Are you a warrior.?

  • Yes

    Votes: 887 63.8%
  • No, I am loser

    Votes: 39 2.8%
  • I want to be

    Votes: 465 33.4%

  • Total voters
day (1)28 checking in,
Tomorrow it's time to know who is going to hit this time
So this morning I woke up really early and hit the gym again to be sure to be ready for the fight
Now I am studying until evening where I'll have a light dinner and then early sleep.
Sorry for being brief but that's all I have to say today :)
i won't give up.

@Kratos_GOW I read this post and thought you might like it:

You can never fail so long as you dont give up. People who fail are the ones who give in to their sexual desires and who allow themselves to be controlled by sex. But if you keep getting up and fighting and learning and evolving, you will win. And its worth the effort because the gifts you get for your efforts are incredible. I can personally attest to that. Keep going and never allow discouragement to enter your mind or heart. Remember you are a steward of the earth and as such you have a purpose and that is to care for everything and everyone but to do this fully and properly you have to face your demons.
Check in Day 23.

sorry for the lack of updates and likes for my fellow Spartans posts, I will update and do that soon.

lot was happening the last few days, more so just keeping myself busy with work, and friends as had a few events that I was living life not attached to my phone as much.

I feel tremendously better then I did a few weeks ago. I still need help and work but I can honest say my focus and determination are not straying and I am staying the course.

stay with my brothers
Day 63. Tbh, my morning wasn't as it was supposed to be. An emptiness engulfed my heart which i never had the answer to. I can't put my mind on any kind of work and can't put the smile on my face as allmight taught me no matter how hard i try today. I would have done PMO if it was Oct 2019 but i won't. I have to deal with my emotions as i can't just run away from them. I know this phase will pass. More of the reason i can't let Urge army conquer me again. Trying me best to get my head straight spartans. Good luck with your path and dont let any instance, any mood, any rejection stop you. The moment you give in "The Ashura" smiles and put you back to day 0. Good luck
Day 63. Tbh, my morning wasn't as it was supposed to be. An emptiness engulfed my heart which i never had the answer to. I can't put my mind on any kind of work and can't put the smile on my face as allmight taught me no matter how hard i try today. I would have done PMO if it was Oct 2019 but i won't. I have to deal with my emotions as i can't just run away from them. I know this phase will pass. More of the reason i can't let Urge army conquer me again. Trying me best to get my head straight spartans. Good luck with your path and dont let any instance, any mood, any rejection stop you. The moment you give in "The Ashura" smiles and put you back to day 0. Good luck

With you in this struggle Brother. One day at a time.

In regards to your post:

I have learned a lot over the years about women. If a woman asks you to spend more time with the family, that’s a big red flag.

The holy scriptures recommend this wise counsel : “There is a time to be silent, and a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3:7) At one point, God even encouraged Abraham to listen to his wife (Genesis 21:12)

When a woman feels she’s heard... she feels loved. And your children will see that and benefit too.


Thank you for advice. But I should probably clarify that I was not seeking any.

Just attempting to explain why my updates are terse.
Day 37 check-in! Wow!! Gotta say I'm kinda pleased with myself for this (and that tomorrow will be day 50 overall). I had a proper wobble with myself this morning, nut in relation to pmo but just a bad mood for no real reason at all. Actually, that's a lie.. the reason was I'd got irritated by the amount of shit that needed sorting out and that my idea for breakfast hasn't worked out (our anniversary today). And then I continued being annoyed at the fact I was annoyed lol. I've realised that would have been a trigger to pmo to relieve the tension, but really just delayed getting things done meaning I had less time and actually get more frustrated by it all. And so the downward cycle would go. Today, I've realised I didn't even think about pmo'ing. Just had a but if time away from it all, and came back to it n got started. End of the day now and I've achieved, and feel good.
Daily Check In ;)

Hello fellow Spartans , i hope you all are fine and are in great health . PMO is more than just a addiction my friends , see this addiction made a whole community , we all are here due to this . There are more addicts in the real world then present here . Due to lack of awareness and knowledge , the people who are out there are still thinking about the pmo as a healthy habit and are wasting their sperm on not so worthy internet porn .

By the time you will read this message many people out there would have fapped and lost their battle with themselves . You are here , we all are creating the relevant awareness that is required for each and every person who is battling this addiction . Just dont let your guard down at any cost no matter what . A mini second of filth can cost you your streak and all the benefits .

If by any chance you have lost this battle this time then i suggest you to get up where you are right now and instead of binge watching porn again and fapping like maniac . Get up and start a new journey . Post here everyday . Imagine your life , a day will come when you are helping other addicts here by sharing your winning story against this addiction . You are the hero of your story , and PORN is the common enemy in all of our story .

Its never too late , you can achieve whatever you want just by taking the right actions at the right time , and you want to know when will be the right time to take actions ? Well you guessed it right , the time is now , yes now . Stop jerking off and stop wasting your precious SEMEN . go out , do whatever you can but for the next 30 mins dont be in that environment in which you can get triggered into watching and doing The PMO shit .

You can win , I believe in you fellow SPARTAN ( put your name here ) . :) ;)
Thank you for this motivation and encouraging message!
You are prioritizing inner strength over external validation, which is sure to attract people.

Those who generate, embrace, and share confidence from within impact the lives of others, and you have impacted my life through your passion, vision, and encouragement.

You are destined for great things my friend.
I am pleased to be on this path with you and have found a lot of motivation and inspiration through your posts. You will make an excellent God of War!

There are people out there who are already married and still they are facing problem due to this addiction . If we talk to some stupid teenager and ask him why the hell you are watching porn and fapping ? He will say that i want to have sex right now but since i dont have any partner to perform with , therefore i am satisfying my needs with fapping . OK , That same teenager if after few years of addiction gets married to some women , at early stages they will enjoy sex , but as the time will pass by that man due to this habit will again come back to porn . Now ask him , now you have a partner , you can have sex with her , now what is your problem ? Why the hell you are watching porn again ?

He will say that my partner doesnt do those stuff which i tell her to do , and i dont find her attracted anymore and since porn is having many pornstars he can go like this forever and will never get bored of it .

Porn is the problem guys , masturbation comes after it . If we dont stop now , you will be ruining 2 lives , one is yours and the second one is of your partner . What is her fault ? what she has done to get a jerk like you as her husband ? Porn actress doesnt equal to other women . What you see it totally fantasies and not reality , stop right now and your future self will thank you for today's decision . Rest we all are gonna make choices and will have to face the consequences . So choose wisely and choose good .

You can live the life you always wanted , just quit this habit of watching porn and your whole life will get sorted . Please dont ruin it , human life is the greatest form of living thing , our primary goal is to reproduce but it doesnt have to be like this . Save yourself you idiot , or time will pass on and you will only and only have regrets in your death bed . There is a lot to live for other than this shit we call PORN.