Day 36 check inDay 35 check in
Day 36 check inDay 35 check in
I will train new evening habits, that should make it easier for me to stay away from P.@TheHolyTrinity, watch and pay attention to this video that I'm about to show you. It should be helpful. You gotta relax and stay calm. We've all been down that road before. So, don't beat yourself up because of that. So.. again, watch this video. And you should check out Improvement Pill on youtube. His videos are really helpful for me.
Relapsed unfortunately, back to day 0.
I will train new evening habits, that should make it easier for me to stay away from P.
Try to think each time you resist to release it the concentration inside grows and you will get stronger.I feel so... "full" or the more appropriate term is "opposite of empty" without PMO-ing. I have this urge to "release" all that "energy" inside of me... I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad one. It's like Ki charging up inside of me. The urge to do a Ki Blast (iykwim) is very strong. I'm confused as to what is going on.
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Day 0 again, i'm relapsing a lot lately, for now i don't know what can happen...