This post and the comments amaze me.
I appreciate the honesty of
@RiverBlue asking the question in the first place. My thoughts are pretty simple:
- Is telling your wife a requirement for getting clean? No, plainly not.
- Is your porn addiction harming you, and by extension, harming your wife and child? Yes, most certainly.
- Does your wife deserve to know the truth about your porn addiction? Absolutely.
Like many porn addicts, I'm familiar with your language. We all know how to create word salads and dance around the main issues as a way of obfuscating all the details of our addiction. This is child's play.
Think through the second and third bullet points above. Porn harms you. Not only does scientific/medical research support this, but the experiences of hundreds and thousands of people provide more than adequate proof. Porn deadens your reward system so that you no longer feel joy naturally. By your own admission, porn wastes hours of your life you can never get back. Unless you are some special gold-spotted unicorn, porn harms your sex life with your wife. I could go on and on.
The main point is simple: porn hurts you.
Porn also hurts your spouse. You have at least one area of your life you cannot share with your wife. This is harmful to intimacy by definition. You are wasting hours of your life on a bad habit. What's your wife's opportunity cost for these hours? Your inability to talk about it with your wife suggests some level of fear and insecurity in your relationship. Surely this is harmful to both of you?
Again, the main point is simple: porn hurts your spouse.
Does she deserve to know? Absolutely. Man, I'm great at hiding this stuff. I can lie really well. Far better than I should ever be comfortable admitting. Can I keep this from my wife? Sure. She's busy, I'm busy, and the kids are growing. Hiding it is easy.
Except she knows. She knows my mood swings, my lack of interest, or my 'amazing sexual stamina.' She knows something isn't right without me ever telling her.
She's also a beautiful person who has the
RIGHT to know the risks you are exposing her to every single time you look at porn. Could it cost you a career? Sure, it has done for many people. Could it impair your judgment and bring shame into her life? Yes, that is an incredibly high possibility. Could it come out one day in an uncontrolled way that causes her even more pain? Oh yeah, that's the most likely outcome at this point. Could your addiction expose your kid to porn and create a massive problem for your wife? Yep. Thousands of boys found their father's stashes and got hooked.
Simple point: she is a valuable person who deserves to know the truth about what your are bringing into your marriage.
I'll be super blunt now, at the risk of being offensive.
This thread started days ago but
your counter says 1 day. I know myself well enough to know that when I'm in the cycle of porn/high/hiding/shame/repeat, I cannot make good decisions.
Get yourself to 30 days sober and then revisit the question. If you can't manage 30 days, then maybe you need the help she can offer. If you can't manage 30 days and are afraid of reaching out to the person most committed to you, then I don't think anyone should have to say more about the damage porn has already done to your marriage.
Sorry man. Tough love.
Get clean, stay clean, love clean.