Today f---ing sucked!


Today was damn hard. It was my 3rd day off. I went to bed yesterday weary from the day's temptations but motivated because of some content I found online. Woke up ready to take on all I had to do today. Went to the dentist, ran the dog, did hw, cooked for 3 hours, went to the store, did the dishes, read my bible, took my 5yo daughter to school, dropped off her snack after the store. Still had temptation every moment I stopped. I got so f---ing close to giving up so many times. I was going to too. I feel like I crossed that point of deciding to do it--you know--the point of no return. Then my daughter came home while I was cooking, and the temptation mostly left. But when she went to bed I felt drained; mentally exhausted. I wanted to give up so bad that I felt disappointed that I didn’t. So mentally tired that I wanted to cry. I still feel horny, even without the temptation. And now I don’t even want to eat what I spent so long cooking. I feel grateful that God would let me go right up to my limit and then take the burden away so that I can become stronger, but f--- man! This f---ing sucks. It hurts. I feel like I did heavy lifting all day without actually lifting anything. Its interesting to note that in this state, I looked at a few images of beautiful athletes because I wanted to relapse, but felt little more than conflicted frustration and stress.
Hang in there man, you did it. All that effort you put in yesterday just makes you that bit stronger to take on today. Temptation kicks the shit out you on days like that, there’s no shame in feeling weary and drained after long day.
Please don’t forget that God always loves you. It does not matter how many time you “ fall down” he will pick you up
And accept you . You only has to be open for him and forgive yourself . Thanks for sharing brother
I am in similar situation everytime i relapse. I think there should be a coping mechanism which can divert our attention right away..something which requires us of brain so that porn can leave ur brain instantly in these hard moments. something like call of duty which requires focus or calling someone on phone immediately or here on chat