Do you have what it takes to become a Super Saiyan?

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Pushup/exercise is great
I quit exercising for awhile then
But I started again with push-ups 3 days ago
And I have to say they are incredible
It’s not necessarily about the muscle hypertrophy but the willpower it adds

Look.. I’ll give an instance

So last week aii I was reading a manga
The manga is a good it has high ratings and reviews and all
i was so focused and all but the issue was that there were tons of erotic/smut (not nude though) midway in the manga

And I knew I shouldn’t be reading anything that would activate that type of imagination or feelings because it’ll cause chaser effect right? But I kept on reading it assuring myself that nothing would happen i mean it’s not like anyone was nude it was like thirst trap type of things like “ecchi”
So I assured myself that I can enjoy the story peacefully

But the next week after finishing the manga I unconsciously started looking for another manga story with higher ecchi
And that’s when I realized it
If I didn’t realize it’ll increase from that to smut then to real erotic then sex movie till I eventually watch porn and then partake in the final act of MASTURBATION
Tragic right
That’s what happened in my last reset and I was about to repeat the same mistake unconsciously

So as I started doing 50 slow pushups every morning I noticed that when my mind sees something spicy and wants to explore by bringing my attention to it, I can easily say no and change the subject
And it’s so cool
I didn’t know much about the mental benefits of exercise but this is clear evidence
It’s so amazing that I’m aware when my mind is trying to play tricks and I can finally say NO
That’s power!

for you pushups
abstinence might be a powerful shield but it’ll eventually wear out if there’s no sword to fight along with it
So I’ve found my sword(push-ups)
Until an hour ago, I was an elite warrior, now back to being a low class, but Bardock said that I'll survive and blend in on Earth. I know I am destined to do great things. But one effing thing at a time, wait, how long will it take for me to get an ability like Instant transmission? It should be somewhere between becoming a super-saiyan and reaching a level beyond that, right?

So that should be by target then! - Hmm . . . Somewhere between day 45 and 75 - **thinking**

Oh I know, let's mark it as 60

So it begins now, Day 1 of 60, here I come, my instant transmission!!
Day 37 (05.12.2024) - Oozaru

Next goals:
Day 45 - Super Saiyan
Day 75 - Super Saiyan 2
Day 100 - Super Saiyan 3
Day 150 - Super Saiyan God
Day 200 - Super Saiyan Blue
Day 245 - Super Saiyan Blue Evolved
Day 300 - Ultra Instinct
Day 400 - Mastered Ultra Instinct
Day 27/30
Yare Yare daze
Day 38 (06.12.2024) - Oozaru

Next goals:
Day 45 - Super Saiyan
Day 75 - Super Saiyan 2
Day 100 - Super Saiyan 3
Day 150 - Super Saiyan God
Day 200 - Super Saiyan Blue
Day 245 - Super Saiyan Blue Evolved
Day 300 - Ultra Instinct
Day 400 - Mastered Ultra Instinct
Day 39 (07.12.2024) - Oozaru

Next goals:
Day 45 - Super Saiyan
Day 75 - Super Saiyan 2
Day 100 - Super Saiyan 3
Day 150 - Super Saiyan God
Day 200 - Super Saiyan Blue
Day 245 - Super Saiyan Blue Evolved
Day 300 - Ultra Instinct
Day 400 - Mastered Ultra Instinct
Day 40 (08.12.2024) - Oozaru

Next goals:
Day 45 - Super Saiyan
Day 75 - Super Saiyan 2
Day 100 - Super Saiyan 3
Day 150 - Super Saiyan God
Day 200 - Super Saiyan Blue
Day 245 - Super Saiyan Blue Evolved
Day 300 - Ultra Instinct
Day 400 - Mastered Ultra Instinct