I'm a 14 year-old high school student and I've been addicted to porn since 12! I've always tried to severe my ties with social media, but I keep coming back. Recently, I've been indulging in unorthodox porn; social media images, namely from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Everyday, without fail, I'd set aside at least an hour to masturbate to images of my female friends and teachers. I feel so ashamed. As of now it's my school semester break. I only started this a few weeks before school break, of which I haven't met the women who I masturbate to. I'd appreciate some encouragement and advice from fellow Fapstronauts in order to curb this unlawful behaviour if that's okay with you; I want to see them respectively by January when school opens. One of those teachers has just given birth to her third child, it's sickening that I'm doing this! I've succesfully deleted my Twitter and Instagram, but not Facebook. There's a 30-day period of recovery before account deletion, and I just keep coming back. As for Twitter and Instagram, to this day I still search for unprivate images of my female friends, albeit not as regularly. I need emotional support, I'm kinda feeling depressed, and it's been months since I've felt the last wave of depression. I hate that I've dipped this low, coupled with the high expectations of many around me as I'm one of the top-performers academically in my year. Anyway, thank you if you've read this till the end, I appreciate you.