before I could sleep 10 hours easy.

Everything stresses me out easily and anything and everything is an excuse to increase my anxiety, I feel very bipolarish now, like I have a very hard time to control my feelings anymore and my mood swings like crazy. I never had such problems before!

I have been trying to following recommendations I seen people posting online, like go on a walk 1 hour a day, do yoga, breathing excercises, but I can't tell if doing these things are helping or not!

Anybody got these symptoms like I do?
Welcome bro! I have terrible brain fogs but it get better during abstinence. Give your brain more time to heal. Keep going with your streak. Don't relapse. It surely helps!