Struggling with having a small penis

Idk where to put this on this website cause off topic was just political stuff. im freshly 18 (ten days ago) and i've got a pretty small dick (4.1 inches long 5 inches girth while hard) and i just can't stop stressing about this shit. I know its fucking dumb but its something i really worry about. I'm desperate at this point hoping theirs still potential for growth or some product or exercise that isn't bullshit (if you know of something please)
I'm still a virgin and bi so idc which gender i end up having sex with first and losing my virginity too but if anyone has any advice please. i don't really care if i don't feel good during intercourse i just want my partner to have an enjoyable experience when the day comes.
If its any help i am in the process of losing a bit of body fat. I've been going to the gym for several years and have a pretty good amount of muscle + i did play some rugby (second row prop) while i was still in high school but definitely wasn't a star player lol and my cardio and fitness was pretty ass. but I'm trying to actually cut down now, but i mainly just want to have a much lower body fat%. I'm not obese but definitely overweight and i look like fucking shit tbh (currently 112 kg). I think the only thing i really have going for me is my height (6.3 ft)
I cant think of anything else too add and I'm sorry if this sounds pretty whiney but I'm desperate
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No sé dónde poner esto en este sitio web porque lo de fuera de tema era solo un asunto político. Acabo de cumplir 18 años (hace diez días) y tengo un pene bastante pequeño (10,5 cm de largo y 13 cm de circunferencia cuando está erecto) y no puedo dejar de estresarme por esta mierda. Sé que es una tontería, pero es algo que realmente me preocupa. Estoy desesperado en este punto, esperando que todavía haya potencial para el crecimiento o algún producto o ejercicio que no sea una tontería (si sabes de algo, por favor).
Todavía soy virgen y bisexual, así que no me importa con qué género termine teniendo sexo primero y también perdiendo mi virginidad, pero si alguien tiene algún consejo, por favor. Realmente no me importa si no me siento bien durante las relaciones sexuales, solo quiero que mi pareja tenga una experiencia placentera cuando llegue el día.
Si te sirve de ayuda, estoy en proceso de perder un poco de grasa corporal. He estado yendo al gimnasio durante varios años y tengo una buena cantidad de músculos. Además, jugué un poco al rugby (como pilar de segunda línea) cuando todavía estaba en la escuela secundaria, pero definitivamente no era un jugador estrella, jajaja, y mi cardio y mi estado físico eran bastante malos. Pero ahora estoy tratando de reducir, pero principalmente quiero tener un porcentaje de grasa corporal mucho menor. No soy obeso, pero definitivamente tengo sobrepeso y me veo fatal, para ser honesto (actualmente peso 112 kg). Creo que lo único que realmente tengo a mi favor es mi altura (1,90 m).
No puedo pensar en nada más que agregar y lo siento si esto suena bastante quejoso, pero estoy desesperado.
Buenas Brother, te doy mi consejo, primero que nada con la medida de Pene que tienes es suficiente para satisfacer una mujer. Pero si quieres que crezca un par de centímetros práctica el Jelqing, a mi me sirvio crecí un par de centímetros. Ahora lo que estoy haciendo es combinar el Nofap con el Jelqing, cuando tengo deseos de masturbarme práctico Jelqing y así controlo el deseo y de paso machaco un poco el amigo a ver si consigo engrasarlo un poco mas.
Lo positivo de dejar la masturbación es que andas por la calle con más deseos hacia las mujeres y eso hace que te acerques más a ellas a hablarles.
Thank you for sharing.
My situation is similar - 6’0” tall with a 4.2” erection, 5 inch girth.

My advice: focus on what you can change. Keep working out. Know that you can give your partner what they need with love and attention … and with your hands and your mouth.

A big dick is a big dick. But a little dick on a great body is also beautiful. Be proud of your little guy. Trim or shave your pubes (I wax) so that it can be seen. And know that you have average if not slightly above average girth. That’s awesome!
I can chime in a bit if perspectives from a gay guy might help you here. I personally is totally fine with small dicks. As a matter of fact, I prefer them. They are called the “boyfriend dicks” because they are great for everyday sex. I’ve had several partners with different sizes. My best sex is with a guy with a 5 inch long 5 inch girth dick. It just feels right and nice. I personally would also be totally okay with a 4 inch dick as long as guys know how to use it :)

There will be people that won’t date you because of your small dicks, but there will for sure still be a lot of people that are still willing to date you if you got a nice face/bod/personality. There are 7 billion people on this planet, there gotta be someone that appreciates your size.

Stay strong and work on what you can change brother :). You just turned 18 and will have a lot to explore. The future is bright for you
Thank you for sharing.
My situation is similar - 6’0” tall with a 4.2” erection, 5 inch girth.

My advice: focus on what you can change. Keep working out. Know that you can give your partner what they need with love and attention … and with your hands and your mouth.

A big dick is a big dick. But a little dick on a great body is also beautiful. Be proud of your little guy. Trim or shave your pubes (I wax) so that it can be seen. And know that you have average if not slightly above average girth. That’s awesome!
Thanks, its nice to know someone with similar shit
I can chime in a bit if perspectives from a gay guy might help you here. I personally is totally fine with small dicks. As a matter of fact, I prefer them. They are called the “boyfriend dicks” because they are great for everyday sex. I’ve had several partners with different sizes. My best sex is with a guy with a 5 inch long 5 inch girth dick. It just feels right and nice. I personally would also be totally okay with a 4 inch dick as long as guys know how to use it :)

There will be people that won’t date you because of your small dicks, but there will for sure still be a lot of people that are still willing to date you if you got a nice face/bod/personality. There are 7 billion people on this planet, there gotta be someone that appreciates your size.

Stay strong and work on what you can change brother :). You just turned 18 and will have a lot to explore. The future is bright for you
Thanks, i didnt know if a non straight guy was gonna respond lol. whats your wisdom on foreplay for guy on guy stuff, cuz im prolly gonna need to get good at it lol.
Buenas Brother, te doy mi consejo, primero que nada con la medida de Pene que tienes es suficiente para satisfacer una mujer. Pero si quieres que crezca un par de centímetros práctica el Jelqing, a mi me sirvio crecí un par de centímetros. Ahora lo que estoy haciendo es combinar el Nofap con el Jelqing, cuando tengo deseos de masturbarme práctico Jelqing y así controlo el deseo y de paso machaco un poco el amigo a ver si consigo engrasarlo un poco mas.
Lo positivo de dejar la masturbación es que andas por la calle con más deseos hacia las mujeres y eso hace que te acerques más a ellas a hablarles.
Idk where to put this on this website cause off topic was just political stuff. im freshly 18 (ten days ago) and i've got a pretty small dick (4.1 inches long 5 inches girth while hard) and i just can't stop stressing about this shit. I know its fucking dumb but its something i really worry about. I'm desperate at this point hoping theirs still potential for growth or some product or exercise that isn't bullshit (if you know of something please)
I'm still a virgin and bi so idc which gender i end up having sex with first and losing my virginity too but if anyone has any advice please. i don't really care if i don't feel good during intercourse i just want my partner to have an enjoyable experience when the day comes.
If its any help i am in the process of losing a bit of body fat. I've been going to the gym for several years and have a pretty good amount of muscle + i did play some rugby (second row prop) while i was still in high school but definitely wasn't a star player lol and my cardio and fitness was pretty ass. but I'm trying to actually cut down now, but i mainly just want to have a much lower body fat%. I'm not obese but definitely overweight and i look like fucking shit tbh (currently 112 kg). I think the only thing i really have going for me is my height (6.3 ft)
I cant think of anything else too add and I'm sorry if this sounds pretty whiney but I'm desperate

There really isnt supplements that can change a dick size and techniques to help grow it have been shown to cause more damage than good.

Best thing you can do is accept it and accept people in your life that accept it. Don’t stress about trying to change something you can’t change.

You also shouldn’t feel ashamed about it. Does size matter? Yes it does but it doesn’t mean the bigger the better, at some point too big becomes painful for women (not sure about men as I am straight).

Feel confident and proud of who you are, I’m 5’6 in height, I have never let me height upset me or not allow me to accomplish anything I have achieved in life.
Thanks, i didnt know if a non straight guy was gonna respond lol. whats your wisdom on foreplay for guy on guy stuff, cuz im prolly gonna need to get good at it lol.
you can start experiment with other guys to explore :). Different people have different styles. The best foreplay is when you are doing it out of a genuine caring heart. Communication is very important. You can try to ask your partner to see what he or she likes and do it :)
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let me tell you a secret

our society makes even big dick guys feel small

mine is 7 inches / 5 girth. I thought I wasn't big enough, but truth is any bigger and it would cause relationship problems, yet I felt small.

it's psychological.

You have 5 girth and that's enough to please almost any girl. it's above average

average length is 5 inches
yours is close to average
while yours is about wide enough for a large condom

another thing guys don't realize is girls can't take ones that are too big
it's better to be 4 inches long than 6" girth

at 7 inches, I bottom out most girls. that is, I hit the cervix. they find it painful.

it's unsatisfying when the girl can't take it.
if the girl is too small I don't want to be with her, but you don't have this problem.
my current girl still needs me to not go so deep sometimes. it's painful for them.

so don't worry about it. 4 is fine, girth matters more. the g spot is a few inches in. your girth is fine bro. you can reach their g spot. don't worry about it. you can make them O.

btw, here's another secret
FASTING is the cure for weight loss. just eat nothing. it's not starving, trust me. just drink water. it's called water fasting. in 2 to 3 weeks you'll be at the perfect weight. and it's free. no supplements work. no diets work. but fasting keeps the weight off long-term. I'm in perfect shape btw, due to fasting.
let me tell you a secret

our society makes even big dick guys feel small

mine is 7 inches / 5 girth. I thought I wasn't big enough, but truth is any bigger and it would cause relationship problems, yet I felt small.

it's psychological.

You have 5 girth and that's enough to please almost any girl. it's above average

average length is 5 inches
yours is close to average
while yours is about wide enough for a large condom

another thing guys don't realize is girls can't take ones that are too big
it's better to be 4 inches long than 6" girth

at 7 inches, I bottom out most girls. that is, I hit the cervix. they find it painful.

it's unsatisfying when the girl can't take it.
if the girl is too small I don't want to be with her, but you don't have this problem.
my current girl still needs me to not go so deep sometimes. it's painful for them.

so don't worry about it. 4 is fine, girth matters more. the g spot is a few inches in. your girth is fine bro. you can reach their g spot. don't worry about it. you can make them O.

btw, here's another secret
FASTING is the cure for weight loss. just eat nothing. it's not starving, trust me. just drink water. it's called water fasting. in 2 to 3 weeks you'll be at the perfect weight. and it's free. no supplements work. no diets work. but fasting keeps the weight off long-term. I'm in perfect shape btw, due to fasting.
Hitting the cervix is the A spot. Some women find it painful, for others it will bring them to orgasm. The ones who orgasm become size queens … because nothing else can “hit the spot”
At 4.2 inches, I will never hit the spot. There are positions I can’t do. We changed positions slightly last night and my wife asked if that worked for me. It’s a struggle to stay in and I can’t really f*ck because I only have a couple of inches penetration. I have to take it slow. I make love. I don’t f*ck. And I have had trouble with condoms rolling off. Despite my 5 inch girth, I have had to use snugger fit condoms at times.
I have a short dick. Short enough that, overall, I can say with certainty that I have a small dick. But … I’m grateful for the girth. I’m grateful that it looks nice. And, most of all … I’m grateful that it works!!
And it works a lot better thanks to NoFap :)
let me tell you a secret

our society makes even big dick guys feel small

mine is 7 inches / 5 girth. I thought I wasn't big enough, but truth is any bigger and it would cause relationship problems, yet I felt small.

it's psychological.

You have 5 girth and that's enough to please almost any girl. it's above average

average length is 5 inches
yours is close to average
while yours is about wide enough for a large condom

another thing guys don't realize is girls can't take ones that are too big
it's better to be 4 inches long than 6" girth

at 7 inches, I bottom out most girls. that is, I hit the cervix. they find it painful.

it's unsatisfying when the girl can't take it.
if the girl is too small I don't want to be with her, but you don't have this problem.
my current girl still needs me to not go so deep sometimes. it's painful for them.

so don't worry about it. 4 is fine, girth matters more. the g spot is a few inches in. your girth is fine bro. you can reach their g spot. don't worry about it. you can make them O.

btw, here's another secret
FASTING is the cure for weight loss. just eat nothing. it's not starving, trust me. just drink water. it's called water fasting. in 2 to 3 weeks you'll be at the perfect weight. and it's free. no supplements work. no diets work. but fasting keeps the weight off long-term. I'm in perfect shape btw, due to fasting.
cheers, i just want it to be an enjoyable experience for my partner (whenever i get one) i prolly just gotta get really good at foreplay if you have any wisdom.
also wont water fasting make me lose muscle too and cause a bit of waste skin
cheers, i just want it to be an enjoyable experience for my partner (whenever i get one) i prolly just gotta get really good at foreplay if you have any wisdom.
also wont water fasting make me lose muscle too and cause a bit of waste skin
water fasting will make you lose muscle IF you don't work out while water fasting, but your muscles will still look bigger because they will be more defined, unless you fast too long and get below normal bmi, in which case there is no fat left so you shouldn't be fasting if you don't have fat
Hitting the cervix is the A spot. Some women find it painful, for others it will bring them to orgasm. The ones who orgasm become size queens … because nothing else can “hit the spot”
At 4.2 inches, I will never hit the spot. There are positions I can’t do. We changed positions slightly last night and my wife asked if that worked for me. It’s a struggle to stay in and I can’t really f*ck because I only have a couple of inches penetration. I have to take it slow. I make love. I don’t f*ck. And I have had trouble with condoms rolling off. Despite my 5 inch girth, I have had to use snugger fit condoms at times.
I have a short dick. Short enough that, overall, I can say with certainty that I have a small dick. But … I’m grateful for the girth. I’m grateful that it looks nice. And, most of all … I’m grateful that it works!!
And it works a lot better thanks to NoFap :)
no such thing

most girls don't like hitting the cervix
would be really rare to O from it

it's not something most people need to worry about
and certainly not something to tell guys insecure about size

g spot is real
"a spot" is a fictional concept caused by rare depraved girls with masochistic tendencies

I've never met a girl who enjoys the pain from hitting the cervix
water fasting will make you lose muscle IF you don't work out while water fasting, but your muscles will still look bigger because they will be more defined, unless you fast too long and get below normal bmi, in which case there is no fat left so you shouldn't be fasting if you don't have fat

This will definitely make you lose muscle especially if you work out while fasting on a water diet.

The reason is you need protein to retain muscle but you also need carbs to use as glycogen. If you prefer keto then fat can also be used as a source of energy.

If you work out when you are in such a caloric deficit, then your body will look for a source of every, if you have no macronutrients in your system then it will go to your muscle as a source of every and will cause you to lose muscle
This will definitely make you lose muscle especially if you work out while fasting on a water diet.

The reason is you need protein to retain muscle but you also need carbs to use as glycogen. If you prefer keto then fat can also be used as a source of energy.

If you work out when you are in such a caloric deficit, then your body will look for a source of every, if you have no macronutrients in your system then it will go to your muscle as a source of every and will cause you to lose muscle
no it won't

have you even fasted? you clearly don't know

when you work out lightly you WILL NOT lose muscle, IF you have fat. Your body will preserve the muscle, and use the fat for energy and recovery.

your body WILL NOT use the muscle for energy when you work out if there is fat to use for energy.

when you work out you put your body in an anabolic state and trigger your body to preserve the muscle.

when you don't work out, you put your body in a catabolic state and it begins using the muscles for energy.