I believe in out of sight out of mind approach to NoFap. It means no resistance, but utter ignorance. The amount of success you get with this approach depends to extent of solid block of useless triggers. Useless triggers is defined as sexual content of any sort that doesn’t contribute to you real life sex. In other words, anything sexual other than real sex, fliting, dates, meeting people, and etc.. that for real has potential to get you sex. Of course many of useless triggers are uncontrollable by us in modern life such as chicks in streets, next door neighbor, or even TV. So, there is essential need for strong self control; however, our mental capacities are limited and short term, specially if we are afflicted with PMO. Therefore, the only practical self control method is a mindset manifested as a saying that one internalizes in his life more than anything else by repetition. The reasons for essence of this because:
1. One cannot carry all stories, opinions, and techniques at his mind all the time practically
2. Our frustrations, setbacks, and negative feelings after relapse get forgotten after sometime
3. The scattered info we gather is neither strong enough, nor general enough to cover new stuff
I believe as a human we all are striving to look our best in front of others, specially our significant other (SO) (either the one we have or we want to have in future). So, I found it very strong to assume that she is with me all the time watching how I live. How would you feel if your SO had a hidden camera and could see details of your PMO process? Now, this is super strong and all we have to do is just to really feel it and acknowledge the fact that just because she doesn’t really have a hidden camera or with don’t have a SO doesn’t mean that we are not as pathetic as she saw us. We are the same pathetic person and that is definitely going to manifest in our future behavior and performance somehow. This is because we are not only opening ourselves to numerous disadvantages of a synthetic mechanism for our natural needs, but also as you may all witness the time spent on it is going to escalate by time which could be spent to build countless skills. Now, in modern world that everybody is so meticulous about their relationships, do you honestly look like someone who your SO want to lean on?
1. One cannot carry all stories, opinions, and techniques at his mind all the time practically
2. Our frustrations, setbacks, and negative feelings after relapse get forgotten after sometime
3. The scattered info we gather is neither strong enough, nor general enough to cover new stuff
I believe as a human we all are striving to look our best in front of others, specially our significant other (SO) (either the one we have or we want to have in future). So, I found it very strong to assume that she is with me all the time watching how I live. How would you feel if your SO had a hidden camera and could see details of your PMO process? Now, this is super strong and all we have to do is just to really feel it and acknowledge the fact that just because she doesn’t really have a hidden camera or with don’t have a SO doesn’t mean that we are not as pathetic as she saw us. We are the same pathetic person and that is definitely going to manifest in our future behavior and performance somehow. This is because we are not only opening ourselves to numerous disadvantages of a synthetic mechanism for our natural needs, but also as you may all witness the time spent on it is going to escalate by time which could be spent to build countless skills. Now, in modern world that everybody is so meticulous about their relationships, do you honestly look like someone who your SO want to lean on?