Tingling sensation while meditating.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Aug 27, 2020.

  1. I'm on hardcore mode. Its been 20 days and I meditate and exercise daily. I do 10 minutes of meditation daily before going to bed. However, yesterday while meditating I felt a tingling sensation between my eyebrows or very slightly above it (I don't cross my eyes). It was a very good feeling. It's like you are getting some sort of energy from that sensation. What does it mean ?
    BurgerChamp, |Arthur|, Hros and 2 others like this.
  2. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    No idea bro. Had a similar experience once in a tai chi class. I was just totally focused and could literally feel the “chi” all over my arms and hands. A warm, soft feeling. Never felt it again.

    I believe that shit works when you do it right and you were doing it right.

    Reminds me: isn’t there something called a Third Eye that’s related to meditation? Feel like I’ve read it somewhere...
    |Arthur|, GhostRider@11 and thetin like this.
  3. I think it’s your brain rewarding you for taking care of it
    BurgerChamp, |Arthur| and thetin like this.
  4. GhostRider@11

    GhostRider@11 Fapstronaut

    In hindu religion they say that inbetween our both eyes a energy gate is present - we call it the third eye. Normally this chakra is blocked in every human being, this part of your brain requires a minimum amount of energy(this is not the energy required by your body to do Physical work, it is somewhat positive spiritual energy) to work, that's why people practice brahmacharya(nofap) for years, and also control their emotions, so that their energy doesn't get wasted on feelings like anger or happiness, proper diet and proper sleep is also required and then with meditation this chakra can be activated and this is considered the first step towards enlightment. Anyone who practices meditation for atleast month will definitely feel this. People can easily feel it, but they can't use it until and unless they follow all the rules and gain complete control over their mind and body, you also had felt that thing, but still it is not in your control. Even the most successful people in spirituality aren't able to open this chakra. People practice years of meditation to open this third eye. Keep practicising meditation, even if you are not able to open that chakra, still it will give you edge over your competitors. Even I have felt this sensation.

    If you still have doubt search on google for - "third eye chakra". This belief about third eye is not only seen in Hinduism, but also in Buddhism and Taoism.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
    |Arthur| likes this.
  5. luke775

    luke775 Fapstronaut

    It's your Pineal Gland, or third eye as some call it. It's almost like a tingling sensation or a tickling sensation between your eyebrows and the sensation can sometimes be taken away if you rub or scratch it with your hand. If that's what you're getting, then i'm 99% sure it's your Pineal Gland. I'm not sure if I like the feeling, I usually do at first but after a while of meditation it can get really really strong. However, it is definitely a good thing that you are getting it. Most people's Pineal Glands are "calcified" which is said to be caused by: alcohol, flouride etc. Just do a google for "pineal gland and meditation" or "decalcifying pineal gland" and i'm sure you'll find the answers you need. Keep meditating! :)
    |Arthur| likes this.
  6. Yesterday I was meditating and I had something a little bit similar. I experienced weak lights that were vibrating in front of me. Don't remember colors of those lights, but vibration that I couldn't feel, just see. Weird stuff, isnt it?
    I read in one book by Osho (book of a man or smth like that) where he said it's nothing. It's just the way it is. All that matters are effects of meditation on your life. If meditation gives you billions of colors but won't make you more loving as a person - it's not worth it. Lights, vibrations, colors, feelings - it's just visual side. What matters is how you succeed in life by help of meditation. But yeah, must've been hell of a feeling, I guess :D
    |Arthur| likes this.