Its my 2nd day of nofap streak and I came across a kind of thirst trap on instagram and it just ignited me inside out, for a few seconds, I just wanted to give in, I also opened that profile and looked at some other videos too but soon realised I am getting too comfortable. But I wanna know, what the hell was that? To be honest, My dick just literally stood up like a blastt and started to thrust like when you ejaculate. obviously I didnt release, but the sensation, the urge, what was that? thats wayy too strong. That lasts for a few seconds only but its intensity is way too high. I want to know that if it is normal for every man to experience this or is it just us porn addicts who experience these hyper sexual urges in which just everything suddenly stops making sense. The streak, the goals, the purpose, everything and the only thing you want is to give in. And experience the deepest and most intensified dopamine spike. Is it because my dopamine system is fucked or is it normal for healthy average 19 year old males too.
Porn is a very addictive curse that twists dopamine system to losing control. Quitting porn doesn't mean quitting sex life forever but recovering your body health and restoring a healthy concept of sex (Seeing woman as respectable object but not a tool or sexual slave), and leaving sex only as a natural gift to husband and wife (don't do that very often as it hurts as well). Quitting porn is not impossible but it takes time to change our mindset—— always removing numerous temptations in our daily life by rebuilding a new set of life habit. (E.g. how we handle stress in our daily life.) It is first important to think why you have to quit, which will give you power to persist. Mine is to see a new life with a much more energetic, powerful, peaceful, delighted version of myself. If you don't mind, let me share an inspiring story of success that touches me to you. Hopefully it helps