To lonely ones


New Fapstronaut
Heey guys!!
If you clicked here i know how you feel.. it sucks yeah
But this doesn’t mean that you must feel this way.
Right ?
Seems something that you can’t control, something that stop you from talking with friends , going to a party or thinking that you’re worthy. The costant feeling of being judged and hated by even the cloosest people is exhausting. But remember that there will ALWAYS be someone there for you. You know, in these times people tend to forget even about the smallest moments of love, joy and compassion and the people that loves us.
For example today at school i saw my friends talking together and i felt sad because they were without me..
BUT even if i feel lonely, hated and unworthy i know that i’m not. Today infact these friends said hello to me. Might seems nothing , but it isn’t . This means that i’m not completely garbage or a person unworthy of love. Even a stranger that asked you for an information or someone who asked you for a pen. Why would they talk to you ? Because they think you are worthy. So at the end even if you feel this way, know that isn’t real and people don’t hate you,
you just hate youself