Tomorrow!!! my 90 day reboot is complete!

Hey bro, as for my withdrawals I got somewhat depressed and some anxiety.I mean I would wake up with porn and needed to sleep too. However, I started working out and keeping busy reading legit books on our ability to reshape our minds. I am a spiritual guy and my relationship with God increased dramatically! I got way more in tune and intimate with His spirit. I used to be hooked on gay porn and struggled with objectifying men. Now, it seems like it was ages ago. I am going to keep going with this challenge and there is no porn or j/o in my life's journey.
I am going to wait for my wife.
I know shes outthere.
I hope this helped.
Excellent!!! Way to go man. How do you feel ? Details please ( I'm a newbie fighting so hard every hour and need inspiration)
Hey let me tell you bro!
It is one of the greatest feeling ever!!!
Trust me 90 days seems soooooooooo far away and come one no porn no j/o no sex.It seems almost like a sexual suicide. However, bro it is the polar opposite. When I was sinking in the porn and with my homosexual struggle it seemed like that was my only reality- there was no escape.
But I am telling you, there is HOPE it is possible to reboot our minds and bodies.
I encourage to get busy, work out, read books that start a fire in your soul!
I know nofap is not a "spiritual" site. However, there is a major spiritual side to why many people fap.Seek God with all your heart.Surrender your will and He will show you who you truly are and not what society/media/porn industry wants you to be.
I hope this helps!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Hello :) Congratulations on your remarkable achievement. Im just at the beginning of my journey. Could you tell me if you have dealt with your homo porn fetish? Im asking because im into porn and fetish whose kind is killing me. Is this possible to get rid of it?
Hi bro, congratulations!
What kind of positive effects did you get out of it?
And at what stage did you get the anxiety?
It is one of the greatest feeling ever!!! [...] When I was sinking in the porn and with my homosexual struggle it seemed like that was my only reality- there was no escape. But I am telling you, there is HOPE it is possible to reboot our minds and bodies. [..] STAY STRONG IT IS WORTH IT.

YES YES YES You say it! Congratulations, this is so passionate and so encouraging!

I really can feel it - I made it to 35 days for 3 times ("hard mode"), and every time it was worth every second. Life was so rich and meaningful.
As you say, one of the greatest feeling ever!

- You think there is no escape, but there is.
- You think that depression is your reality, but it is not. Freedom and joy are waiting for you.

Find your center, don't let yourself getting distracted, stay on your path. It is worth it.
ea the porn industry are real scum who know how to manipulate the minds of people and slowly bring them down a road of hell.

Yeah, but don't let us poke on others.
There is a also a gambling industry , an alcohol incustry, a cigarettes industry, and so on.

You could also say there is hollywood which infects us with fantasy of being Sperman.

It is our own decision how we react on it, and if we bend to manipulation.
In fact, it's about having a strong mind. The porn industry is my challenge, my olympic opponent.

If you are like a big balloon, then they are like chains trying to hold you down on earth, making you little.
But eventually, the chain breaks and nothing can hold your rise.
Bros! I am overwhelmed by your responses! I feel super honored to share my life and struggles and overcoming with everyone.
Yes, a lot of it is having a strong mind. Let me say or I dare say there is a drug of choice in everyone's life. Some turn to porn, drugs, gambling,food,... however I want to remind you all. That the center of recovery and deliverance from all these addictions/mental slavery is knowing truly truly knowing your identity as a son of God.
Again, I know this is not a spiritual site (perhaps I should start one) but yes, if your spiritual is lacking or none existing then the flesh/perverted mind/nature will consume your mind and body.
I urge you as you are rebooting your mind and system. like we once searched for the porn to "satisfy" when in reality it was not satisfying but destroying us seek your own personal walk/connection with God.Fill your mind with godly thoughts.
You out in 10 % of the fight and God takes care of the other 90%. Easier said than done.
Congrats bro! Be sure to keep your attitude. Even if you are not addicted anymore, every second of porn is poison for your mind and soul :)
renewyourmind47 - Great post. I too am a Believer and am too struggling with SSA (same sex attraction). I am 71 days into my reboot and am still struggling (but not like I was at the beginning). I am also in SA (sexaholics anonymous) and have found a lot of help in that fellowship. My sponsor is also a believer so that helps a ton. I hate it when the old images come into my mind as they seem to come from no where. Maybe they are triggered by my loneliness - not sure, but they tend to only happen on the weekends when I spend a lot of time alone. Anyway, your post was a great encouragement to me as it is good to know there are others who have the same struggle and are doing good.

Keep the faith bro.
renewyourmind47 - Great post. I too am a Believer and am too struggling with SSA (same sex attraction). I am 71 days into my reboot and am still struggling (but not like I was at the beginning). I am also in SA (sexaholics anonymous) and have found a lot of help in that fellowship. My sponsor is also a believer so that helps a ton. I hate it when the old images come into my mind as they seem to come from no where. Maybe they are triggered by my loneliness - not sure, but they tend to only happen on the weekends when I spend a lot of time alone. Anyway, your post was a great encouragement to me as it is good to know there are others who have the same struggle and are doing good.

Keep the faith bro.
Wow! bro that is pretty legit! keep your reboot going trust me the struggle reduces by like a million.yes, I do get videos/photos of the garbage I downloaded into my mind. However, I am a strong believer if I wired the crap in I have the power to let it out via renewing of the mind. Romans 8:32.