Things you lost to PMO


Greetings warriors,
PMO is a viscous cycle to which we all have lost something. For some it's their health, wealth, relationships, passion, job, etc. PLEASE RIGHT DOWN BELOW WHATEVER YOU'VE LOST TO THIS PMO ADDICTION and how your life would've looked now if you never got addicted to PMO in the first place. Take a snap of your answer too and do watch it when an urge hits.
Time, energy, determination and abs. PMO took at least this much from me, well the abs are an indirect consequence and determination is mainly due to lack of energy but I can trace PMO to the cause. PMO also took away any shred of honesty I had. It scares me how easily I lie. If I didn't PMO in the first place, I can't guarantee that I'd still have my abs (there could have been many reasons to which I didn't work out for a year) but I could guarantee that I would have been a more honest person, to myself and to others. I probably would have better grades now. Unfortunately, I made some bad decisions. Now I'm reclaiming what's mine by eliminating PMO. It really doesn't have a need to be there.
Lost the love of my life as well. I convinced myself I didn’t have an addiction because it wasn’t “that bad” (1-4 times a week, for 5-10 minutes at a time). This also resulted in us having less sex, which was so unfair for her. Why I ever PMOd instead of engaging with the love of my life is so maddening in hindsight. So happy to finally be addressing my addiction.
I've lost the motivation and discipline that I once had. I used to be able to get everything done in time or way before it was due. I was able to wake up early without an alarm, and complete online courses and homework in the blink of an eye. Now it feels like forever because I decided to take the easy way out.
I've lost many opportunities throughout the years. I came to the U.S. not long ago with my family, and instead of doing the most that I could to succeed and make my family and God proud, I lost myself to PMO, and the addiction kept getting worse and worse over the years.
I've lost many friends that I had. My aggressiveness from PMOing made me act irrationally towards them and slowly I started to lose contact with them, only fueling my loneliness. I've just recently began reconciling with them again.
I've lost the chance to create good friendships and loving relationships with girls because PMOing made me so afraid and insecure around people. Instead I am now stuck with a few good people in my friend group, some of who don't have values that really align with mine, and that I'm now debating whether I should let go of or not.
I've lost respect for my life, my family and God. I put my self-pleasure above them all and started becoming hostile about small things and a lazy burden to them instead of the aid that I should've been.
I've lost my identity. Who I used to be, and who I swore I would become when I was given the chance to live a better life. I hope that I can regain that.

While I've mostly escaped the P part of PMO, as I've become naturally attracted once again to real women, the M and O parts that came from it are still lingering and causing me troubles in my day to day life. I want to leave PMO completely to be free and start again in life. I want to start achieving great things and making the people that I care the most about proud. I want to redeem myself this year.
PMO addiction for the past 2 years resulted in me being a complete wimp, the worst kind always hiding in the shadows, watching others achieve amazing feats in their lives, hooking up with the girls they truly love and spending time with friends whereas at that time I was busy doing PMO. Before PMO I was achieving greatness, was outgoing, dead-ass smart, competitive, honest, curious and creative but as soon as this PMO became an addiction I reached rock bottom and became the worst form of myself, a loser, a failure.
I relapsed today...failed yet again...but not anymore, I have to conquer my demons, starting a new way again and giving it my full power I have to reboot myself and make myself my greatest self ever...
You're welcome. Just came across this advice, "people fail when urge hits because they don't have a plan as to what they should do when an urge hits".
Very true my friend. I just failed today because of edging, as well as quickly looking over at some P on reddit (which I forgot to block on another device due to a software update). I will continue to fight harder from this day on, and hopefully not relapse at any point throughout this week because I have a sports team tryout next Monday.
I know the absolute main cause of it now however. It is not work or normal stress, as that is easily manageable with exercise or going outside among other things, but rather sexual repression and that feeling of not having anyone to love intimately (which was far more intense towards the end of my longer runs than this short one), which I was not able to really do because 1)PMOing seemed like an easier route to take that only ended up leaving me less fulfilled in life, and 2) the act drained any energy and drive in me to truly achieve any good relationships with women (or even just casual friendships with anyone in some cases). This repression and loneliness are the main roots of this problem.
It won't be easy to get rid of this feeling during this time. But I promise I'll find away after all that this addiction has taken from me.
I lost one relationship in my 20s where we would have got married had I not ignored her needs while I indulged in PMO.

Lost a lot of potentially productive hours, a lot of sleep and my self respect for a while before I shut down the escalation.

Using PMO as a distraction stopped me from going for bigger goals instead of hiding behind a screen. I could have focused that energy productively as I did before becoming an addict. Without PMO I would have been more proactive in the dating scene and made more effort to be an attractive mate.

I had to end another serious relationship because my girlfriend's PMO completely wiped out her real-world libido and she wouldn't address it. I got to experience what it feels like to be on the other side. Karma.
I'm in debt

confidence issues

empty and at worst suicidal

been kicked out of places

peace of mind lost

relationships destroyed partly due to the chaos in my head

the only thing I have left is my job and my room which I rent. And that's something. This addiction is brutal
Lost my true identity. I don't have an identity. I seem to camouflage several identities which are intrinsically not mine. I have lost confidence. Dropped out of campus, lost precious time, memory loss, and the ability to experience pleasure. I don't feel pride in anything I have or have accomplished. I am lost in myself, in my head. I have lost touch with reality.