- The social problem of our time - Porn, PIED, Feminism, Beta Males, the Drug War and Brain Fog


I am not misogynistic, so please don't go reporting me for some bs.

This will be the last post I make ever here on NoFap. I will say some of the stuff on her might not be what you want to here but its the truth.

1) Porn and PIED
I want to share with you all what I have observed to be the social problem of our time.
It all starts with Porn. IMHO Porn has completely replaced real sex for some guys, it causes PIED which makes guy even in a relationship not be able to perform and not be able to experience the true pleasure of sex. Why is this so important? Well, its only something a select few of us who have rebooted before/gotten beyond 200 days No P, No M know about. Basically, it feels overwhelmingly good. Better than drugs even.

"Duh" you might say. But do you really know the true pleasure of sex? Have you really gone 200 days without a single sexual thought and then had sex? Can you really say you are enjoying sex more than a caveman would? The caveman may never see a girl for months of even years. You on the other hand are exposed to pretty modern women and pornography 24/7. You have a tolerance to it i.e you say "meh" when a super attractive girl walks by. On the other hand the caveman might kill just to look at her.

Why does this matter. Well, because it involves Drive ~ the desire to do something to get something - which this generation lacks due to being spoiled with porn and other abundant things. You dont hunt for your food you buy it at a store, you dont talk to that girl you watch porn, etc. etc. Guys with a high sex drive are more alpha and are the "go getters" of our society. The are willing to do things. Porn Destroys that.

2) Feminism and Beta Males

As a result of PIED men become "sissies" ~ also know as beta males. They settle for less because they have no drive in life. Perhaps they think they do, but its just a delusion for their weak mind. Desire for money you say? Yes, however, they wont work for it truly like an alpha will. They're not out there taking risk.
This leads me to modern "third-wave" feminism. I believe many women are unhappy due to an abundance of beta males. They are use to betas kissing up to them (because betas are really bad at communicating with a women in a sexual way) that they are repulsed by beta males. When an alpha comes there way, they may not know how to handle the strong drive of the man. As a result, we have things like "Men are evil" or "All men a rapist". For one thing, I DO NOT CONDONE RAPE. However, I believe women are let off the hook too easily in the legal system and I believe that women must take responsibility for their own actions just as men should.

As a result alpha males get tired of this and the cycle repeats. Both women and alpha males don't trust one another, and so cheating is common place now. All because of Porn, PIED, and Beta Males. THATS the problem with modern feminism.

3) The Drug War and Brain Fog

The war on drugs is the biggest infringement on human rights that has ever been set in affect my modern organized governments. Worse than the Holocaust. Why? Simple, the prohibition of psychedelics. How does this relate to Porn, PIED, Beta Males, and Feminism? Well, because of Brain Fog. Brain Fog is a side effect of pornography usage, it makes long term thinking and planning very difficult. When humans aren't happy with their most fundamental pleasure and reason for existence ~ sex and reproduction ~ then they will be unhappy. Therefore they don't think. And when they don't think they ignore all the diabolical things that organized states have done time and time again throughout history - the industrialized wars, the prison system, the economical lies, the suppression of many secrets, the fact that we serve the state more than the state serves us. Government is like a business and we are the shareholders and we have a right to direct the organization to do things we need it to do.
Where does this end? Well, psychedelics. Psychedelics are extremely illegal and if you are caught you risk a prison sentence longer than most first degree murder charges. Why? Because psychedelics truly make you look at the world in a high definition view. You look at something twice instead of just ignoring it. And you'll look at the world and our governments and say "wait, this is bullshit".

And that ladies and gentlemen is the problem with our society. We are to distracted and confused and mad at each other to realize that of government doesn't want us to question their motives because they are unfair and a practical monarchy.
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Where does this end? Well, psychedelics. Psychedelics are extremely illegal and if you are caught you risk a prison sentence longer than most first degree murder charges. Why? Because psychedelics truly make you look at the world in a high definition view. You look at something twice instead of just ignoring it. And you'll look at the world and our governments and say "wait, this is bullshit".
Oh, and by the way, you don't need psychedelics to see flaws in the world. You just need a brain. ;)
Figures- I wouldn't expect yall to understand what I'm trying to say. I see it was too complex and complicated for y'all to piece together

Also @NoBrainer I said that beta males is the cause of modern feminism. As feminism once had a place back in the 1920s and 1970s but now it's a sexist movement. But I don't really wanna start and argument about that.

@Deadlihood the Holocaust was bad, however the war on drugs imprisons millions and has ruined an entire continent(south America) and has been going on for half a century now

My main point was that we as a society are too busy hating each other and distracted to notice that we are being worked too hard by the state.
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It's not difficult to understand what you're saying.
Porn doesn't necessarily kill your sex drive. I know guys who watch porn non stop and still have the strong drive to have sex. Porn affects different men differently. There is no one size fits everything.
A cavemen would have probably seen many women because cavemen were social creatures and probably lived in tribes of several dozens. We don't know that much about cavemen but they probably fucked around a lot as there was no shame or religion back then to stop them.

Most females are actually not hardcore feminists. That's just a minority. Maybe in the U.S it's that bad, but I don't believe that.
And the whole Beta/Alpha male discussion is complete Bullshit. It's completely stupid to categorize men in two categories which are pretty much loser and winner. There is a lot in between. People are individuals and putting them in one of two categories is wrong on so many levels.

It's not just porn that leads to brain fog. Most people live a hedonistic live style which prevents them from critically thinking about how our society works and they are unable to see the flaws in it. It's porn's fault too but only partly.
I am not misogynistic, so please don't go reporting me for some bs.

This will be the last post I make ever here on NoFap. I will say some of the stuff on her might not be what you want to here but its the truth.

1) Porn and PIED
I want to share with you all what I have observed to be the social problem of our time.
It all starts with Porn. IMHO Porn has completely replaced real sex for some guys, it causes PIED which makes guy even in a relationship not be able to perform and not be able to experience the true pleasure of sex. Why is this so important? Well, its only something a select few of us who have rebooted before/gotten beyond 200 days No P, No M know about. Basically, it feels overwhelmingly good. Better than drugs even.

"Duh" you might say. But do you really know the true pleasure of sex? Have you really gone 200 days without a single sexual thought and then had sex? Can you really say you are enjoying sex more than a caveman would? The caveman may never see a girl for months of even years. You on the other hand are exposed to pretty modern women and pornography 24/7. You have a tolerance to it i.e you say "meh" when a super attractive girl walks by. On the other hand the caveman might kill just to look at her.

Why does this matter. Well, because it involves Drive ~ the desire to do something to get something - which this generation lacks due to being spoiled with porn and other abundant things. You dont hunt for your food you buy it at a store, you dont talk to that girl you watch porn, etc. etc. Guys with a high sex drive are more alpha and are the "go getters" of our society. The are willing to do things. Porn Destroys that.

2) Feminism and Beta Males

As a result of PIED men become "sissies" ~ also know as beta males. They settle for less because they have no drive in life. Perhaps they think they do, but its just a delusion for their weak mind. Desire for money you say? Yes, however, they wont work for it truly like an alpha will. They're not out there taking risk.
This leads me to modern "third-wave" feminism. I believe many women are unhappy due to an abundance of beta males. They are use to betas kissing up to them (because betas are really bad at communicating with a women in a sexual way) that they are repulsed by beta males. When an alpha comes there way, they may not know how to handle the strong drive of the man. As a result, we have things like "Men are evil" or "All men a rapist". For one thing, I DO NOT CONDONE RAPE. However, I believe women are let off the hook too easily in the legal system and I believe that women must take responsibility for their own actions just as men should.

As a result alpha males get tired of this and the cycle repeats. Both women and alpha males don't trust one another, and so cheating is common place now. All because of Porn, PIED, and Beta Males. THATS the problem with modern feminism.

3) The Drug War and Brain Fog

The war on drugs is the biggest infringement on human rights that has ever been set in affect my modern organized governments. Worse than the Holocaust. Why? Simple, the prohibition of psychedelics. How does this relate to Porn, PIED, Beta Males, and Feminism? Well, because of Brain Fog. Brain Fog is a side effect of pornography usage, it makes long term thinking and planning very difficult. When humans aren't happy with their most fundamental pleasure and reason for existence ~ sex and reproduction ~ then they will be unhappy. Therefore they don't think. And when they don't think they ignore all the diabolical things that organized states have done time and time again throughout history - the industrialized wars, the prison system, the economical lies, the suppression of many secrets, the fact that we serve the state more than the state serves us. Government is like a business and we are the shareholders and we have a right to direct the organization to do things we need it to do.
Where does this end? Well, psychedelics. Psychedelics are extremely illegal and if you are caught you risk a prison sentence longer than most first degree murder charges. Why? Because psychedelics truly make you look at the world in a high definition view. You look at something twice instead of just ignoring it. And you'll look at the world and our governments and say "wait, this is bullshit".

And that ladies and gentlemen is the problem with our society. We are to distracted and confused and mad at each other to realize that of government doesn't want us to question their motives because they are unfair and a practical monarchy.
Too much of beta behavior certainly is not a great thing and porn is responsible for big part of the problem. It's not the only thing that causes brain fog tho. There are a lot of those addictive control tactics (or maybe just shitty accidents, I'm not really sure how I feel about "Illuminati" type conspiracy theories), apart from porn, that are used to put us in "sleep". And yea, sometimes drugs can alter our state of consciousness and wake us up. So I agree with you on a lot of things. Except on you saying that PIED is what creates a beta male, doesn't make any sense. Are you saying that worth of a man is measure by how hard his dick is? Cos that certainly seems is what you're saying, wtf man? Could your elaborate on your reasoning behind this, cos I don't get how did you came to such conclusion. Personally I think the worth of a man, if there even is such thing really, is measured by how man behaves; values, beliefs, purpose. Which has nothing to do with PIED. PIED is a symptom not a cause, porn is the (one of the) cause(s).
And the whole Beta/Alpha male discussion is complete Bullshit.
You're either on top of a social situation or on the bottom. No in between.
Are you saying that worth of a man is measure by how hard his dick is?
No Im saying that PIED can lead to less desire and drive which will in turn make one prone to submissive behaviors (beta males) and thus be a sissy that is afraid to take risk and make change.
I'm not really sure how I feel about "Illuminati" type conspiracy theories
I never said anything about that. I dont believe in the Illuminati im just saying that we serve the government more than they serve us and that states have done fucked up shit like send millions of men to fight in wars of ideology (like WW1 for example)
Maybe in the U.S it's that bad,
Yes in the US it is that bad, im from the US. Theyre everywhere, in politics, in law enforcement, in schools, etc.
A cavemen would have probably seen many women because cavemen were social creatures and probably lived in tribes of several dozens.
No, a caveman would not have seen or been exposed to as much sexuality or atleast sexual material that a modern man is today.

I understand my way of thinking may be hard to accept, but its the truth, and its not an opinion, its a fact.
No, a caveman would not have seen or been exposed to as much sexuality or atleast sexual material that a modern man is today.

I understand my way of thinking may be hard to accept, but its the truth, and its not an opinion, its a fact.

I didn't say that they were exposed to as much sexuality as we are today. But claiming that cavemen only saw a woman every few years is quite idiotic. They probably saw naked girls regularly.

I think you have a hard way looking beyond your own view point and see it as fact. But that's probably simply because you want it to be true. You are just spouting lots of mgtow bullshit.

and stop thinking in black and white terms. It's not good.
No Im saying that PIED can lead to less desire and drive
How? I know porn can do that, too much masturbation can do that, but how exactly having PIED would do that? By the time one has PIED he probably would be at that point already, due to porn. To me it's like saying that sore throat is what is causing viral infection. No. It's cold virus that is causing sore throat and viral infection, not pain. Pain is just another symptom. Doesn't make any sense. I think you are mistaking another symptom for the real cause. How exactly soft penis impact one's drive and desire? It's just another symptom of too much porn. Or do you mean psychologically? Like maybe one getting depressed due to that and hence unmotivated? That would make more sense, if that's what you mean.
You are just spouting lots of mgtow bullshit.
Mgtow are real men not following society's sissy route. It's not bullshit at all, the opposite in fact.
@Red Eagle I can see we're going to disagree as I can see you're already becoming angry so let's just end it here.
do you mean psychologically? Like maybe one getting depressed due to that and hence unmotivated?
Yes, having PIED will generally make a man depressed. Yes, unmotivated. So the symptom of porn (PIED) makes him depressed and thus unmotivated.

I think you all underestimate how much porn has infiltrated our society and how much depression it gives many young men as a result of its side effects (PIED, Brain Fog, social anxiety) which leads them to becoming unmotivated beta males.
@RedPillRebooter Do you classify yourself as alpha male?
Of course.
I wasn't always an alpha. I use to be a beta, and was always last at everything. I hated it, i was confused,didn't know how the world worked, and most of all I didn't know why I couldn't be at the top.

But throughout my life I have done things that requires serious courage and bravery. I can't tell you my life story but I am forsure an alpha male.

Thanks to NoFap and yourbrainonporn I have became an alpha due to my rebooting and it has changed my life.
Of course.
I wasn't always an alpha. I use to be a beta, and was always last at everything. I hated it, i was confused,didn't know how the world worked, and most of all I didn't know why I couldn't be at the top.

But throughout my life I have done things that requires serious courage and bravery. I can't tell you my life story but I am forsure an alpha male.

Thanks to NoFap and yourbrainonporn I have became an alpha due to my rebooting and it has changed my life.
I personally classify myself as zeta male. Not a MGTOW though. Anyways, great man. Happy things are working out for you. Keep growing stronger!
Homo sapiens have evolved immensely from cavemen times, unfortunately many still hold this believe that men are the alpha of the two sexes. Due to the long history of white male power and the oppression of women in society it has been hard for some people to grasp this fact. But these limited views on the male gender and the characteristics of masculinity that you speak of is why we need modern feminism.

Also these societal standards on what is 'manly' and "alpha male" is probably a contributing factor to a lot of problems people are speaking about on this site. George Orwell said, “He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it.” We don't need to wear the mask any more!
these limited views on the male gender and the characteristics of masculinity that you speak of is why we need modern feminism
Women have had equal rights for decades.
Women congressman, senators
Women Generals, pilots, tank operators
Women CEOs, bosses
Women presidential candidates,
Women doctors, surgeons, technicians
Women scientist, engineers, mechanics
Women lawyers, prosecutors, judges
Women soldiers, policewoman

Tell me, what exactly are women not allowed to do? Since you believe they are so oppressed?
Women have had equal rights for decades.
Women congressman, senators
Women Generals, pilots, tank operators
Women CEOs, bosses
Women presidential candidates,
Women doctors, surgeons, technicians
Women scientist, engineers, mechanics
Women lawyers, prosecutors, judges
Women soldiers, policewoman

Tell me, what exactly are women not allowed to do? Since you believe they are so oppressed?

Umm they don't have equal right in a lot of countries INCLUDING America!! Think about equal pay, also easy access to womens health care.

Then with the rest of your list, yes they do have positions in these roles. But the percentage if women to men in those roles are minuscule! Also ask those women whether or not they found it easy to get there and what its like being a women holding that position, I'm sure the majority would say it still very difficult.
Then with the rest of your list, yes they do have positions in these roles. But the percentage if women to men in those roles are minuscule! Also ask those women whether or not they found it easy to get there and what its like being a women holding that position, I'm sure the majority would say it still very difficult.
Life's not easy, ask the men in these roles if it was easy to become president or a five star general.
The reason why it's minuscule compared to men is because statistically men have degrees better suited for those jobs then most women. (Not my opinion, look it up)

A man trying to be a geologist will get a degree in geology.
A women trying to be a geologist might have a degree in psychology.

And vice versa.

But don't tell me because women don't have as many roles in the job market is because of "those sexist men and their secret society of keep women down". I see women doctors/lawyers all the time.

Tell me in a straight answer why don't women have as much or more roles in the jobs i listed above?
I would but clearly that many facts and numbers would confuse you even more and I would hate to let a man think he is less intelligent than a WOMAN!