A brief synopsis on me. I'm 45, currently in a committed relationship but addicted to PMO since grade school. Not so much hard core stuff, mostly magazines and some VHS videos that is until the birth of high speed internet. I've been married twice, several girlfriends and never suffered w PIED until just recently. I met someone about 6 months ago and we really hit it off. Fell in love and I was on top of the world. We were having a lot of sex, good sex, no, great sex but being an addict I wanted more and better sex, wilder sex. She was open to a lot of new and different things but still I felt the need to PMO when she went away on a business trip or sometimes if I knew I wasn't going to see her that night I'd come home and PMO. Eventually my porn habits turned into fetish porn, edging, and femdom. I think things escalated because w "Lisa" my sex life skyrocketed. I went from like no sex w my ex wife to an abundance of sex. In a way it was like putting an alcoholic in a liquor store. My last marriage was sexless for almost 2 years. I had sex maybe 3/4 times during that period. My ex was very vindictive and withheld sex from me. I began to resent her instead of trying to solve our problems. So I turned to my hand and PMO. Fast forward to today and I have a great sex life w my gf. I was having a sex life most guys would kill to have. However the increase in sex made me want to PMO even more. I didn't understand it until I found yourbrainonporn. I was so selfish that it eventually caught up w me. One night out of no where I couldn't maintain an erection. I blamed it on being stressed, maybe ate some bad chicken or drinking. I thought it was an isolated case. Not so, it happened again and I freaked out! I kept saying I'm only 45 and this has never happened to me before, ever! I Started researching everything I could about ED. Saw my dr and he put me on the little orange pill. That worked and I was back in the game. However the price (literally) was too high. $40/pill!! My insurance wouldn't cover it so I tried some cheaper natural substitutes which some worked, albeit not nearly as good. I even tried edging more in hopes that it would help! How ignorant was I? Finally I came across yourbrainonporn and was shocked. Everything I was doing and thinking about that i thought was good for me was actually making it worse. So I confessed to my gf. Told her everything. Told her I was addicted to porn and PMO'd even on days we had sex. I felt so ashamed but relieved at the same time. She was so incredible and understanding that I stopped cold turkey. No more porn for me. I also asked her to NOT give me any handjobs since I felt it mimicked my own hand too much. Plus she was very good at it. Anyway, I did not do a hard reboot. We still had oral, and sex with the help of the pill. I used the pills only a of couple times and within a month of no PMO I was almost back to full capacity. I've been able to penetrate her almost every time and I think/hope my PIED is gone. I don't ever plan on PMO'ing ever again. We have sex often enough that I shouldn't even want to MO but the chaser effect kills me sometimes. We can have sex in the morning, she leaves and I'm horned up within an hour ready to MO! I only MO'd twice (and it was the same day) because I still had some juice left in me from my pill. That was about a month ago so I'm happy to say it's been a total of 6 weeks no PMO and 4 weeks of no MO. I'm also happy to say I have not had to take my pill in 3 weeks and we've had plenty of sex in between. I believe my fast recovery is based on my PMO techniques which up until a couple months ago were quite regular. It wasn't until I met my current gf I began to experience outlandish fetish porn, ballbusting, femdom and cuckhold. Please do not get into these things, they will destroy you! Porn will destroy you. It's not worth it. Open up with your gf or wives/spouses if you have one. They can be your best ally. Tell them that you're rebooting for yourself first because in the end a happier you will equate to a happier partner. Well, that's my success story. I hope my erections stay hard w/o pills and only require a real woman to maintain. It sure beats using your own hand, no pun intended.
PS Thank you NoFap and yourbrainonporn for enlightening me and hundreds of men and women that are addicted to porn. Without these sites I still may be wondering what's wrong w me. Good luck all! I will post if anything significant changes. Happy new year!
PS Thank you NoFap and yourbrainonporn for enlightening me and hundreds of men and women that are addicted to porn. Without these sites I still may be wondering what's wrong w me. Good luck all! I will post if anything significant changes. Happy new year!