Struggling badly


I got knocked unconscious a few months ago and got a mild concussion I watched porn and masturbated during the concussion and since then nofap has been really difficult. I don't know if that has affected my brain or what.
Whew. During concussion, you are supposed to take it easy!

I can't comment on whether the concussion or something else has made it harder. Maybe you are finding it difficult just because you started PMO? That's not clear in your post.

When you PMO, there is about a three-day period of enhanced temptation. So, that is the hardest time, according to what I've read. (Personally, I found the first four days to be the hardest.)

Unfortunately, you've made PMO a habit — an addiction, actually. This means that you have to stop, go cold turkey, to get off it. One forum poster is doing just one day of NoFap. Then another day. Then another. One day at a time! It all adds up! Each day in his journal, he posts the number, and that keeps him on track. Do you think that doing the same thing would help you?

Whatever you decide, your starting point is no porn. Even if you allow yourself to masturbate for (say) a week before doing a hard reboot, you must do it without porn. Delete your entire porn stash, close any online porn accounts, and say "no" to porn.

Good luck!
Whew. During concussion, you are supposed to take it easy!

I can't comment on whether the concussion or something else has made it harder. Maybe you are finding it difficult just because you started PMO? That's not clear in your post.

When you PMO, there is about a three-day period of enhanced temptation. So, that is the hardest time, according to what I've read. (Personally, I found the first four days to be the hardest.)

Unfortunately, you've made PMO a habit — an addiction, actually. This means that you have to stop, go cold turkey, to get off it. One forum poster is doing just one day of NoFap. Then another day. Then another. One day at a time! It all adds up! Each day in his journal, he posts the number, and that keeps him on track. Do you think that doing the same thing would help you?

Whatever you decide, your starting point is no porn. Even if you allow yourself to masturbate for (say) a week before doing a hard reboot, you must do it without porn. Delete your entire porn stash, close any online porn accounts, and say "no" to porn.

Good luck!
No I been jerking it for years
No I been jerking it for years
So, is the concussion relevant? You're 27, and if you've been at it "for years," at your young age, it will be deeply embedded into the wiring patterns of your brain.

I think that your starting point is to write down on a fresh piece of paper all the problems that PMO gives you. Be sure to include everything that you can think of: How does it affect you now? How will it affect you in future? What impact will it have on people who love you and people whom you love? Think hard, because there will be many problems.

On a new piece of paper, write down all the benefits of NoFap. Again, write down everything that you can think of. Some will be opposites of the problems, e.g. one problem might be, "I make a terrible role model to my future children," while a benefit will be, "I can be a successful and proud role model for my children."

Read both pieces of paper daily.

Your next step is eliminate all porn from your life. Completely. As already mentioned in my previous post.

Once that is all done, start your hard reboot. I won't pretend that it will be easy, but that's the whole point. If it were easy, you wouldn't be here.

Finally, please get therapy. You have an addiction for a reason, and the addiction has made new problems. So, if you deal with those problems — whatever they might be — you will find that the addiction has a much weaker hold on you.

Good luck!
"I make a terrible role model to my future children," while a benefit will be, "I can be a successful and proud role model for my children."

That's a great idea, is one of my main Focus to reboot again and start again NoFap and leave behind PMO: to be one day a good husband and father who is able to resist and control his urges
A good father will inspire a future daughter to have idea of what kind of man i am or she will want in her life
… who is able to resist and control his urges
May I suggest that you go an important step further. Without dealing with your inner demons, you'll always be an ex-addict, struggling to resist and control your urges. But when you deal with them (through therapy), you can become a non-addict who finds those urges unimportant, so there's little resisting and controlling needed.
May I suggest that you go an important step further. Without dealing with your inner demons, you'll always be an ex-addict, struggling to resist and control your urges. But when you deal with them (through therapy), you can become a non-addict who finds those urges unimportant, so there's little resisting and controlling needed.
I'm sorry but i don't understand well, can you explain better please? Thanks :D
can you explain better please?
I'll try!

When you have an addiction, it's because of some underlying problem.

People don't get addicted because drugs are addictive or because porn is addictive. Otherwise, everyone who tried a drug or porn would be addicted, and that's not the case. Research has proven this; look up Rat Park if you want to understand.

People get addicted because they have problems that they haven't dealt with, and don't know how to deal with. So, they use an addiction to numb their feelings. It's like, "I feel bad, and so I'm going to make myself feel better by PMO-ing."

What you need to do with a bad feeling is to feel it, to work through it, and to find a way to make things better. This gives you good experience, teaches you wisdom, and makes you stronger.

But, in today's world, people usually aren't taught how to deal with bad feelings. So they don't know how to do this, and instead they drink alcohol, smoke, PMO, take cannabis, overeat, etc. Unfortunately, although it numbs the feelings, it doesn't solve the problem — the problem is still there! Worse, new problems come around as a result. For example, alcohol gives you hangovers and brain fog, lowers your sleep quality, makes your work suffer, etc. PMO pretty much does the same sorts of things!

When you are addicted to PMO (or something else), and you stop the addiction, you aren't cured yet. You still have the underlying problems that you never dealt with. So, whenever you feel bad, you won't know how to deal with it, and you will feel tempted to go back to PMO. Even if you stay strong, those temptations remain.

But when you go for therapy and learn how to deal with your bad emotions, things change. Now, when you get a bad emotion, you say, "I know how to deal with this! It might not be easy, but I know what to do." And you deal with it. The idea of using PMO to numb your feeling now feels silly. You think, "Why did I ever do that?" Of course, you know why, but it feels like a past life.

I hope that I've explained myself clearly!
Yeah better :D
Thanks a lot, i will try not to fall again back in the way but to look for a better life style.
'the answer is yes. brain damage makes you jerk off uncontrollably. in fact, it's the brain damage from jerking off that makes you addicted to jerking off.

when old people start to shit their pants and piss themselves, it's not because they're evil bad people, their brains are old and decrepit and cannot sustain 'attention', cannot remain at 'attention', meaning they cannot maintain the tension of the organism, which is conscious awareness.

all these 60, 70 year year old white men they run around arresting in these 'sex stings' is disgusting. i mean my god, the shame that brings on their whole family, their children, their grand children and to what degree they can actually help it is 100% debatable. society is run by animals obsessed with one thing, power.
the only way you can really go without food or jerking off is by 'keeping busy' well, doing things actually requires focus. if your brain is damaged in any way that focus is not attainable, or is attainable for shorter periods of time.