THE VIKING CHALLENGE | 90 days / 3 years | (OPEN)

Do you have the potential to become a true Viking?

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vlastas /
Today I have the honor to proclaim that @stoicrebooter92 has reached the rank of a Jomsviking. He is the second ever reached this new established and especially honourable rank.

Melkor3D -
1. Main goal: nosurf day 6 ✅ contender
-only open outdoor or in case of real emergency
-don’t do anything not allowed if blocking break
-Plan everything fun tomorrow
-important, note+timer rule
Blocking stayed closed. Reached day 6. I am really proud of this, havn't made it that far since long time ago.

2. strictMedia: phone boxing, noaudio, note+timer➕
Working on it.

3. Getting up and morning routine✅

4. Daily Schedule: new & ⅔ ➕
I did stick to the plan, but it was an easy day yesterday. Today will be more challenging.

5. Meditation before 20:00 day 1✅
Did it at afternoon. I also catched up the wim hof breathing which I couldn't do in the morning.

6. Weekly workout plan✅
6 Km running

7. Learning ca.2,5/5h➡
-Learning goal tomorrow: 6h
8. Sleeping at 21:45❌
It ws 23:05. Was a bit too late, but still great archievement.Yesterday was a very critical day due to a lot of reasons.
and on days like this I have very high probability to sit at the computer for hours until late at night instead of sleeping. But I slept at once after my friends left.

It was day 7 noPMO and day 19 noMP.
OK starting from tomorrow
Wake up at 7 : study languages
then workout plus meditation plus cold shower
afternoon : work on my project.-1 goal a day-
-eat healthy
-Write my progress here every night
-Turn off light and Wifi right after sunset.
-Socialize,Play (outdoors, or with the cat) Read or sleep.

SUNDAYS and Mondays Water fast

I ll make it.
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1. Main goal: nosurf day 7 ✅ eligible for viking army
-only open outdoor or in case of real emergency
-don’t do anything not allowed if blocking break
-Plan everything fun tomorrow
-important, note+timer rule
This day was easy, after the struggles yesterday (the day before yesterday). Reached the elilgible rank

2. strictMedia: phone boxing, noaudio, note+timer❌
Heared some news in the evening. Not reason to be worried, as I had a productive day and went to bed on time. But something I want to work on.

3. Getting up and morning routine✅

4. Daily Schedule: new & ⅔ ✅

5. Meditation before 20:00 day 2✅
Did 17 minutes yoga nidra meditation at afternoon. Worked really good, my body remembers the state of relaxation connected with it.
I also did the Wim Hof breathing in the morning.

6. Weekly workout plan✅
Was at the gym and ran 6 minutes on 3:56 pace. Heart rate shows potential to go faster, but I want to take it slow. Still not at the state I was before the flue.

7. Learning ca.1,5/5h
Had some meetings for studying and therefore no complete counting. Also lots of chores. Today is a learning day with planned 8h.

-Learning goal tomorrow: 8h
(Goal for today)

8. Sleeping at 21:45✅
It was a bit too late, but still ok

It was day 8 noPMO and day 20 noPM.
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Day 4 .....Warriors! Today we face a fierce beast that seeks to test our strength and courage. But fear not!! for we are descendants of the gods themselves and our fate is to triumph in battle. Remember...... if we fall in combat, Valhalla awaits us.... where we will feast and fight until the end of time.... So let us raise our swords high!!!! and charge into the fray!!!!! Victory or Valhalla!!!