Tight grip mastrubation and weak erections?



i am 27 years old now. And ever since i was like 11 years old i mastrubate for like 2-4 times a day.

i used to have great and rock hard erections during sex but now for a few years i keep having problems with 70% hard erections. When i change positions it goes limp.

i read that tight grip mastrubation leads to delayed ejaculation but can it also lead to soft erections because the penis is used to a very tight grip during mastrubation and no vagina can emulate that. Is there some truth behind my reasoning?

and what should i do guys.
You’ve desensitized yourself. As far as the reasoning goes I’ll later provide research, I do remember the book “Your brain on porn” by Gary Wilson stating this same effect, it’s called the “Death Grip”. As far as how to re-sensitize your organ, stop masturbation and watching porn, also give sex a break. I’ve myself have experienced improved function down there from this alone.
You’ve desensitized yourself. As far as the reasoning goes I’ll later provide research, I do remember the book “Your brain on porn” by Gary Wilson stating this same effect, it’s called the “Death Grip”. As far as how to re-sensitize your organ, stop masturbation and watching porn, also give sex a break. I’ve myself have experienced improved function down there from this alone.

How much time before you improve function?
You’ve desensitized yourself. As far as the reasoning goes I’ll later provide research, I do remember the book “Your brain on porn” by Gary Wilson stating this same effect, it’s called the “Death Grip”. As far as how to re-sensitize your organ, stop masturbation and watching porn, also give sex a break. I’ve myself have experienced improved function down there from this alone.
This makes sense. I am ar day 4-5 i think and i hope to hit 90 days of nofap. I will keep everyone updates.
When you're in your early and mid 20s, your hormones are raging and can make up for the effects of PMO, but things slow down a lot once you hit your late 20s.

27 was when I started noticing the effects of PMO on my sexual performance as well. This is the perfect time to start learning how to control your addiction and resensitize both your penis, and even more importantly, your mind for a healthy, normal sex life.

Hope you're able to get your streak and learn to replace your unhealthy desires with healthy ones.