Well Done! Bro you're doing great, Believe in yourself these gradual steps will lead us to our Destination.Day 30.
I am tempted to relapse. I would like to masturbate very much. I am not sure how this will end, but I have a feeling that the streak is close to an end. I will try to delay the relapse by going for a very long walk. I don't know. Maybe this will change something in my thinking. I think I am tired of fighting. I would like to rest from restlessness. Especially on weekend.
Battles won against pmo addiction: 108.
30 days hardmode.
Denim jacket reward for 180 days.
No coffee.
congratulations @MS PBH @RiseToGreatness @Average_Joe0285 nice benchmarks
2 days - At Buckland, Bilbo gives you Sting - an Elven short-sword made in Gondolin. It will turn blue when porn forces are around.
Quest Item - Sting![]()
Thank You MateThank you mate much appreciated.
I’ve never thought of it like that. Thanks for the advice I’ll try to change my mindset.
Well Done! Bro you're doing great, Believe in yourself these gradual steps will lead us to our Destination.
I'm very happy to see your beautiful streak![]()
Day 11Day 10
Day 93, trod on!Day 91, trod on!
85 days – Exiting the swamp you found something shining behind a small rock: a ring made of mithril and set with a white gem. Lady Galadriel appears.
"This is Nenya, the Ring of Adamant, and I am its Keeper. I give it to you mighty Traveler, so it may protect you against lust evil."
Quest Magic – Nenya
90 daysYou reached the Black Gate of Mordor. Power and wisdom runs through your veins, you´re a servant of the Secret Fire, Wielder of The Flame of Anor, a Grey Wizard.