Day 17
I almost slipped on one of my P email messages. Managed to look away on my peripheral. Wow I hate that sometimes. It happened more than once in this journey. I made it and there were other things as well I will. I want to say others thing about certain people for advice but I will save it for later once my streak is up to a certain degree.
@Baki Hanma As he said earlier about a question to ARCEUS, I would say I am a night person. Meaning at night time when no one is around, for some reason I feel more focused. But for some others, it is dangerous area because there is plenty of time to PMO. For me, it depends but not really because I am thinking of other things. I feel I can study/work at night time especially at home. It's quiet and I can do what I need to do as far as reading and other things goes.
So I guess there are few Elfs rank over here. No ones keeps up with the ranks I here I guess. Like it matters because I am keeping myself accountable while others are here as well. One Elf rank has recently fallen
@ARCEUS sorry for the recent relapse bro.
I am still plugging away and doing whatever I can every day. Gym soon or later. Reading of course around certain sections here in the forums and such.
Congrats on starting your food business!
Nope it didn't scare me. Just pity from my end. Good to hear you took time off to take that advantage. Stay strong because I'm also struggling a bit here as well.
On the journey with the Fellowship to Mount Doom.
Keep on going Fellowship!