Psalm27:1my light
You know what the most exasperating thing about addiction? Addicts don’t see the harm. You sound so much like my husband. Until he was a year clean, a year, he still didn’t see the damage it had done. It isn’t the porn per se, it’s the ADDICTION! Addicts lie to themselves more than anyone else. Of course we object to the harm, addictions hurt people. The problem with this addiction is it’s so easy to hide and believe it isn’t hurting anyone. I know you honestly believe that. Hell, my husband believed we had a great marriage. Lol, people in our church thought ( and still do) we had a perfect marriage. My husband and I get along great, he makes me laugh every day. There wasn’t any abuse except the lying and had lighting. I didn’t think porn was a big deal, I’d seen it, could take or leave it. I wasn’t happy with some things in our marriage, but nothing huge and marriage is hard. I wouldn’t object to my husband drinking if it didn’t lead to alcoholism.Again, I appreciate the thoughtful responses and the genuine feelings shared by all of you.
But I do still think there is a level of transference going on where feelings some have for or about their spouses are transferred onto others, when those feelings may not fit. The leap of faith being made here by some is that porn has had a significant negative effect on their relationships so it must have the same significant effect on all marriages. But does it?
And just to say something that I may not have said clearly before. I am not trying to get off porn, because it has negative effects on my marriage. I'm here to get off porn, primarily because it is a waste of time. It is a way to escape stuff that I should be dealing with, like work. It has a negative effect on my life that I recognize, and so I'd like to stop. I don't actually think it has a negative effect on my marriage.
If it didn't have negative effects on my time, then I am not sure I'd be concerned at all. Just as some people drink without being alcoholics, some people view porn without being addicts. But my difficulty reducing the time or cutting out entirely porn, tells me I have a problem.
I started this thread because, as soon as people on here found out I was married, I immediately got advice that I must tell my wife, even though she never came up in anything I had said about my porn use. And I'm still questioning that advice, because it doesn't feel applicable to my situation.
Let's take a non-porn example. I play poker in a weekly game with friends. My wife really dislikes this. She isn't happy that I come home smelling like cigars, and she points out that they are bad for me. She doesn't like that we all drink a bit much. And at core she doesn't really like that I'm going out and having fun while she is home. She would really rather I gave up these games completely. We've compromised a bit and I generally only go to these games once a month or so (this was pre-COVID -- right now the games are on hold). But would anyone here say that I should give up the games completely, because my wife doesn't like them? Particularly as they don't have any significant effect on our marriage? (I don't gamble away the mortgage money.) Also do I have to tell her everything that goes on at the games - the raw jokes, etc.? I am definitely not telling her those things, so I guess I could be accused of deceiving her.
Now let's take a theoretical non-porn addict, who does like porn. If his spouse objects to that like my wife objects to poker, does that person have to give up porn? Does he have to tell his spouse everything about his porn use? Is porn on some other level that it is so poisonous to any relationship that the answer is yes? Is porn so much worse than poker on a relationship in some way? I think that some start from that point of view, and it colors their response.
Now I already anticipate a few objections, the biggest being that, since I haven't told my wife about my porn use I am implicitly admitting I think it is having a negative effect on our marriage. I have to say I don't agree. I will admit that I do think she would not be happy about my porn use. Although to be fair to her, I don't think porn itself would be really that bad for her -- it's more the amount of porn, type of porn, etc. that I anticipate would be an issue for her. I anticipate that my wife would be upset about the extent of porn I watch. But that is an anticipated harm I'd like to avoid in the future - not a harm that I see exists today.
I'd be interested to know, how many spouses start from a position that all porn in any amount is bad. That all porn is, perhaps, a type of infidelity. And they would object to their spouses use of porn on any level. And therefore view any porn use that is not disclosed as being a lie that harms their marriage.
Or how many object to porn, not for itself, but for the harm it puts on their relationship -- harms that maybe they see retroactively occurred even before they found out. Things like their spouses pulling away, etc. And if those negative effects never occurred, whether that would affect their view of their spouses' porn use and whether it had been revealed to them all along.
I've probably put too much in one post. But it's just my putting on paper thoughts I have as I work through this.
I think your poker game example is actually a prime example of your selfishness. Which goes hand in hand with addiction. Yeah, if your wife hates it and doesn’t want you to go then why wouldn’t you stop going? I’m assuming your vows were to forsake all others? I also know that most wives who feel confident, safe and loved by their spouse would not care about the weekly poker games. It’s the ones who feel neglected throughout the week, or are insecure about the relationship that usually have a problem like this. If you feel you must lie to your spouse, then your marriage already has serious problems. But, even if you don’t tell her and you can actually get clean, you will see a huge change for the better in your relationship. Once you are clean, then and only then will you see and realize that it did indeed have a negative impact on your marriage.