THE Reason We Achieve "Superpowers" on Nofap

Hammond Egger

So many people on here notice that they achieve superpowers when they're on nofap. They get more muscular, they have more energy, more motivation, women seem to flock to them, their voice gets deeper, they feel way more confident, they're better in social situations, people respect them more, they become more aggressive, their sex lives are 10x better, they start looking more attractive, they start experiencing more joy and so on...

Now let me ask you this, what do all these superpowers have in common?

Here's the answer: TESTOSTERONE!

This is the main reason we achieve all these so called "superpowers." I've seen so many people on here miss this point or think its something else. Let me explain. When you use PMO, you absolutely fry your dopamine and androgen receptors in your brain. When you stop PMO, your dopamine receptors increase and return to normal levels. What does this do? Well, dopamine receptors are tied to testosterone. The more dopamine receptors you have, the more your testosterone is utilized in your body!

This is why so many fapstranauts notice an insane amount of female attraction. Women are attracted to masculine men with a high testosterone! Think about it, what kind of women are the majority of men attracted to? Are they attracted to masculine women? No! They want a really feminine woman. Same goes for women. They LOVE masculine men. The more you heal your dopamine/androgen receptors, the more you utilize your testosterone, the more masculine you become! Isn't that incredible!?

Conclusion: PMO destroys your dopamine/androgen receptors, which results in less testosterone utilized. This means your body is producing testosterone but it's not able to use it effectively! Your testosterone is just going to be wasted. The more you abstain, the more your body is able to utilize your real testosterone levels.
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I agree 100% with you brother sr is the key to life,men were never supossed to ejaculate 30 times a month wtf,but you know who keeps pushing this lie on the media,it's obvious.

My brother, your point is excellent. The masses want us to believe this is normal, but it's not! They're trying to brainwash everyone so they can become their brainwashed sex addicted slaves.

For those of you doubters that want proof, try to ejaculate 10 times in 2 days and see how you feel afterwards. If you don't feel awful, miserable and drained I will give you $100,000.

Our precious semen is our life energy, don't ever forget that!
Yin and Yang. It's such a simple concept. But people love excess of everything. Even water can kill you when consumed in excess quantities.
Oh well, the world is the way it is. It's not gonna change anytime soon anyway.
Sadness and stress can cause low testosterone. When you watch porn and mastrabate you feel stressed since you lost a lot and feel sad which lowers testrostrone and cortisol goes up deactivating testrostrone and less testosterone makes you more stressed sad and turns to a vicious cycle. And lowers willpower making pmo hard to quit
Society needs weak men now so it's easier to manipulate with us. Weak men won't resist. They will get their pleasures, they will get their burgers, porn, beers etc. They will have that virtual vagina all over the place and they won't need anything else. As long as they have 5 second pleasures, they won't have any motivation to man up.
I fap (without porn) a few times a week, if not daily, and I have a deeper voice and higher testosterone levels than all of you combined.

Joke aside, stop associating the benefits you get from other improved areas with NoFap, please.

It's just misleading.

"More muscular". That's called bodybuilding pal.

"Deeper voice". For teenagers going through puberty, yes. For adults, no. Otherwise, how?

"More confidence". Sure. But that's not testosterone. It comes from the pride you feel when improving your life and working on your goals.

"Women seem to flock to them". Seem. But NoFap alone doesn't do anything. You gotta take care of yourself, dress well, behave confidently...and if you are ugly, good luck. (sorry. Just the truth).

And I could go on like this forever.

Only thing I agree with is the sexual health aspect. Porn induced erectile dysfunction is a real thing.

The rest is just called living life to its fullest, my friends. It has nothing to do with superpowers.

Stop believing this shit is a magic pill.
I fap (without porn) a few times a week, if not daily, and I have a deeper voice and higher testosterone levels than all of you combined.

Joke aside, stop associating the benefits you get from other improved areas with NoFap, please.

It's just misleading.

"More muscular". That's called bodybuilding pal.

"Deeper voice". For teenagers going through puberty, yes. For adults, no. Otherwise, how?

"More confidence". Sure. But that's not testosterone. It comes from the pride you feel when improving your life and working on your goals.

"Women seem to flock to them". Seem. But NoFap alone doesn't do anything. You gotta take care of yourself, dress well, behave confidently...and if you are ugly, good luck. (sorry. Just the truth).

And I could go on like this forever.

Only thing I agree with is the sexual health aspect. Porn induced erectile dysfunction is a real thing.

The rest is just called living life to its fullest, my friends. It has nothing to do with superpowers.

Stop believing this shit is a magic pill.
Nofap is great, but it's just a tool. There are no super-powers, that's just the way a man should be. Porn just has kept us away from that lifestyle!
That is how far porn has taken us. We see normal things as superpowers. Damn, in 30 years talking to a girl will be like a super-giga-chad-alpha-male thing or smth, smh.
Idk about the giga chad part, but yeah pretty much. This isn't actually super in any way shape or form, OP basically just said if you stop pmo your testosterone levels will return to normal which has been shown. But if you have sex and ejaculate, its still ejaculation anyways. Everything else is just placebo associated with other things in your life though. The people who actually become pmo free for longer than 90 days did other things to nourish their life and reduce the need for pmo(but a key point is they weren't doing these things to get rid of porn, they did it because its generally a good idea to establish healthy habits) so of course they experienced a lot of benefits. There's no point in having expectations of benefits or "superpowers", just drop pmo because its what you want to do. If you meet these expectations it doesn't enhance the joy(except maybe in relief) because you already expected it from all the superpower posts, and if you don't meet those expectations you're just disappointed. Its a lose-lose dynamic.
I fap (without porn) a few times a week, if not daily, and I have a deeper voice and higher testosterone levels than all of you combined.

Joke aside, stop associating the benefits you get from other improved areas with NoFap, please.

It's just misleading.

"More muscular". That's called bodybuilding pal.

"Deeper voice". For teenagers going through puberty, yes. For adults, no. Otherwise, how?

"More confidence". Sure. But that's not testosterone. It comes from the pride you feel when improving your life and working on your goals.

"Women seem to flock to them". Seem. But NoFap alone doesn't do anything. You gotta take care of yourself, dress well, behave confidently...and if you are ugly, good luck. (sorry. Just the truth).

And I could go on like this forever.

Only thing I agree with is the sexual health aspect. Porn induced erectile dysfunction is a real thing.

The rest is just called living life to its fullest, my friends. It has nothing to do with superpowers.

Stop believing this shit is a magic pill.
Don't be such a pessimist. Regarding the deeper voice, this is my opinion: calling it a “deeper voice” is an injustice. First of all a lot of men purposely try to make their voice sound deeper, which is just cringey.
I don’t think the voice gets deeper per say, it’s more so that you’re more confident, precise, and clear with your speech. This could appear as if it’s deeper for some. It’s kind of like the opposite of when you’re going back and forth in your mind thinking if you should say something or what should you say, and when you finally do say it, it comes out kind of hesitant, low volume and insecure. That stops happening. I am already experiencing this effect after only 2 weeks. I will not argue what it's caused by, but it is definitely apparent.

More confidence.. who are any of us to say what it comes from? None of this has been scientifcally tested. It could be a combination of many things. It doesn't matter what it comes from, the point is it happens.

Women thing.. i believe that has a lot to do with the presence you walk around with when on a streak. You just tend to carry yourself better. Some people are definitely over the top with the women attraction beliefs, I will admit.

I also sleep much better when on a good streak, have more enhanced dreams, can tolerate less amount of sleep, and so forth. There are mechanisms at play that we don't fully understand.
Drops in real quick-

Y'know, I kinda doubt that with your day 0 being a thing up there. You'd be quite the challenging foe with a 2nd tier of double digits on that counter.
I don't really understand what you are trying to say bro.

But when I was out of this site for months, I've reached 76 days without PMO, which will forever remain my all time record.

And it didn't do anything. Even after I relapsed, my life and my being were the same.

I'm saying all this from experience and the many setbacks I went through. And the mere fact that you guys judge each other based on the counter prove my point.

So whatever you tried to say, my point remains.

I don't really understand what you are trying to say bro.

But when I was out of this site for months, I've reached 76 days without PMO, which will forever remain my all time record.

And it didn't do anything. Even after I relapsed, my life and my being were the same.

I'm saying all this from experience and the many setbacks I went through. And the mere fact that you guys judge each other based on the counter prove my point.

So whatever you tried to say, my point remains.

I'm not trying to change what you said about nofap not actually giving you powers, I'm saying that you're acting way too big for someone with a small streak is all. But yeah, I'm just trying to mess with you a bit. See you around.
The longer I've gone down this path the more I'm in tune with the spiritual plane of existence. Anything that happens in the spiritual plane will end up later manifesting down here in the lower physical plane.

When I started semen retention I must admit I was gung ho about the benefits that everybody kept touting. Undoubtedly the healing of dopamine and androgen receptors plays a role. However on a larger scale when one commits himself to a disciplined path the Universe takes notice and responds accordingly.

When you live life in accordance with the natural order good things manifest in the physical plane (i.e. benefits).

When you live life like some loser jackoff, which I used to be, life sucks for you.

Just like The Police sang...We are spirits in the material world
I don't really understand what you are trying to say bro.

But when I was out of this site for months, I've reached 76 days without PMO, which will forever remain my all time record.

And it didn't do anything. Even after I relapsed, my life and my being were the same.

I'm saying all this from experience and the many setbacks I went through. And the mere fact that you guys judge each other based on the counter prove my point.

So whatever you tried to say, my point remains.


I'm not really sure what your angle is, but it seems that you're encouraging PMO in your two posts on this thread.

For most, they cannot MO without porn for a simple reason. They're addicts, so they associated both MO with porn. Starting to MO, eventually, will lead them back to porn. You mentioned before that you MO multiple times a week , if not everyday. Although I agree that a streak number is not necessarily the pointer towards success in life, in your case..well your counter is back to 1 day no porn. Meaning you relapsed back to full PMO, it's clear as an addict you're having trouble giving it up and you cannot continue by just going the route of MO. The route of MO lead you back to full PMO as I mentioned above. You may want to consider going full abstinence from PMO for longer than 90 days, in fact 90 days is merely fake. In certain cases you won't notice a difference even after 6 months, depending on how addicted you were. Just look at the PAWs forum of nofap. Some of those people flatline for 2 years.

It comes down to this, you're using PMO to run away from certain things in your life. Figure out what that is, face it and the need for PMO will disappear with abstinence. People who develop great success in their lives on a long streak, are those who combine abstinence with facing their inner emotional turmoil. Those who simply count days and hope for miracle will remain stranded.
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