Do you have what it takes to become a Super Saiyan?

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It's totally worth it! I feel like I'm past the reboot stage now since I don't hardly have any urges anymore. It wasn't easy getting there though; I've been trying on and off for years to get to this point. The break through for me was through prayer and being open and honest with people in my life. I learned that there was no way I could ever accomplish this on my own. So I reached out to the people that are closest in my life for support. There's a powerful shift that happened when I was vulnerable and allowed other people to help me on my journey. Honestly I think that the ultimate reason I was set free from my struggle was through my consistent prayer alongside the prayers of those that I opened up to. I also started spending the majority of my time focused on starting a new business. Making goals and accomplishing them is where my focus is now. I hope this helps!!
Something else that really helped me a lot was spending time researching the harmful affects of porn on Seeing the facts and figures from scientific studies alongside personal accounts is really eye opening.
Hey guys
It has been a while since I wrote something about my day and now I am back. Apparently I still didn´t manage to stop fapping. I made my own challenge but I failed several times.
Today I had some urges after a 7 day streak und lost control about my body.

So finally I understoond that I / we need support from this community to stay strong.
Good luck! Keep your focus on more important things than fapping and watching porn!
DAY 30 NoPMO Check in

Day 30 - Oozaru
Day 31 check in
relapsed, but no porn was involved.I still think I have to reset the counter as I still M and O.
My body sensations have become more sensitive and improved so I can definitely work in with real females now, just need to wait for my opportunity when this lockdown is all over.Doesnt help me going on instagram 50+ times a day and seeing pics which trigger me but onto my next streak my target was 120 days + and I reached 129 days.My target now Is to make it PMO free during the rest of the quarantine period after that it will be much easier with me being able to direct my drive towards building my body and career.I feel very stuck right now and any suggestions or help are appreciated.
I feel very stuck right now and any suggestions or help are appreciated.
I am in quarantine too, every day at 7 i wake up, pee and wash my face, make my bed and do some exercise with electric bike while watch 2 episodes of Dragon Ball(first series, almost finished) so i can make 40/45+ min and after that i do some solo exercises like push ups, etc... it's not much at home, but this is what i have and is better to do something instead of nothing, all while listening training music.
I always stay at home because i work at PC or study the Germany, so it's normal, i think. Sure i miss going to Park for a run, it's better, but now i can't.
Another way i suggest you is to play games, read book with tee before going to bed early. So you can distract your self from stories, at last this is what i do, by playing FINAL FANTASY X now, and instead of carving on porn i try hard to complete the game at 100%, which can take more than 200+ hours of game, total worth it at the end.
I had a dream one of those days which helped me a lot to find out my motivation and it's the best dream i ever had in my entire life. I will not share with anyone what it was, but it helped me to wake up one last time and keep in mind not to open porn but documentations(i'm a programmer :D) so i can solve problems in my code.

But as i see, 129 days is really nice as no PMO count. So if you could make this fare, you can still go on. Good luck.
I am in quarantine too, every day at 7 i wake up, pee and wash my face, make my bed and do some exercise with electric bike while watch 2 episodes of Dragon Ball(first series, almost finished) so i can make 40/45+ min and after that i do some solo exercises like push ups, etc... it's not much at home, but this is what i have and is better to do something instead of nothing, all while listening training music.
I always stay at home because i work at PC or study the Germany, so it's normal, i think. Sure i miss going to Park for a run, it's better, but now i can't.
Another way i suggest you is to play games, read book with tee before going to bed early. So you can distract your self from stories, at last this is what i do, by playing FINAL FANTASY X now, and instead of carving on porn i try hard to complete the game at 100%, which can take more than 200+ hours of game, total worth it at the end.
I had a dream one of those days which helped me a lot to find out my motivation and it's the best dream i ever had in my entire life. I will not share with anyone what it was, but it helped me to wake up one last time and keep in mind not to open porn but documentations(i'm a programmer :D) so i can solve problems in my code.

But as i see, 129 days is really nice as no PMO count. So if you could make this fare, you can still go on. Good luck.
Thank you bro I appreciate you help and input honestly! yes I do agree however I do not have a ps4 or any gaming console so I may look into buying one while im in quarantine