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Hello, still new to this site. I am mid 50s to start with. I wanted to know primarily from the above 40 crowd if taking testosterone supplements actually assisted in making anything more intense be it arousal or otherwise. There are certainly many different types commercially available and all seemingly guarantee you will feel like a 22 year old movie star once ingested. I have been trying for some time now to go a period of time with no self stimulation and regain a healthier erection and ability to orgasm. Was wondering if in some way a supplement such as these could remotely assist. Aside from depleting one's bank account rapidly. Thanks
Hi there. 47 year old Fapstronaut here. Can you be specific about your goal? To me you could be looking for either of two things. The first is a healthy erection. There are plenty of prescription drugs designed for a gentleman of your age to help with just that.

If the question revolves more in terms of "reward" or strength of orgasm, I would probably slow down a bit. We are all here because we have an addiction, plain and simple. Trying to find something to assist you find a replacement for the rewards you got with ( I'm assuming ) PMO means you might be missing the point. You, me and all the other people here are trying to get healthy by controlling our needs, not to replace the means with which we get there.

My advice is let's see what time, patience and backing away from the need for intense stimulation does for you.
I'd agree with readytostop. This site deals with those who want to quit porn. If you have a problem with porn addiction then welcome, there are many here who can help you. If you are looking for shortcuts, or advice on medication to give you erections or "feel like a 22 year old movie star"- you might have some growing up to do. Most of us are trying to face up to our problems and stare down our addictions, not circumvent them with pills.
Fap5Freddy, wow. "Might have some growing up to do." I guess that would apply. But to jump to that assumption based only on what was written, well, thank you I guess. It was a simple question out of curiousity. I hear the radio commercials on the morning commute and wanted to know. There was an interest if it could assist me in rewiring faster, but completely understand the shortcut issue mentioned. I don't need medication from a doctor, the general rule I had understood if you can get a decent erection it isn't a physical problem if you can't, so, yes time may well be the best way to go, and m patience. This type of a reply above is why I don't usually post or participate. Folks are dealing with difficulty and don't need someone making rather pointed judgements that are best made by a sponsor or accountability partner. If i want real life brutal truth I can get that just waking up and going about my day, but to come here and post a simple question to have it read into the extent to have someone "take my inventory" as they say in AA, well, thanks for the assist. I do know something about addictions having made it over 26 years without drinking, so I can stare down as you say, or better yet, one day at a time it. Well, let me close the post here and get off to work, thanks for your affirming post and motivation. Perhaps this board is not the best place for me to improve my path, for that I apologise and will be careful about posting. Self esteem, guilt and shame are enough save for to tune in with morning coffee and see the courageous anonymous types snipe behind the computer screen.
Fap5Freddy, wow. "Might have some growing up to do." I guess that would apply. But to jump to that assumption based only on what was written, well, thank you I guess. It was a simple question out of curiousity. I hear the radio commercials on the morning commute and wanted to know. There was an interest if it could assist me in rewiring faster, but completely understand the shortcut issue mentioned. I don't need medication from a doctor, the general rule I had understood if you can get a decent erection it isn't a physical problem if you can't, so, yes time may well be the best way to go, and m patience. This type of a reply above is why I don't usually post or participate. Folks are dealing with difficulty and don't need someone making rather pointed judgements that are best made by a sponsor or accountability partner. If i want real life brutal truth I can get that just waking up and going about my day, but to come here and post a simple question to have it read into the extent to have someone "take my inventory" as they say in AA, well, thanks for the assist. I do know something about addictions having made it over 26 years without drinking, so I can stare down as you say, or better yet, one day at a time it. Well, let me close the post here and get off to work, thanks for your affirming post and motivation. Perhaps this board is not the best place for me to improve my path, for that I apologise and will be careful about posting. Self esteem, guilt and shame are enough save for to tune in with morning coffee and see the courageous anonymous types snipe behind the computer screen.

Hey 67EFP. We are all trying to help. I was a bit taken aback when I saw the "growing up" comment from Fap 5 Freddy, but I think he was trying to help. He, and I, suffer from addiction like you do and the idea of taking some kind of supplement seemed like a bad idea at this stage. Please don't turn away quite so soon. I can't speak for him but I hope we have helped.

You're going to get all sorts of responses on this site. It's worth hanging on and using what you can from it. It's helped me immensely.
I'd agree with readytostop. This site deals with those who want to quit porn. If you have a problem with porn addiction then welcome, there are many here who can help you. If you are looking for shortcuts, or advice on medication to give you erections or "feel like a 22 year old movie star"- you might have some growing up to do. Most of us are trying to face up to our problems and stare down our addictions, not circumvent them with pills.

Very well said @Fap 5 Freddy !!