The Coiled Serpent


New Fapstronaut
How many here have read this book? It goes completely in depth of the nature of sex, and how recreational sexual activity has gradually led to the poisoning of mankind, resulting in deviations, disease, and more.

The basic tenant of this book is that because sex is only meant to be used as a tool for the creation of life, abusing it for personal pleasure has had a biologically devastating effect on mankind. This book states that recreational sexual activity of all types has retarded our evolution, making us more immature and perverted and diseased. And that when one abstains and attempts to transmute their vital energy, all things good come to them. Health, wellness, contentment, engagement.

I was wondering who else here has read this book because it basically makes sense to me as the ultimate truth of semen retention and sexual abstinence for men and women. But you also have rules here about not claiming that the abuse of sex can malform a person's sexuality, and that all aspects of anything a person can find sexually appealing are simply inborn traits that are better off embraced, as opposed to be overcome. As i understand it this directly contradicts the truth of sex, knowing that all deviations stem from an original, repeated abuse of the sex instinct until it had become malformed and disfiguered.

Just wondering what you guys think about it and how much of an attempt is made here to "accept sex", knowing that from the perspective of mother nature, it is nothing more than a tool for the creation of a child, and you feel infinitely better when you abstain from it?
How many here have read this book? It goes completely in depth of the nature of sex, and how recreational sexual activity has gradually led to the poisoning of mankind, resulting in deviations, disease, and more.

The basic tenant of this book is that because sex is only meant to be used as a tool for the creation of life, abusing it for personal pleasure has had a biologically devastating effect on mankind. This book states that recreational sexual activity of all types has retarded our evolution, making us more immature and perverted and diseased. And that when one abstains and attempts to transmute their vital energy, all things good come to them. Health, wellness, contentment, engagement.

I was wondering who else here has read this book because it basically makes sense to me as the ultimate truth of semen retention and sexual abstinence for men and women. But you also have rules here about not claiming that the abuse of sex can malform a person's sexuality, and that all aspects of anything a person can find sexually appealing are simply inborn traits that are better off embraced, as opposed to be overcome. As i understand it this directly contradicts the truth of sex, knowing that all deviations stem from an original, repeated abuse of the sex instinct until it had become malformed and disfiguered.

Just wondering what you guys think about it and how much of an attempt is made here to "accept sex", knowing that from the perspective of mother nature, it is nothing more than a tool for the creation of a child, and you feel infinitely better when you abstain from it?
What if sex is not only about the creation of a child, or pleasure? You mentioned in your post that the writer claimed that mankind’s evolution has been stunted by the misuse of sex. Herein is a big hint.
What do you mean by that? That we are all best off simply never having sex ever again for any reason and transcending upward into some spiritual realm via hardcore abstinence?

I think that's what he kind of got around to saying, what do you think about that?
No, that’s not what I mean. What if making love can be a doorway (along with meditation etc) into other, “higher” dimensions of life ?
No, that’s not what I mean. What if making love can be a doorway (along with meditation etc) into other, “higher” dimensions of life ?

You must not have read the book. All positive effects from sex are temporary physical pleasure combined with a longer lasting ego high. There is no mechanism for absorbing the fluids of your partner, only your own. This is where the benefit comes from. In sex, these fluids are expelled, thus retarding the person temporarily.

Love does not need to be physically made. It comes from the spirit. When you attempt to make love through the flesh you are actually making hate. This is common knowledge. Feed the flesh and you starve the spirit. People trying to make up psychobabble about sex being spiritually enlightening are actually just silly little kids getting high off the ego rush of sex.
You must not have read the book. All positive effects from sex are temporary physical pleasure combined with a longer lasting ego high. There is no mechanism for absorbing the fluids of your partner, only your own. This is where the benefit comes from. In sex, these fluids are expelled, thus retarding the person temporarily.

Love does not need to be physically made. It comes from the spirit. When you attempt to make love through the flesh you are actually making hate. This is common knowledge. Feed the flesh and you starve the spirit. People trying to make up psychobabble about sex being spiritually enlightening are actually just silly little kids getting high off the ego rush of sex.
No, I haven’t read the book. The writer has his opinion. That doesn’t mean it’s the truth. I’m not saying I know the truth, I’m merely saying why don’t we challenge our beliefs about the nature of sex and sexual energy.

There is a world of difference between making lust and making love. What I mean by that is making lust is all about taking selfishly for one’s own “pleasure.” The orgasm is the culmination of this selfishness. Making love, without ejaculating, in a loving, stable relationship is about giving to your partner. That’s not to say there is no pleasure in giving. Yes, I know we can’t absorb the fluids of our partner, however what if something else is absorbed in the act? Something that men and women need from each other?

I most certainly don’t believe that sex by itself is “spiritually enlightening.” However, does it contain the potential to aid us our spiritual quest?

You won’t be able to know if what I have said is true or not unless you test it out for yourself. And I don’t mean a brief test. If I tested out meditation for 6 months and and didn’t experience “enlightenment” (whatever that means) could I claim that meditation doesn’t work?
No, I haven’t read the book. The writer has his opinion. That doesn’t mean it’s the truth. I’m not saying I know the truth, I’m merely saying why don’t we challenge our beliefs about the nature of sex and sexual energy.

There is a world of difference between making lust and making love. What I mean by that is making lust is all about taking selfishly for one’s own “pleasure.” The orgasm is the culmination of this selfishness. Making love, without ejaculating, in a loving, stable relationship is about giving to your partner. That’s not to say there is no pleasure in giving. Yes, I know we can’t absorb the fluids of our partner, however what if something else is absorbed in the act? Something that men and women need from each other?

I most certainly don’t believe that sex by itself is “spiritually enlightening.” However, does it contain the potential to aid us our spiritual quest?

You won’t be able to know if what I have said is true or not unless you test it out for yourself. And I don’t mean a brief test. If I tested out meditation for 6 months and and didn’t experience “enlightenment” (whatever that means) could I claim that meditation doesn’t work?
I see, well that's kind of a big deal here if you havent read the book because if you had, you would see that it may be the 1 book that is actually completely non fiction when it comes to this. Everything said makes sense from a scientific and logical perspective. There are more esoteric topics covered later but it's still within the vein of "this leads to this, these principals cause this outcome.

The difference between making love and lust has long been bloviated on. And, while i would love to make a concession for the most tender, selfless "lovemakers" the point still stands that love cannot be physically "made".

Touch is a physical sensation and while we do greatly benefit from being in the presence of the opposite sex on a magnetic, energy balancing level, it has nothing to do with the arousal of sexual attraction. It's pheromonal. You can sit together, cuddle, stroke hair, nuzzle, whisper sweet nothings, and do everything besides actually getting horny. Horniness is where the sacrificial act of reproduction begins.

Most of what you think men and woman need from each other is actually only needed because of an active addiction. The same way a person withdrawing from benzos needs a hit of methodone to suffer much less, you and me need physical touch and the ego high of sex, JUST enough to make us feel less absolutely awful while we slowly come away from the flesh and closer to the original, constant bliss we've fallen away from.

Not to be crass, i appreciate your discourse. I just need to know if other people are really seeing this the same way.

Basically the concept is that ALL sexual energy, thoughts, and activity feeds into an active, baby making, reproductive process. This process is ALL PARTS sacrificial to the person who does it. There is no real benefit except temporary pleasure. Even unhealthy food can keep you alive but sex only TAKES life from you, on a physical, biological level. It retards the brain and invites a greater vulnerability to illness both physical and mental.

The yummy ego high is junk food. Empty calories. It feels as good as it does(and i knowww how good it can feel)....because of the current depth of our addiction.

Unfortunately this destructive process has taken from us more than it's given back. And will continue taking until humanity is a completely ruined husk of itself.
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I see, well that's kind of a big deal here if you havent read the book because if you had, you would see that it may be the 1 book that is actually completely non fiction when it comes to this. Everything said makes sense from a scientific and logical perspective. There are more esoteric topics covered later but it's still within the vein of "this leads to this, these principals cause this outcome.

The difference between making love and lust has long been bloviated on. And, while i would love to make a concession for the most tender, selfless "lovemakers" the point still stands that love cannot be physically "made".

Touch is a physical sensation and while we do greatly benefit from being in the presence of the opposite sex on a magnetic, energy balancing level, it has nothing to do with the arousal of sexual attraction. It's pheromonal. You can sit together, cuddle, stroke hair, nuzzle, whisper sweet nothings, and do everything besides actually getting horny. Horniness is where the sacrificial act of reproduction begins.

Most of what you think men and woman need from each other is actually only needed because of an active addiction. The same way a person withdrawing from benzos needs a hit of methodone to suffer much less, you and me need physical touch and the ego high of sex, JUST enough to make us feel less absolutely awful while we slowly come away from the flesh and closer to the original, constant bliss we've fallen away from.

Not to be crass, i appreciate your discourse. I just need to know if other people are really seeing this the same way.

Basically the concept is that ALL sexual energy, thoughts, and activity feeds into an active, baby making, reproductive process. This process is ALL PARTS sacrificial to the person who does it. There is no real benefit except temporary pleasure. Even unhealthy food can keep you alive but sex only TAKES life from you, on a physical, biological level. It retards the brain and invites a greater vulnerability to illness both physical and mental.

The yummy ego high is junk food. Empty calories. It feels as good as it does(and i knowww how good it can feel)....because of the current depth of our addiction.

Unfortunately this destructive process has taken from us more than it's given back. And will continue taking until humanity is a completely ruined husk of itself.
Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I agree that lustful sex culminating in orgasm only takes life from us. However, what if retention and transmutation of sexual energy during the act of intercourse within the context of a stable, loving relationship creates something within us?
You can only find out if what I’m saying is true or not by putting these words into practice.
I see, well that's kind of a big deal here if you havent read the book because if you had, you would see that it may be the 1 book that is actually completely non fiction when it comes to this. Everything said makes sense from a scientific and logical perspective. There are more esoteric topics covered later but it's still within the vein of "this leads to this, these principals cause this outcome.

The difference between making love and lust has long been bloviated on. And, while i would love to make a concession for the most tender, selfless "lovemakers" the point still stands that love cannot be physically "made".

Touch is a physical sensation and while we do greatly benefit from being in the presence of the opposite sex on a magnetic, energy balancing level, it has nothing to do with the arousal of sexual attraction. It's pheromonal. You can sit together, cuddle, stroke hair, nuzzle, whisper sweet nothings, and do everything besides actually getting horny. Horniness is where the sacrificial act of reproduction begins.

Most of what you think men and woman need from each other is actually only needed because of an active addiction. The same way a person withdrawing from benzos needs a hit of methodone to suffer much less, you and me need physical touch and the ego high of sex, JUST enough to make us feel less absolutely awful while we slowly come away from the flesh and closer to the original, constant bliss we've fallen away from.

Not to be crass, i appreciate your discourse. I just need to know if other people are really seeing this the same way.

Basically the concept is that ALL sexual energy, thoughts, and activity feeds into an active, baby making, reproductive process. This process is ALL PARTS sacrificial to the person who does it. There is no real benefit except temporary pleasure. Even unhealthy food can keep you alive but sex only TAKES life from you, on a physical, biological level. It retards the brain and invites a greater vulnerability to illness both physical and mental.

The yummy ego high is junk food. Empty calories. It feels as good as it does(and i knowww how good it can feel)....because of the current depth of our addiction.

Unfortunately this destructive process has taken from us more than it's given back. And will continue taking until humanity is a completely ruined husk of itself.

Hey Spiro,

the book sounds really intriguing. So according to the book, I should have sex only in order to reproduce? And even if I had sex without O, I still had negative effects, right?
So I might want to look for a partner who has very low libido or is even asexual, would that be something to look for in a woman?
Thank you for your reply.
Well I agree that its best to not have sex except for baby making purpose. But will I be able to keep up with this belief I dont know though I am sure it is the healtiest way to live because then sexual energy can be transmuted into pure bliss and oness with creator, also spiritual power and great awareness in general.
Well I agree that its best to not have sex except for baby making purpose. But will I be able to keep up with this belief I dont know though I am sure it is the healtiest way to live because then sexual energy can be transmuted into pure bliss and oness with creator, also spiritual power and great awareness in general.
Hey brother I 100% agree even if we cant keep up with this philosophy all the time, conserving our sexual energy as much as possible instead of living in a depleted state will help us live our best life. Thanks for the brotherhood