Do you have what it takes to become a Super Saiyan?

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Forgot to write in my Journal, I'll not do it today... Day 2.

Everything is fine, in a random day I tell to someone in a group in Telegram that I have difficulties on sleeping, well, that guy said to me that it's really hard to sleep without getting yourself tired. I prove that this is true now, I'm sleeping as an angel since I'm studying and reading hard everyday.
Day 0
Not doing great against pmo lately, i mean what the hell happened to me LOL, i don't care about PMO, but i end up doing it cuz i'm bored? Damn thats not the real me, i gotta get my shit together...

Anyway this is me right now, it totally describes my situation, the world is in chaos and pmo is laughing at me. Gohan vs Broly, im gohan and broly is PMO! I try, but i lose. lol

Day 0
Not doing great against pmo lately, i mean what the hell happened to me LOL, i don't care about PMO, but i end up doing it cuz i'm bored? Damn thats not the real me, i gotta get my shit together...

Anyway this is me right now, it totally describes my situation, the world is in chaos and pmo is laughing at me. Gohan vs Broly, im gohan and broly is PMO! I try, but i lose. lol

The same shit happened to me.
I didn't even want to but still relapsed, don't know wtf is going wrong,
Day 0 .
Let's get this :emoji_muscle: .
() Welcome to the Super Saiyan Challenge ()


@[B]Invincible Under The Sun[/B]

Are you tired of relapsing? You know you have a greater power within you but can't unleash it? Join me in the Super Saiyan Challenge, train hard and become your strongest version.
Rules are simple: NO PMO.
(Sex with partner is allowed. How do you think Trunks was born to save the Future?)

I challenge YOU to reach at least the level of Super Saiyan.
If you relapse, Zeno the King of all will erase all your Super Saiyan powers, you will LOSE ALL your transformations and techniques, you will be back to zero and you will have to start your training all over again. Tag me if you wanna join so i can put you on the list, but by the time you say you're in you are already in the challenge, so don't need to wait until i add you to the list, i will update with your name when i see it. Feel free to journal your progress here, using pictures or gifs to represent what you are feeling at the moment and helping each other. Check in every day if you can please, but if you don't check in during a whole week your name will be removed from the challenge, and you will have to wait a week again to come back, once you're back you will have to check in everyday for a whole week to prove you are taking this seriously THEN i'll put you're name on the list and you can use your signature again, if you try to come back before the one week of penalty your comments will be removed. I don't do this to be mean, but to set some order around here because some people say they are in and never come back, i undestand that checking in everyday sometimes is hard due to real life stuff, and make you lose all your progress if you don't check in every day does not seem fair because nofap is hard, but a whole week is too much. This should motivate you a bit to take it more seriously. Nofap is no joke, its serious and it is about taking your life back, so if you wanna be a true Saiyan you MUST take your training seriously.
Use your current transformation and its color in your signature with a link to this thread, showing everyone that you are a true Saiyan warrior, copy and paste this: "(悟) Type here your current form Training in the SUPER SAIYAN CHALLENGE
" in your signature by clicking here -> link. Feel free to discuss all things DBZ and other animes if you wish.
Now, here are the following transformations you can get by training hard:

Day 0 - Low-Class Warrior

Day 15 - Elite Warrior

Day 30 - Oozaru


Day 45 - Super Saiyan

You have awakened the legendary warrior within you.

Day 75 - Super Saiyan 2

Day 100 - Super Saiyan 3

Congratulations if you made this far. You are the ultimate warrior. Can you get even stronger? :emoji_comet:

Day 150 - Super Saiyan God

Day 200 - Super Saiyan Blue

Day 245 - Super Saiyan Blue Evolved

Day 300 - Ultra Instinct


Day 400 - Mastered Ultra Instinct


You are unstoppable, invincible, the perfect warrior.
You can beat anything in life.

Current Z Fighters:


Low-Class Warrior

@The Real JokeErr
@To win
@Ellichara the Reshiram
@Small Might
@Manly Man
@Michael Sternig
@maman the sleeping beast
@Invincible Under The Sun
@Moin M. Pancha

Elite Warrior

@Brahmachari 17


Super Saiyan


Super Saiyan 2


Super Saiyan 3
@Rohit kumar chowdary
@Gandalf the White

Super Saiyan God

Super Saiyan Blue

Super Saiyan Blue Evolved

Ultra Instinct


Mastered Ultra Instinct


Obs: Tag me if you reach a transformation so i can update!

:emoji_star2:SUPER TIPS:emoji_star2:


Eat Healthy:emoji_yum:

Training / Work out:emoji_punch:

Read and Study:emoji_nerd:

Focus on your career:emoji_money_mouth:

Take Cold Showers:emoji_sweat_smile:

Well... That's it folks!:emoji_grinning:

I hope you can join me and we can all see your progress. Together we are stronger.
So... what is your power level? See ya! :emoji_hand_splayed:
Day 33