Day 12,Day 11
Today is my day 12 and its not good i am having anxiety attack, nausea and weird kind of feeling which i am not able to comprehend ,and i would like to point out one thing am not a person who was in depression or anything or any other emotional trauma then why did this happened to me today is a mystery for me so i started to feel urges i didnt succumb to them and when i denied to go for pmo/sx chat/video x/ then all of a sudden i was feeling this emotion of anxiety and i was having nausea too so after a while i went to a chatting app so i can talk to a human being ,usually this is how i relapse but today i ws dedicated to have an healthy conversation and when u detest from certain things universe will test you exactly thats what happend not even a single person wants to talk to me everyone out there is into virtual fun so i didnt talk to them just sitting here and feeling weird and anxious about whats gone happen and am ready to reset my counter if anyone of you feel that going to that chatting app was not good idea because this fraternity that we have here matters to me .