The Jedi Temple (open)

Greetings, masters. I've been a slave of the evil forces of PMO literally for my whole life, and all this inhuman, selfish and wicked force has ever done was drain out every bit of dignity I had... but I've decided that's enough! I'm not gonna be a lsave to it anymore! I'm gonna fight with all my strength against this evil thing I once embraced. I would like to join your alliance and embrace hard training to fight against the evil forces of PMO side by side with the greatest jedi knights this galaxy has ever seen, and, eventually, become one myself. Please consider my petiotion to join the Jedi temple. May the force be with us all.
Welcome to the Jedi Temple!
School's really starting to hurt my head, keeping up means no time for P or M I literally fall asleep once I'm in bed so no problems there. Also avoiding any late nights coz it's usually the time I would fap.

Same here, only with me it's work, not school, but it's the same. I work in a factory 10 hours a day, so by the time I get home I'm to exausted to even think about fapping. The weekends are hard though...

Also, I decided to quit drinking altogether at least for a while, since alcohol makes me feel really relaxed and my worries vanish and I stop caring about everything, so it made me relapse many times, since it makes me feel there's nothing wrong about it.
Iv deleted YouTube today, it's to triggering for me. Its crazy because they ban people like Stefan Molyneux but they allow weird things like taboo porn onto their platform, or creepy Joi hypno stuff, it's insane. Kids will be watching this dangerous bs, it's just crazy. I feel like they have an agenda. I mainly had YouTube to listen to podcasts like The Joe Rogan Experience and Jordan Peteson speeches, so iv got Spotify instead. It's far more innocent. Iv blocked YouTube, it's gone. It was not helping me in my nofap journey so I took action and got rid of it, good riddance.
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I relapsed twice again this morning. I didn't look at porn during the first one but I peeked right before the second one (chaser effect in action). I was negligent and didn't do my exercises yesterday or when I woke up today.

Strangely I don't feel as bad about these relapses versus the ones from last week. I know I need to do better and that I'm capable of doing better. This link helps me to focus on forgiving myself and moving forward:
Day 14, Padawan: I'm finding it hard to focus on school right now. My mind is fixated on the stuff I was fapping to before my current streak.

The stuff you were fapping off to, wasting your lifeforce your essence your god fluid. The stuff you were fapping of to is dog poo spray painted gold, it's feces spray painted gold. It's worthless, it's of zero value, it's the heart of darkness. It's the road to anxiety, depression.