strong withdrawal syndrome


New Fapstronaut
I have really big problem, whenever i start NoFap, i can't sleep after few days. I work as construction worker in Norway, 4:30am-7pm monday-friday. I go to sleep 1-2 am becouse my heart beat so loud and strong, my head have milions of
thoughts. I'm tired all the time. I have my familly in a other country. It is hard time for me. What should i do?

After 4-7 days on nofap with all of that i'm going crazy. My friend give me some Clonozepan but even it can't push me to go to sleep. I'm powerless. I was thinking that maybe i should reduce sessions using a system of small steps? What do you think of it? After these 4-7 days i blast like a horse.

Please give me some advice. I want to end this madness...
i use to run a kitchen, i got up 4-430 am, till 3pm, wed-sun, i went to bed 11-12 midnight,
ive never encountered what your experincing,
try: meditating,
no internet, tv or music an hour prior to sleep, sleep in silence, use dark curtains, close your door, place blanket on the bottom of door to block out sounds,leave electronic devices in other room,possibly leaave cell in living room, have a note book on bedside write down all your racing thoughts,things on your mind, im a writer and this helps me tremendously,
EX: issues at work, write it down, a personal conflict is taking place in your life,write it down, you need to say something to someone, write it down etc
focus on 2-4 week hardmore nofap streak an let us know the results, dont edge, dont peel at that porn, not a glimpse, not a peep, you so much hear a simple moan, get away from it,run