There is a direct link between semen and digestive fire, proper digestive fire makes you courageous, courage is the true medicine and no other medicine equals it. When the digestive fire is disturbed, you'll start to face all sorts of fatigue & illness. Those who ejaculate frequently might face disturbed digestion. Semen carries creative force and when transmuted, creates the individual to his full potential, this is what we call the unique genius of the individual. To transmute, you need to have higher purpose or aim, otherwise retaining semen is a tough job. Eat nutritious food but not stimulating food. Your anchor to sustain the urges & mind tricks is to have the true purpose which is higher and your readiness. First find your true want, what you want to become. Whatever your effort in this direction leads to readiness, so never bother about failures but don't fail thinking that it's just one time. Once you are ready, body start to guide what's need to be done to live your true potential. Never control or supress the mind, understand the mind and understanding leads to mastery, this is the key. Finally, everyone is unique and semen retention for few days, weeks or months is of no use if you really want to address the underlying issues. Find your true want and that itself carry you and make you overcome all the hurdles in the journey. Give the total time required for correction. All the very best.
What is relapse? After some betterment or achievement, falling back to downward & backward habit. Why guilty after relapse? You taken a decision but couldn't able to abide to it leads to guilty. What makes you to relapse? First & foremost, your purpose or reason to abstain to improve yourself is not strong enough. Secondly, you undertook not fapping & retaining semen so casually and don't have understanding, how it is going to impact mind-body complex. Thirdly, you expect some outcome by reading or listening to others, saying about super powers and when not happening to you leads to frustration and frustration leads to relapse. The cause of frustration is expectation. Know that there are no such thing as super powers, its your actual potential trying to express itself totally & completely. Fourthly, psychological fears, the tool used by the mind to control you makes you relapse. Physical fears aka dangers are understandable and is important for the survival of the organism but other kind of fears keeps you in mental prison.
Main stream education kills the intuition and disconnect from the body's extraordinary innate intelligence. Optimising the body's vitality by regulating ejaculation frequency and not indulging in backward & downward habits you again connect with the innate intelligence and that guides which is appropriate to function in the world and make you live your full potential. Ask yourself, what is that I want most? Am I ready to put my entire life energy to become that I want most? The true answer itself can prepare and carry you to the destination. Your unique potential seeking to express completely, allow it flow, no obstacle withstand the flow. Are you READY?
In some sense, fears are good that tells you about what needs to be addressed. Confront fears and it looses it's control on you. But frequent ejaculation effects your digestive fire and in turn effects your courage to take on fears.
There is no such thing as addiction, its all about habits that take you forward & upward OR backward & downward. The conflict you have in your mind is the beliefs you carry and your actual potential that is seeking your readiness to express itself totally & completely. This is your natural flow state. When you are not with the flow you feel dis-ease, other than this there is no dis-ease to the body. Once you fall into NATURAL FLOW STATE, the mind-body alignment happens, in the process every issue - mental, physical, emotional will be addressed and free you to live your potential fully & completely.
When you realise something is wrong and the habits that are taking you backwards in itself is a big step in changing your life for better. There are lot who still not realised the habits that are taking them down. Kudos for the first step in realising something needs to be improved.
When you find first signs of frequent digestive issues, weak legs or penis foreskin rupture and you have fapping habit, immediately stop fapping at all cost. Give the required time for the body to correct itself. In rare cases indulging in frequent ejaculation might lead to death.
Excellent health can't be attainable by the slaves of frequent ejaculation. The power you seeking to help you overcome the habits not conducive to health is within, trust the inner guidance.
Stop frequent ejaculation as soon as possible. Frequent ejaculation combined with fapping might lead to degenerative diseases. Listen to the wisdom that is already within you. When you sense & feel something happening in bone marrow while retaining semen is a sign that total and complete correction has started.
You can sense like energy is concentrating & moving and a feeling of strength. As you progress you can sense that easily as something is happening at root level mainly at coccyx and in bone marrow.
Also you'll sense concentration of energy in the middle of palm. Mind try to simulate chunked information, don't simulate, let it happen on its own.
Actually there is no psyche. The self chatter we do day in & out produces psyche and in turn controls our actions. Be observant to your self chatter that forms your psyche. Through priming you can change that. Procedure - Sit in any comfortable posture, see to that your spine is erect. Form a bioelectric circuit through hand gesture like this, touch the tip of index finger to the tip of thumb and curl the remaining 3 fingers inward. Place the back of the palm on or below the knees. Now you start to communicate with subtle energies, prime yourself for the day & life. Visualise & affirm what you truly want in life or you want to become for next 10 minutes, 10 mins is more than enough, don't over do. First 3 mins for the day, next 3 mins for the life, next 3 mins joy of becoming your true potential & its expression and final minute to lock, by locking I mean, what ever you affirm and visualise towards your becoming, by locking you letting it imprint at the root level coccyx. Have patience, it works. By keeping the spine erect for atleast 21 minutes, strengthens the core and improves your alertness and also improves your digestive system. Slowly it becomes natural. By priming change you psyche to change your actions. Will provide more info to easily & comfortably prime yourself for the life you love to live and full expression of your potential.
Decisions give directions to the mind. Most of our decisions are fluctuating because of this mind is confused. Fluctuations because all our wants are wants wanted by others. Conflict between your true wants(your potential) and wants imposed by others leads to dilema in decision making. You're a DECISION away to TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE TOTALLY & COMPLETELY.
Don't listen or follow my words blindly. Truth has its own authority. Your body sublimely knows what is appropriate and true, listen & follow your body's wisdom. Nothing equals to it, abide to your own wisdom is the only moral and act accordingly.
Lack of alertness, mind wanders here and there and easily influenced by outside factors. Information bombardment impacts hugely those who aren't alert.
The purpose of semen retention is to live your potential totally & completely, it is not about celibate and denial of relationship, marriage & pleasure. Sex is part of nature, denial of it is against nature. But we as humans running behind the pleasure of sex and wanting more & more of the same and ignoring the other areas of life leads to debility. A debilitated person can't express his/her unique potential completely.
Freedom is nowhere linked to nonexistent enlightenment. Your beliefs and it's byproduct 'mental prison' are the stumbling blocks to your complete expression. Freeing you from the clutches of the mental prison and living your unique potential totally & completely is true freedom or liberation.