***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

I'm grateful that God have been there for me and Still is with me through all this Journey, I wouldn't have been here today If It wasn't for him.
I'm Grateful I have a great mom who is a motivation for me to change.
I'm grateful I'm alive.
This is such an awesome idea, and wonderful initiative. I am in for this challenge!

Day 1/30

I appreciate:
  1. The initial poster for creating this thread.
  2. My roommates for so frequently expressing that they value me.
  3. My willingness to ask hard existential questions, even when it hurts.
Day 2/30

I appreciate:
  • Tom. He is one of the lecturers in my online math class. He is very bubbly and just makes me happy when I hear him teach.
  • My roommates dog.
  • Chocolate chips.
I am grateful for my parents and what they do for me.
I am grateful for my brother and all I have learned and am learning from him.
I am thankful for all that I have. It's always easy to ask and want more and look at what we don't have, but I want to say thanks for all that I do have.
Day 6/30

I appreciate:
  • The book I am currently reading through with a friend, and the discussion I get to have with him about it.
  • The mayo, bean, and rice burritos I had for lunch (so good!).
  • The time forthcoming that I get to visit with a friend I met overseas.
How awesome. I am starting on December 1st. Just worked out that way.

Day 1 of 31.

I am grateful for:
  1. The amazing AirBnB I'm staying in for almost a month. Complete with a hammock.
  2. The low cost of living in the places I'll be this winter.
  3. The beautiful nature of the place I'm at now, and the opportunities I have to explore it.
Day 2 of 31.
  • I am grateful for the Xmas card I got in the mail today from a fellow work colleague.
  • I am grateful for not being stuck in the Monday-Friday 9-5 grind like so many others are. Because of this I was able (and still am) to have a chill day at home getting some stuff done.
  • I am grateful for my free online push-ups program that has helped me keep my upper body looking good now for 8 or 9 years www.hundredpushups.com
Day 3 of 31.

I am grateful:
  • That my See The World challenge is taking off (see what I did there? Taking off?). It is building momentum and has the potential to be super successful as the years go by.
  • That I have a coffee maker in my AirBnb. It sucks having to use instant.
  • That my internet is working well. There were some serious issues with it last week that caused some inconveniences.
Day 8/30

I appreciate:
  • Awareness that is helping me prioritize my energy use.
  • Anticipating upcoming outings with my friend.
  • The many opportunities I have to visit groups and socialize.
Day 4 of 31.

I am grateful for:
  • The time spent with my dog Rusty as a kid.
  • The love Rusty gave me.
  • The forgiveness Rusty gave me when I wasn't a good 'daddy' to him.