I'm grateful that God have been there for me and Still is with me through all this Journey, I wouldn't have been here today If It wasn't for him.
I'm Grateful I have a great mom who is a motivation for me to change.
I'm grateful I'm alive.
I am grateful for my parents and what they do for me.
I am grateful for my brother and all I have learned and am learning from him.
I am thankful for all that I have. It's always easy to ask and want more and look at what we don't have, but I want to say thanks for all that I do have.
I am grateful for the progress I have made.
I am grateful for constantly learning and willing to learn.
I am grateful for the help and support around me.
I am grateful for the Xmas card I got in the mail today from a fellow work colleague.
I am grateful for not being stuck in the Monday-Friday 9-5 grind like so many others are. Because of this I was able (and still am) to have a chill day at home getting some stuff done.
I am grateful for my free online push-ups program that has helped me keep my upper body looking good now for 8 or 9 years www.hundredpushups.com
That my See The World challenge is taking off (see what I did there? Taking off?). It is building momentum and has the potential to be super successful as the years go by.
That I have a coffee maker in my AirBnb. It sucks having to use instant.
That my internet is working well. There were some serious issues with it last week that caused some inconveniences.