Do you have what it takes to become a Super Saiyan?

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I have reached a power that was far from what I thought was possible I am now a Super Saiyan. The real stuff though I can say that I have successfully beaten NNN for the first time it was a tough journey felt strong urges around my day 25ish came close to edging but i pushed through and then I said on day 30 that i would come here only for important stuff and tbh i have come to this website almost everyday but not more than 5-10 mins only for motivation so I am happy. After day 30 everything was very smooth not many urges... I must say until now i was focused on doing NoFap and beating NNN and other stuff since i had taken it onto my ego and unknowingly didn’t increase my productivity cuz the time i wasted on pmo was now going onto self help vids well atleast i learnt something and i am gonna utilise this knowledge.....Coming to me being productive and actually studying I must say I still am not at the optimal stage but yes its been a lot better than before NoFap i can concentrate more..I had started Cold showers a couple weeks back and did them around 50% of the time so i am fairly happy i will improve the number slowly.. I also started writing a journal/diary which i have written 5 out of 14 days so i have to work on consistency... The only thing left to do is beat my Procrastination and get some sums done... my family has done a lot for me the least I can do is study well and make them happy.. Ik this is a long post but yeah once again i am only gonna come here during milestones and I felt like writing my heart out would help clear clutter.. Also i am currently not facing any Flatline cuz idk my focus now is not on Nofap or pmo i am not thinking anymore about pmo cuz i feel there is a far greater goal i must try to achieve and all this is just to unlock my potential.. Once again thank you everyone for your posts and to all those who had once fallen I hope you all bounce back stronger than ever before and with that note this long post comes to an end and the journey to a satisfied me begins.......
Thanks for this, my friend! I want to help as much as I can, and where I can. I would not be where I am at, were it not for all the help I received from others, that definitely includes everyone in the Saiyan brotherhood!
Ur help is really appreciated....Your post are motivating as hell as well..So proud to have someone like u here