
Hello. I'm 18, since i was 14 i fapped to hentai and i loved it. 2 years ago i started having hocd, last july i didnt exaxtly get into traps but they started bothering and i was testing myself all the time (with hocd to see if im gay and with traps to see if i like them), with the gay stuff i never got horny but to the traps i did a bit and the urges slowly become stronger. Before hocd and with hocd i fapped 5 times a day. Now the urges about traps are constant and they bother me too much, i dont want them but i get horny with them all the time, most of the times i'm trying not to give in and sometimes i do, after it i cry a bit and scream and start punching everything i see because it bothers me. When i get horny with traps i am a completely different person and i think of stuff that i cant even bear the thought that i thought of them, but they arouse me... I wanna get rid of this trap fetish completely but i am afraid that nofap wont help and whenever i do, after the first day the urge to fap to traps is unbearable but then i feel even worse. I dont know what to do and how to contain the urge to fap to them. Do you think i can get rid od this trap thing? What can i do so that i'll reduce the urges and make nofap easier?
You can definitely get rid of it by avoiding pornography. As far as getting over urges, daily exercise and diet helps me tremendously.