The big move! How I quit laziness!


Let me jump right in. I uninstalled WhatsApp on December 26th 2019. I liked WhatsApp before it introduced the 'status' feature. The reason why it's so ugly is that, you are forced to view someone's status or what they have to say. When somebody asked me "why are you not viewing my statuses?", I said, I was busy with exams and things. But, that kept me thinking like, people really give a great deal about what they are posting (status). I was also wasting like 3 hours a day just watching status and 1-2 hours chatting some nonsense. Why do people chat with you in WhatsApp or messenger? They are chronic WhatsApp or social media user who is waiting to start a chat with someone. They don't give that much big deal about you. That conversation you had with him/her simply shrinks in that social world.

Then what do we do? Call him/her ! You can call him instead of 1hr chat (If you really wanted to talk). Or meet him. Thus, you can slowly get out of social world and start to have real conversations. In my case, I straight away uninstalled it. I had like 200+ status waiting and updating every minute in WhatsApp. So, it's January 7th. I feel happy that I got out from that spam world where people give great deal about posting dump. And, there are Random groups (nonsense talk) which will pull our mind into it. And we'll waste 1-2 hours there too.

Finally,for chatting, I use Telegram or Messenger (I will not use Facebook tho!).
Now, I feel really free. I'm started to feel that 'this website' is my social media. Now, I've the time to think something in my head rather than taking my phone and scrolling through status when I feel I'm bored. Life's starting to get better! :emoji_dizzy::emoji_heart_eyes:
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Congratulations, getting out of the virtual world is a huge step forward. I've decided to give up video games for this year and I am blown away about how much free time I've got right now. Let us live in the real world. It's much better.
Where are you from? I’m from the Netherlands and as far as I know nobody uses ‘Status’ on Whatsapp. I literally forgot about that button since it was introduced hahah
I'm jealous with you @hyper88
I wish I can deleted my WA. I'm still need it for my job and contact family.

But, beside WA, I blocked all my social media. I'm agree with you. It makes me free...
I'm jealous with you @hyper88
I wish I can deleted my WA. I'm still need it for my job and contact family.

But, beside WA, I blocked all my social media. I'm agree with you. It makes me free...

Well, from your profile, you're 36. I know how much things you have to sync in your head. If I were you, I would install my normal WA in my secondary phone. This secondary phone doesn't have much things to worry about.Y know there's only family,and non-important things. So, you can leave the phone somewhere and only look at it when you have time. After some days or whenever you happened to take it.

About your business, I would start one new WA account in my primary phone. You know there are only business things. And , I'm guessing now you're free from those social-media-like WhatsApp. And you're free from Family and spam circle! You can redirect calls from Secondary phone to primary number if wanted.
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