The Lord of the Rings Challenge

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    Votes: 18 54.5%
  • Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

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  • Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    Votes: 6 18.2%

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Day 12.

Didn't write yesterday. I didn't want to. Today I think I want to.

Like last year, I'll count battles won against pmo. I feel that I want some game element to abstinence. It will be fun. For a while. When I am bored, I'll ditch it again.

The book I read now "La vie en abondance" is a good reminder that purity is not this sudden perfect state where I control all my sexuality and all my emotions. It is a journey. Difficult one.

Failing is a part of the process. Streak number is a fine metric, but it fuels my perfectionism. If I relapse, I feel like I lost all my progress, which is not true, considering how much small battles I win every day.

I feel that I am moving nowhere with this no pmo thing. And that despair can make things worse -- make me relapse.

Another topic. Kept my promise to go to the church. It was raining but it didn't make me low. It made me calm. Reminded of some stuff I forgot in my childhood. When a memory is gone but emotion is still there.

I don't know... In short. Days. Midnights. Love. Hate. Attention. Silence. Pain. Irritation. Impatience. A peach. Envy. Lack. Dissapointment. Forgiveness. Self compassion. Too much. Enough is enough. Forest. Tears. Meaning. Hungry. More dissapointment. Friendship. Hope. Tribe. List. Mistakes. Ice cube. Justice. Automobile machine car. Failure. Proof. Lunar song. Walls. Scared cat. Lonely. Abandoned. Hope. Home. Love to God.

Battles won against pmo: 9.


Next reward - denim jacket on October 18th.
Hardmodes - day 12.
No matter what happens in my life, this is important to me and this streak has to continue.
No coffee. No caffeine at all.
Calisthenics workout 3 times a week.

excellent work my brother. Keep it up!! And thanks for the music, great taste you have! :)
170 days – Lord Elrond, on the wings of Gwaihir, meets your path. “My Lord, here is a new sword for you, rebuilt from the shards of Narsil!”. Very bright was the sword when made whole again, the light of the sun shone redly in it and the light of the moon shone cold.

Grasping the sword you declare to all land: “This is Andúril, Flame of the West! May it lighten my path and vanquish the perils ahead!

Quest Item - Andúril :emoji_dagger:
10 more days ppl!

You´re almost there brother!! Keep going!!!

60 days brave Fellowship!!! 1/3 of the journey is done, proud of myself :)

Drinking some draughts from Fangorn ;)

60 days – On your path you meet Treebeard, the oldest of the Ents. He offers you Ent-draughts, magical waters from Fangorn ladled out into a large bowl. As you drink, the waters bring refreshment and vigour to every limb of your body.

Quest Magic – Ent-Draughts :emoji_tea:


I hope you guys are doing well. Have a great day my brothers, keep focus and stay on the path!

Awareness moment
