
Dead sick, cancer, autoimmune diseases, lawsuits, $100.000 debt, immigration problems, bankruptcy chapter 7.

In my darkest hours, I had to make some changes.

With my rituals and habits, I was able to transform my life within 2 months.
Now I'm debt free, super healthy, created new businesses, thriving, dominating.

Thought about sharing my routine as I'm very satisfied with my results.
Feeling a sense of euphoria 24/7 I can shape reality to my wishes.

- 5 AM Tony Robbins Priming Excercise
- Daily Dry Fasting + One Meal a Day
- Supplements
- Cold Showers
- No Sugar, Alcohol, Caffeine, Limit Meat
- Semen Retention + No Edging
- Thought Monitor
- Rebounding (Trampoline)
- Evening Routine Love and Gratitude


5AM: Tony Robbins Priming Full 20 minutes Guided

The breathwork at the beginning activates your magnetic field and moves stuck energy in your first energy center upwards. Once your energy centers are balanced and your magnetic field activated you are able to create.

Gratitude: In order to receive you must practice gratitude daily.
It's scientifically proven that your brain and heart frequencies are in alignment under gratitude. But you not just practice gratitude you also send love to all the people in your life. It's hard to be blessed if you don't wish the same for others.

Visualization: Take a few minutes to see and feel your future reality as done.
Simply live it and create an elevated emotion to it. Intention + Emotion = Creation

I always see myself in Hawaii on a balcony of a luxury hotel looking into the sunset thinking about all hardships I overcame and now I'm here still breathing living my dream the freedom the health the abundance finally arrived.

Dry Fasting + One Meal a Day Diet

Water Consumption: Only when I wake up and only in the evening.
No water or anything else during the rest of the day. Dry fasting is written in all the religions for a reason. Why should the body activate superpowers if it doesn't have to?
Only in the face of death, your body burns away all the bad stuff and weak cells in your body. Only your strong cells survive and multiply.

Food Consumption: Only around 7pm
My meal includes: Spinach, Eggs, Avocados, Bone Broth

- Bone Broth, Probiotics, Chlorophyll, Minerals, Vitamins, Bentonite Detox, Pumpkin Seed Oil

Cold Showers

Cut Out
Sugar, Alcohol, Caffeine. Limit Meat

Semen Retention

I didn't lose a drop of semen for many many months.
Also very important. No peaking or edging. Once I stopped this too my superpowers accelerated.

Thought Monitor

As Nikola Tesla said: Thoughts equals energy.
You have to be aware of your daily thinking habits to break the addiction to your prison program that you are living every day.
Only think about your dreams, self-improvement, love, peace, abundance.
When you see a cent on the ground of a street, pick it up and say: Thank you universe I'm a money magnet. When you buy groceries ask the person at the checkout how her day is and wish her an amazing day. It's these little things that are adding up.


I lift as heavy as I can 5-6 times a week on fasted state and don't eat or drink even after the workout. I let the body run dry completely for another few hours to burn away anything that is weak in the body.


I jump 15 minutes a day on a small trampoline at home.
Rebounding is the only way to shake and workout your lymphatic system as they don't have an own muscle. While I'm jumping I get myself into peak state and live my wished future experience in the now.

Evening Routine

The day is over I'm tired but thankful. I'm laying in bed and feel so much gratitude and love I possibly can. Thank you, creator, for this day. I'm excited for tomorrow.

Alright, that's all for now. Just wanted to share my habits and rituals.

Cool with anything, but you do not have a "magnetic field" to be moved and no energy stuck in the middle of you. Not drinking is stupid, hidrating is essential and 2l are a lot but once you get used it's easy. Nice work and anything but you're giving others way too much placebo
You lift heavy on 1 meal a day? Fuck that shit lol...anyway what do you eat in that meal (I know you mentioned what it includes, but I mean more like, amounts)?

Religions may advocate fasting, but only for a limited amount of time as far as I know.
Cool with anything, but you do not have a "magnetic field" to be moved and no energy stuck in the middle of you. Not drinking is stupid, hidrating is essential and 2l are a lot but once you get used it's easy. Nice work and anything but you're giving others way too much placebo

I respect your point of view. I questioned the consume all day mentality that was created in the last 100 years. We humans don't need water all day. The human body can create it's own water. Make your research if you like to find out more.
You lift heavy on 1 meal a day? Fuck that shit lol...anyway what do you eat in that meal (I know you mentioned what it includes, but I mean more like, amounts)?

Religions may advocate fasting, but only for a limited amount of time as far as I know.

I'm just sharing what works for me. I'm in the best shape of my life and healed several diseases naturally. Think about why everybody gets cancer. All the stress we put on the body with drinking and eating all day. I eat 2 packages of spinach that I heat up in water. 2 Cucumbers. 8 eggs. 2 Avocados. Radish. I eat this every day + the supplements.
Cool with anything, but you do not have a "magnetic field" to be moved and no energy stuck in the middle of you. Not drinking is stupid, hidrating is essential and 2l are a lot but once you get used it's easy. Nice work and anything but you're giving others way too much placebo

Also I'm not saying NOT drinking. I'm saying smart drinking. In the morning and evening.
I'm just sharing what works for me. I'm in the best shape of my life and healed several diseases naturally. Think about why everybody gets cancer. All the stress we put on the body with drinking and eating all day. I eat 2 packages of spinach that I heat up in water. 2 Cucumbers. 8 eggs. 2 Avocados. Radish. I eat this every day + the supplements.

Thankyou for answering, interesting. That's an extremely low amount of calories. It doesn't seem sustainable long term, for strength gains, or to fuel an active lifestyle. If you don't mind me asking, have you lost weight on this diet?

I've heard about stressing the body by being in a fed state too often before- 1 meal seems very extreme though. I cut from a training diet of 5-6 meals a day, consolidating all the food into 3 big meals + 1 post workout shake.

Nice picture by the way- Golds Gym in Venice, very cool.
Dead sick, cancer, autoimmune diseases, lawsuits, $100.000 debt, immigration problems, bankruptcy chapter 7.

In my darkest hours, I had to make some changes.

With my rituals and habits, I was able to transform my life within 2 months.
Now I'm debt free, super healthy, created new businesses, thriving, dominating.

Thought about sharing my routine as I'm very satisfied with my results.
Feeling a sense of euphoria 24/7 I can shape reality to my wishes.

- 5 AM Tony Robbins Priming Excercise
- Daily Dry Fasting + One Meal a Day
- Supplements
- Cold Showers
- No Sugar, Alcohol, Caffeine, Limit Meat
- Semen Retention + No Edging
- Thought Monitor
- Rebounding (Trampoline)
- Evening Routine Love and Gratitude


5AM: Tony Robbins Priming Full 20 minutes Guided

The breathwork at the beginning activates your magnetic field and moves stuck energy in your first energy center upwards. Once your energy centers are balanced and your magnetic field activated you are able to create.

Gratitude: In order to receive you must practice gratitude daily.
It's scientifically proven that your brain and heart frequencies are in alignment under gratitude. But you not just practice gratitude you also send love to all the people in your life. It's hard to be blessed if you don't wish the same for others.

Visualization: Take a few minutes to see and feel your future reality as done.
Simply live it and create an elevated emotion to it. Intention + Emotion = Creation

I always see myself in Hawaii on a balcony of a luxury hotel looking into the sunset thinking about all hardships I overcame and now I'm here still breathing living my dream the freedom the health the abundance finally arrived.

Dry Fasting + One Meal a Day Diet

Water Consumption: Only when I wake up and only in the evening.
No water or anything else during the rest of the day. Dry fasting is written in all the religions for a reason. Why should the body activate superpowers if it doesn't have to?
Only in the face of death, your body burns away all the bad stuff and weak cells in your body. Only your strong cells survive and multiply.

Food Consumption: Only around 7pm
My meal includes: Spinach, Eggs, Avocados, Bone Broth

- Bone Broth, Probiotics, Chlorophyll, Minerals, Vitamins, Bentonite Detox, Pumpkin Seed Oil

Cold Showers

Cut Out
Sugar, Alcohol, Caffeine. Limit Meat

Semen Retention

I didn't lose a drop of semen for many many months.
Also very important. No peaking or edging. Once I stopped this too my superpowers accelerated.

Thought Monitor

As Nikola Tesla said: Thoughts equals energy.
You have to be aware of your daily thinking habits to break the addiction to your prison program that you are living every day.
Only think about your dreams, self-improvement, love, peace, abundance.
When you see a cent on the ground of a street, pick it up and say: Thank you universe I'm a money magnet. When you buy groceries ask the person at the checkout how her day is and wish her an amazing day. It's these little things that are adding up.


I lift as heavy as I can 5-6 times a week on fasted state and don't eat or drink even after the workout. I let the body run dry completely for another few hours to burn away anything that is weak in the body.


I jump 15 minutes a day on a small trampoline at home.
Rebounding is the only way to shake and workout your lymphatic system as they don't have an own muscle. While I'm jumping I get myself into peak state and live my wished future experience in the now.

Evening Routine

The day is over I'm tired but thankful. I'm laying in bed and feel so much gratitude and love I possibly can. Thank you, creator, for this day. I'm excited for tomorrow.

Alright, that's all for now. Just wanted to share my habits and rituals.


Cool man, I'm totally into TR and Dr Joe D. Great to see it working for you
Thankyou for answering, interesting. That's an extremely low amount of calories. It doesn't seem sustainable long term, for strength gains, or to fuel an active lifestyle. If you don't mind me asking, have you lost weight on this diet?

I've heard about stressing the body by being in a fed state too often before- 1 meal seems very extreme though. I cut from a training diet of 5-6 meals a day, consolidating all the food into 3 big meals + 1 post workout shake.

Nice picture by the way- Golds Gym in Venice, very cool.

I know it sounds crazy. It's red pill stuff. I have 5% body fat. I haven't lost any weight. Same weight like always, but more muscles less fat. Don't underestimate the powers of the human body. It adjusts to ANY situation. Also, research the experiment with rats. 30% fewer calories 30% lifespan increase. I save $10.000 a year on food now live longer. My human growth hormone levels are naturally 2000% up because of the fasting.that's why you don't lose any muscle and even easier to build high-quality muscles. As well research autophagy that will only be activated if fasted longer than 15 hours. Reverse Aging. I don't try to prove I'm right, it doesn't matter to me if you guys believe me. Just showing and sharing incredible results I see on myself by doing this. Make your research guys and find the truth yourself.
Interesting routine man! Dont let others hold you back from achieving what you want. Just keep in mind, what may work for you may not work for everyone.

@UKGeezer in terms of weightloss while having an active gym going lifestyle. From my body building experience eating one meal just fuels the basic functions to suport organs. Afterwards the body will start looking other fuel sources to produce energy to function for rest of day. In this case the body will use fat sources (body fat & fats from foods) to provide the energy. Hence the 5% body fat. As long as he is providing enough healthy fats into his diet, his body wont burn off more body fat than it needs too.

Think of it as almost being on keto diet. Where high quality fats such as avacados, nuts, and oils are the main sources of energy. You have to remember fats is worth 9g k/cals vs 4g k/cal from carbs. That said an diet that is high fat low carb can be sustainable. Ex. 1500 calories on an high fat diet can provide the same energy effect as someone on an high carb low fat diet.

The thing that has people scratching their heads mainly is "does he not feel hungry?" ... an benefit of an high fat diet is that fats satisfies your hunger longer since it's slower burning remember. If you went to an Chinese restaurant and ate a bunch of noodles/rice what happens an hr later? You feel hungry again... because carbs are an quick source of energy for your body to use and breakdown.

For those interested in doing an high fat diet I highly recommend doing some research first. It takes dedication and time for your body to adapt to start using fats as an main energy source vs. Carbs.
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Interesting routine man! Dont let others hold you back from achieving what you want. Just keep in mind, what may work for you may not work for everyone.

@UKGeezer in terms of weightloss while having an active gym going lifestyle. From my body building experience eating one meal just fuels the basic functions to suport organs. Afterwards the body will start looking other fuel sources to produce energy to function for rest of day. In this case the body will use fat sources (body fat & fats from foods) to provide the energy. Hence the 5% body fat. As long as he is providing enough healthy fats into his diet, his body wont burn off more body fat than it needs too.

Think of it as almost being on keto diet. Where high quality fats such as avacados, nuts, and oils are the main sources of energy. You have to remember fats is worth 9g k/cals vs 4g k/cal from carbs. That said an diet that is high fat low carb can be sustainable. Ex. 1500 calories on an high fat diet can provide the same energy effect as someone on an high carb low fat diet.

The thing that has people scratching their heads mainly is "does he not feel hungry?" ... an benefit of an high fat diet is that fats satisfies your hunger longer since it's slower burning remember. If you went to an Chinese restaurant and ate a bunch of noodles/rice what happens an hr later? You feel hungry again... because carbs are an quick source of energy for your body to use and breakdown.

For those interested in doing an high fat diet I highly recommend doing some research first. It takes dedication and time for your body to adapt to start using fats as an main energy source vs. Carbs.

Thanks man.
Yes for sure, just sharing what I have learned and tested and maybe worth testing for some other's here.

Additionally, to the food, I take bone broth every day which has a lot of collagen and amino acids ect.. + mineral + vitamin supplements. So the body will have always everything it needs.