Idk where to put this on this website cause off topic was just political stuff. im freshly 18 (ten days ago) and i've got a pretty small dick (4.1 inches long 5 inches girth while hard) and i just can't stop stressing about this shit. I know its fucking dumb but its something i really worry about. I'm desperate at this point hoping theirs still potential for growth or some product or exercise that isn't bullshit (if you know of something please)
I'm still a virgin and bi so idc which gender i end up having sex with first and losing my virginity too but if anyone has any advice please. i don't really care if i don't feel good during intercourse i just want my partner to have an enjoyable experience when the day comes.
If its any help i am in the process of losing a bit of body fat. I've been going to the gym for several years and have a pretty good amount of muscle + i did play some rugby (second row prop) while i was still in high school but definitely wasn't a star player lol and my cardio and fitness was pretty ass. but I'm trying to actually cut down now, but i mainly just want to have a much lower body fat%. I'm not obese but definitely overweight and i look like fucking shit tbh (currently 112 kg). I think the only thing i really have going for me is my height (6.3 ft)
I cant think of anything else too add and I'm sorry if this sounds pretty whiney but I'm desperate
Idk where to put this on this website cause off topic was just political stuff. im freshly 18 (ten days ago) and i've got a pretty small dick (4.1 inches long 5 inches girth while hard) and i just can't stop stressing about this shit. I know its fucking dumb but its something i really worry about. I'm desperate at this point hoping theirs still potential for growth or some product or exercise that isn't bullshit (if you know of something please)
I'm still a virgin and bi so idc which gender i end up having sex with first and losing my virginity too but if anyone has any advice please. i don't really care if i don't feel good during intercourse i just want my partner to have an enjoyable experience when the day comes.
If its any help i am in the process of losing a bit of body fat. I've been going to the gym for several years and have a pretty good amount of muscle + i did play some rugby (second row prop) while i was still in high school but definitely wasn't a star player lol and my cardio and fitness was pretty ass. but I'm trying to actually cut down now, but i mainly just want to have a much lower body fat%. I'm not obese but definitely overweight and i look like fucking shit tbh (currently 112 kg). I think the only thing i really have going for me is my height (6.3 ft)
I cant think of anything else too add and I'm sorry if this sounds pretty whiney but I'm desperate
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