Ty, but my focus is not to update my Class here, but to put porn out of my life and with those hours i have i use them for work/study, without distraction. For now, i focus day by day, then week by week, and month by month, till i'll reach 90 to reboot and see how my life changed and how me, my soul or real me is. If i will change(and i changed in the last month, i realize porn is dangerous for me, or i will not be here trying to quit) i will be real, that version of my self that i really wanna be, i will live, maybe i will be able to love for real instead of think about sex every time i see a girl.
I want to do the Hard-Mode NoFap, no PMO for the next 89 days. Last night i had some urges, but didn't do anything.
I wanna do that to abstain from Porn at all, Masturbate and Orgasm. Maybe when this will be over i would start to MO sometimes, but gonna see how my life would be then, taking care of your self is also good, but not like i was doing since now, spending too much time from work/study.
PS: for the future, in a relationship, i think it's ok to still watch porn so the both of us can learn something new. But i don't say that to violence, etc... just normal stuff. So for this i believe that maybe i will watch porn again, but not like now, taking hours of my days, that's all.
I have figured out that my counter change a little bit later, here in Germany i put the counter at 17:00, but when i come to the forum at 20:00, it changed.