I am minimizing sugar and trying to stay away from gluten period. Caffeine I have in coffee and a little dairy for cream. In my opinion, sugar is the real trigger and problem. Eating lower carb myself.
What if i ate junk food and high amount of sugars several times a month but didn’t fap or watch porn, it will be affecting my rebooting ?
My experience is they are triggers to watch stuff. They inflame the body and I myself cannot think clearly. Of course do what you want, but I advise just enjoying junk food maybe a few times a month instead of several. So to answer properly- it depends. If you have the discipline to eat junk and not masturbate, that's good. But they often lead to the rabbit hole for me. Good luck to you, great question!
Yes, it will surely affect your rebooting since it not only will cause gradual inflammatory responses throughout your body but also affect your mood and psyche way more than you think. Sugars essentially throws you off balance a whole lot and not only triggers cravings for more sugar but can also have the ability to trigger other cravings as well. I have myself been living (almost) sugar-free for the last two months with added sugars only being consumed in very small amounts about once a week or so (a few tea-spoons maximum). It is amazing what positive of an effect omitting it from your diet has in the long run. After some time, the cravings will fade away as well.
I have been able to cut out gluten and sugars almost completely from my diet and I do feel a lot better than I used to since those are the primary inflammatory-enforcers in a modern diet, plus they spike your insulin, makes you feel hungry all the time and also create intense cravings. Dairy in moderate amounts are not too bad for you (of course ice-cream and those sugary deserts are) as long as they are whole-fat products with no added sugars and not that processed. It is not the saturated fat you should be afraid of but rather all of those added sugars. Caffeine I have tried to keep to a minimum by limiting my coffee-drinking to 1-2 cups a day maximum and one day a week, I do try to have a totally coffee/caffeine free day.
So I cannot eat one or two meals a month, i read that eating junk food once every two weeks has a positive effect
Maybe if it's one time a week it's not so bad, just be careful. Certainly don't make it a regular thing. I allow myself one day as well.
It could have if it's used as a very temporary "once in a while"-treat and nothing more and it stays there. But you have still to be careful since indulging in too much junk-food in one sitting might restart the cravings that will pull you back to eating it more often than that.
I have found it is best to just stay away from junk food for a while. Eat real food and sort of reset your metabolism. Angus and I both seem to have a similar take on this. You could allow yourself maybe one junk food meal a week but then again that has led to urges for me. Just do what's right for you. I would encourage meditation as well. You may find the urge for bad stuff can subside.
You are what you eat. Anything that is artificial food is not good in my book. I make everything fresh. Fresh fruit and veggies daily. Once a week some “fat” fish like Salmon or herring. Twice a week meat, chicken or red meat. Swap meat for brown beans or other protein holding foods. My body fares well with lots of water and cucumbers to stay hydrated. Ginger and citron to detox...i can go on for a few hours lol
Just keep in mind that brown beans and kidney-beans are rich in starches and can thus have a tendency to make you hungry as opposed to other protein-rich plant-sources such as peas, chick-peas and lentils that don't raise your insulin and blood-sugar as fast. Also, vitamins are very important and especially vitamin-C which you literally need to megadose each day (4-5 grams = 4000-5000 mg) in order for you to enjoy optimal health. Since water-soluble vitamins deplete fast from your system, you should spread the doses evenly throughout the day. The doses recommended by authorities, most doctors and RDI-recommendations on the labels are ridiculously low (100 mg per day) and might only be sufficient to prevent scurvy and other deficiencies. Don't be too afraid of sodium either as those recommendations that authorities give you (only a few grams per day I think) are also ridiculously low. You shouldn't drown your food in soy-sauce of course but don't feel guilty or scared when putting some salt on your non-salty food. Needless to say, you usually don't need to put salt on a pizza, bacon, anchovies or other very salty foods.
True statement! During the weekend, I was eating bread (containing wheat) for the first time in a few weeks and the urges and cravings that came with it right afterwards almost hit me like a train. If I didn't possess such a self-control, I could have easily eaten a whole loaf of toast in a single sitting.
Man that bread is something huh?! I find it worse than a (small) candy bar? I am doing Intermittent Fasting and keeping carbs low for now. Seem to work and I feel better. Of course working out and meditation dovetail nicely with NF.
Yeah, I actually find that bread and wheat-products are creating worse urges for me than sugar, but both of them combined is a lethal craving-creating combo and a ticking time-bomb to say the least. Not only because they are creating these huge cravings but also ruin your health in so many ways. Especially with regards to all the inflammatory-responses they create in your body. Wheat and sugar are two food-products you should omit from your diet as much as possible as they only come with setbacks and problems (I can literally not think of any benefit with consuming these, apart from the momentary pleasure they might give when consuming them). I have also been keeping the fast carbs low most of the time but do eat some sweet-potatoes 1-2 times/week (regular potatoes only once in a while) and brown rice 1-2 times/week but usually not in huge amounts. Some people say that arsenic content is higher in brown rice than regular but I don't know how much that matters since I only eat 300 ml of brown rice per week (maximum). I am much more concerned about the mercury content in tuna which is why I don't eat more of it than a big can per week. Dates and figs are essentially my candy and only source of sugars which is why I only eat them once per week (instead of ice-cream, chocolate and other sugary deserts). Nowadays, I am doing IM-fasting daily and five-six days per week, I essentially only eat OMAD during a 3-4 hour window. When writing this, I am finishing up a 48 hour water/coffee/tea fast and the euphoric feeling you have and sustain after 24-30+ hours of fasting is amazing to say the least. You feel literally high or something and everything around you feels so good, gentle and crystal clear. Next time, I will plan for it better (so I don't have so much tasty and nutritious food in the fridge that expire and will go bad soon) so I can extend it to three full days.
That all sounds great. I have never made it past say a 23 hour fast. But today I think I will go until tomorrow. Unfortunately these flatlines make you so tired that you crave that sugar doapmine hit to feel something but meditation helps buffer that a lot.
Fasting (especially when combined with a healthy, insulin-lowering diet) is one of the best side-practices there is if you want to build up a great self-control and start up a future successful NoFap-streak. Not only because you will gain control over your most basic drives/instincts in the long run (when you master hunger, you can master anything) but also because it reduces many of the food-cravings you have while it also clears your head, mind and psyche from a lot of junk. Because, as you have no more energy that is taken up by your food-digestion, all that energy goes to your brain and its functions instead. You will literally feel high and euphoric after about 35-36 hours when the last hunger-feelings have slowly faded away and passed by. It is truly a spiritual experience of sort.
Hi guys, I've been incrementally taking control of my diet over the last couple of years. It was a total disaster before that, because my life was totally unsettled and chaotic. But I've re-introduced meat, started eating fruit, and cut out caffeine and greatly reduced sugar. My stomach is a lot less sensitive now that I'm eating better, and cutting out caffeine was a great help. I really don't miss it, and it's one less drain on my attention and cash. Really want to cut sugar out altogether. I've been sceptical about the negative effects of gluten, but seeing what you guys say about it, I might have to try going gluten-free at some point. I've always thought milk was good for calcium, is this not the case?
Gluten and almost all commercial wheat-products sold today are not only highly inflammatory (and addictive to say the least) but also heavily processed with plenty of poisonous additives, preservatives, sugars, artificial sweeteners and a bunch of crap essentially. Crap that is totally foreign to the human body and should be avoided as much as possible. Sticking to only whole (unprocessed) foods is a good start but beware of most gluten-free products. Many of them are made up of corn, rice and potato-starches that spike your insulin and raises your blood-sugar just as much as wheat-products, if not even more. Hence, they can make you hungrier than the regular wheat products, plus they are mostly quite expensive too. The safest bet (regarding your health) if you want to enjoy very tasty, filling and nutritious bread that isn't bad for your health is to bake your own LCHF-breads with wheat-free flours like chickpea-flour, almond-flour, coconut-flour (avoid potato, corn and rice-flour if you care about insulin and blood-sugar levels) but there are also those you can make with eggs, cottage-cheese, nuts, seeds, etc. One loaf will easily last a week for one person since one slice or two are quite filling to say the least. Regarding calcium and milk; Although I don't consider most whole-fat dairy products being that detrimental for your health (as long as they are organic and of high quality), I think you should limit your liquid milk intake to coffee-milk/creamer only and maybe use it in some cooking that might require it but as a drink, it is quite useless as a calcium and nutrient source, especially for adults (and even children that passed the stage of breast-feeding), and will probably do more harm than good. Mostly because it is quite processed and pasteurized, so most the nutrients are gone, plus the calcium that is left is not absorbed that easily by your body and intestines. It is much better getting your calcium from sesame-seeds, nuts, sardines, and green-leafy vegetables (except spinach which contains potassium) since those are not processed and easily absorbed by your body. Also, calcium is the last mineral (or element) that you need a food-supplement of since you will always have enough calcium in your body and the quality of it is much more important than just the quantity.
People on reddit saying that eating junkfood have nothing to do with nofap it is just about not fapping or watching porn , also consuming junk food few times a month after the 90 days period have nothing to do with rebooting