Trans and Sissy porn has hijacked my life, is it too late to return?

Is there a chance for my return to being a str8 guy?

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James, it's time for you to create an official journal where you can share as much as you want, whatever you feel. Go to the Reboot Logs and find your age group and begin a thread which is your journal. Place a link here so that we can follow you and encourage you on your journey.
Not sure where to begin. As I never got online until about 6 years ago, but I knew at a very young age I was born in the wrong body, as did I have to live in girl world for a year before I was allowed on female hormones. As well as see shrinks quite a bit. I've never in my life ever felt like a guy, like ever. But eventually was cleared for SRS surgery by two separate medical boards myself for years. Lived full time in girl world in both good times as well as bad times. Twice I've had to revert back to being guy, in order to either pay bills or keep a roof over my head. I've never in my life felt comfortable as a guy, and even my parents disowned me twice in the 13+ years, for which I lived full time in girl world. Life is tough for anyone, being TS or hermaphrodite has a whole other level of tough, to add to the regular everyday life studies, that anyone else has. I was offered surgery in Youngstown Ohio by a Dr Richard Murray, who was going to lose his license, as did he tell l me he wanted to have one good surgery of SRS before losing his license to practice. I refused gracefully at that time. As years back, surgery was 4 to give procedures long. Often times want good surgery either. So being young, and dumb, I passed. Never dreaming, it would be a life long venue to get back to the table, even after twice being cleared for SRS surgery.

I'm TS thru and thru. Wish it were different. As in being born the way I've always felt.

As have I used hypnosis in my past, for different reasons, which I'll give explanations to. Once I used hypnosis for fear of interstates, which I had issues driving on interstates. Since that day I've driven millions of miles literally loved millions of miles interstate driving commercial driving. Another time I used hypnosis for fear of heights. Not only did I beat those fears, but flew single and twin engine planes for over 1,000 hours. Which is kind of funny really. Power of hypnosis is an amazing device. And the last time I used hypnosis, was suggested but my mother, as I'd been to doctor after doctor few years trying to figure out what's wrong with me. Here I was having issues that were bothering me I hadn't even thought of. But I peeled a guys for back and was told to leave the scene, otherwise I'd of been listed in the accident report and the coop didn't want it on my record. Apparently that bothered my mind over time and about six months later I was writing driving job everyone I had issues with being able to go over 50 mph on interstates. So my mom suggested I see a hypnotist. Which I did. 2 times with the hypnotist and another online hypnotist and I was cured. Hypnosis is an amazing machine, one for which I have great respect for.

Not sure if this helps you or not. But it's who I am. I've never felt comfortable using the thing between my legs, like ever. I hate the thing. Being feminine is all I've ever wanted to be. As being bisexual, it is what it is. I've had both boyfriend's and girlfriend's in my past, as did I love that. As being on female hormones for decades, the newer scripts are ten times better than the straight premarin ever was. I'm on 6mg estradiol and 100mg of spironolactone daily, as do I both ready right and exercise daily.

But getting back to the subject. I'm trying to explain myself, in terms of the hypnosis your speaking of.

When I had girlfriend's in my past, I was more interested I in Platonic relationships with them or eating them out as a lesbian wood. I loved that. But when asked to use the tool, never cared for it in any sense. Hated playing the guy in between my transitions. But when I lived in girl world and had partners with guys. It's like I was OK with giving head and taking care of his needs, as did I love that. My taste in fashions where more towards blending in with my preferred sex, that off female status.

Here's where it gets weird for me and I see realty no way of stopping things, as it's like I was TS sissymyself long before I ever got online and feel into this sissy hypnosis thingy. I vaguely remember being turned onto this site by Mr. Linda, one of gals that I asked for help on the driving hypnosis thing, as was I already on a bondage site. which someone turned me onto. But it's like I feel into the sissy erotic hypnosis thingy by Her. I think. Then there was blogs and Tumblr and Twitter and the list goes on and on.

It's not like I can turn them off, as it's like so me to the tee maybe. But it's weird, as my taste in fashions have changed more to the trashy side, or that I find Platonic relationships with girls far better than what once was. My love for cock and Dick has only quadruple. That's where it gets weird maybe. That or my taste in a more trashy side of fashion. But if guys like that, then it's a good thing. Like it's not exactly understood by Mr why I crave cock way more than I think is normal for most girls like me or that porn stars are like my idols. I get so easily aroused and turned on at the thought of getting on my knees and being the good girl or complete and utter whore. That and I find I love fashions, that attract cock. I use to think I loved driving truck. Anymore all I can think about is sucking and fucking cock and pussy is like a scary thing to me. Unless it's filled with man seed.

I presently have a small C cup, full B cup as are my measurements 38-28-41 and can't help but want bigger tits, that I can't possibly hide. It's so insane and so Erotic and tantalizingly insane. I often wonder how I'll ever best these hypnos as it's like I was already hooked on being me, long before I found hypnosis online.

But I have noticed some changes to. That I didn't think I remembered in my past. I love the words whore and slut, like they are complimenting. And when I see a really cute outfit or hot girl, I immediately think of cock. I love cock so much as do I love looking hot for it
I want to welcome you to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you.
Thank you so very much, Irish Explorer: this may very well be the hardest decision and journey of my life. I appreciate you noticing that I am not a bimbo girl, and as you say, I can get where I need to go step-by-step ---- I did that already once in my life becoming Jamie.
I am getting clearer here that my first step is really to find a good therapist to help me understand my deepest goals --- I am very confused. I like my current life BUT I do not see me aging into middle years as a woman ---- i think that is my biggest fear. DO I REALLY WANT TO BE A GIRL FOREVER? I am so so so not sure.
Thank you for reaching out
jamie xoxo :)
I'm more than happy to support you because I'm so very convinced you can do this. SO CONVINCED.

What's next? You probably know much better than me because you've been through this before. Maybe you should start thinking about what kind of guy you're going to be. You're not gonna be a huge tank, and while you do know that, it's important you know that's totally okay. It's not about some bullshit alpha male stereotype (that you see a lot here), it's about being your authentic self and maximizing what you have. You'll be much better than some douche alpha male.

Anyway, you could find some images of guys that you'd like to model, then take steps to get there. You can use your fashion knowledge to your advantage here to differentiate and be unique. A lot of K-pop singers are influenced by more feminine styles. G.Dragon, etc.

Anyway, you're going to be freaking unstoppable.
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You're right, he is very fearful of my thoughts and even my questioning my life and lifestyle. We are very close, we are in love, and I know he wants me to proceed with SRS as soon as possible --- he has offered to pay. That is another thing really stressing me out --- it is why I am trying to figure this all out right now.
FELLOW TEXAN!!! Yeeeehaaaa. The guys from TEXAS are hot!!! XOXO
Do not allow yourself to be rushed into anything for anyone!
James, it's time for you to create an official journal where you can share as much as you want, whatever you feel. Go to the Reboot Logs and find your age group and begin a thread which is your journal. Place a link here so that we can follow you and encourage you on your journey.
OK, I think you are right. I will do that.
HI Jamie, really glad you found this place where you can share your story without being judged. TS people are judged a lot these days and I must say I'm guilty of that UNTIL I read your post. I've always wondered why TS is a thing and really learned something I never thought I would. I feel that I can better understand the pain/experiences you have to go through for you to become who you are today.

Well, what I want to say is really simple, the poll honestly does not and will not say much, because ultimately the one who decides anything and everything is you. I think the first thing you have to take note is why you want to go back to being a man. Or put it another way, why are you having so many doubts with your current self? If you think your way of life is best suited to being a woman, no one except you can stop you from being that. People like me will probably never understand since I've never been in that situation before, so don't let mean opinions from such people affect your way of life.

Also, notice how your profile picture and name is still all to the feminine side? What I can imply from this is that you like being a woman and the only reason you want to become a man now is because YOU are still in doubt. You are wondering what it is like to be a man, but honestly speaking no one can be of both genders at the same time. Biologically speaking you are a man, but it's what you think psychologically that truly matters. So never doubt your gender, only doubt your desires. Are you sure being a man is what you want? Or is it just purely out of curiosity?

In conclusion, do what you want, live life to the fullest. Also, please seek professional help too about your doubts. Take this seriously if you are serious about dealing with these doubts. Also, it seems that NoFap will now be of a different purpose to you, you are not rebooting, you are finding your true self.

HI Jamie, really glad you found this place where you can share your story without being judged. TS people are judged a lot these days and I must say I'm guilty of that UNTIL I read your post. I've always wondered why TS is a thing and really learned something I never thought I would. I feel that I can better understand the pain/experiences you have to go through for you to become who you are today.

Well, what I want to say is really simple, the poll honestly does not and will not say much, because ultimately the one who decides anything and everything is you. I think the first thing you have to take note is why you want to go back to being a man. Or put it another way, why are you having so many doubts with your current self? If you think your way of life is best suited to being a woman, no one except you can stop you from being that. People like me will probably never understand since I've never been in that situation before, so don't let mean opinions from such people affect your way of life.

Also, notice how your profile picture and name is still all to the feminine side? What I can imply from this is that you like being a woman and the only reason you want to become a man now is because YOU are still in doubt. You are wondering what it is like to be a man, but honestly speaking no one can be of both genders at the same time. Biologically speaking you are a man, but it's what you think psychologically that truly matters. So never doubt your gender, only doubt your desires. Are you sure being a man is what you want? Or is it just purely out of curiosity?

In conclusion, do what you want, live life to the fullest. Also, please seek professional help too about your doubts. Take this seriously if you are serious about dealing with these doubts. Also, it seems that NoFap will now be of a different purpose to you, you are not rebooting, you are finding your true self.

Hi JW,
Thank you so much for your thoughtful and sweet note, it means a lot to me. I must say I am amazed to NOT be judged here so far, and, beyond that, I am humbled that my little note and tribulations actually allowed you to have insights into the journey of a TG woman --- that is so wonderful. So, THANK YOU.
Your correct about TG's being judged --- everything is so sensational. The popular media loves to eat up the likes of Laverne Cox or Janet Mock (a wonderful role model), and the way people mess-up dealing with those people is awkward at times BUT i honestly believe society is trying and, in some cases, changing. Not all, but most.
The real damaging place that TG women get a bad rap is online pornography -- the "transwoman" pornsites. Like all porn, it degrades the individuals and it tarnishes a whole subset of society with a general impression of what "they" are like.
It would surprise most everyone who gets introduced to the world of transgendered women first through porn that we are, actually, just girls --- just regular woman----with all the same issues and phobias and concerns as genetic women. Our brains really are DIFFERENT than a guys brain. So many people think the femininity and softness and timidness I (we) display is an act --- it is not --- it is very much who I am. I was like that all thru my life --- I have never been an aggressive boy jumping into things.

Plus, we are NOT what online portrays!! We are NOT sex-crazed sluts (we love sex, yes, but we are not nymphos!). We are often times sweet and awkward and demure and forever fumbling with our hair and makeup and weight and stuff --- we are interested in politics and social issues and we binge watch "Game of Thrones" and have favorite movies (Breakfast at Tiffanys / Mean Girls / etc) and favorite music (Beyonce slays!), and we all worry that we won't find Mr Right (Mr Right-now is always available and always a WRONG choice! LOL).
And we get "princess-like" and become drama queens and all that too, just because. Period. just because. LOL.

I do LOVE being a woman. I do IDENTIFY with it so strongly. I like being pretty. I like being feminine. I love being with men, and definitely in a deep loving relationship.

But I just WONDER if I ended up here because of online pornography (trans, ladyboy, shamble, sissy) grabbing my brain so intently and never letting me out of its grip. From my early teens until now (22) I have been in its grip --- it has defined so much of how my BRAIN is FRAMED and how I look at life. I am on the verge of getting SRS (sex reassignment surgery --- basically turning my tiny thingie into a fully functioning clitoris and vagina) and I just want to double-triple check my motives ---- is it ME making this rational decision as a fully-mature adult, or is it STILL this manipulated and somewhat (though not altogether) confused young girly-boy just fulfilling some pre-programmed porno destiny. I have no doubt that pornography hijacked my teen years

So you are right --- I need counseling. If the past 36 hours on this site have shown me anything, it is that the preponderance of recommendations are (1) relax, think and (2) get a good therapist and counselor. I will.
And I think NoFap will help me with a few things ---- first, the trans and sissy-porno effect on my life: did it really "redirect" me or did it tap into what was really already there (the femininity was present, the desire was present, perhaps it just accelerated the inevitable?).
Also, I think you are right in thinking "maybe I am just curious about being a man?" Some of my girlfriends laughingly say that it would be fun to have a penis! I'm like, "I hate it!" really. it doesn't work and it is tiny and no man would want it. But, having it, I am double checking about thinking "Might i ever use it as intended?" I think the answer is no, and because its so tiny anyway (and now doesn't really work) I wonder if I could ever "use it in anger" --- thats a funny and silly thought and image, honestly! LOL
So thank you so much for your kind and sweet words --- they have really made me think.
You're a sweet person!
Jamie xoxo :)
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Because she's a girl you numbnuts. All this attention she's generating here is simply due to that fact.
People transition these days you know. It's a condition known and studied by psychiatrists for years now.
But maybe a prayer to jesus would help right?!
Or maybe you thought you could troll by voting anonymously. You've been outed and your bitterness isn't contributing to the conversation. Back into your cave you go, little boy.
Peace be upon you.

James, first of all i appreciate your huge step towards finding the solution of your problem. You should never despair of the mercy of your Creator. You should keep in your mind that you were Created as a MAN not a WOMAN. Yes ,you are a MAN. But you should know that our creator didn't create us to play in this world. Surely, We are the best of his creation and He favour us by giving us the power of intellect.The ability to distinguish the good from the bad unlike other animals. James know this world life is nothing but a test for us. Our LORD create us to see who will do goods in this world life and who will do bad. He has Knowledge over all things.He knows their beggining and their ends. You are not too let. James, you were tested with your body like others are tested with their wealthies, children,wives, healthy etc. Your Lord tested you with the body that He gave you to see how you will appreciate his bounties, but unfortunately the SATAN (our biggest enemy) tricked you to disobey your creator by changing the creation that He created you in your mother's womb. Satan instilled his evil ideas into your mind and make you change your natural disposition. You are a MAN and this will never change till you die. All Human beings are sinners we are not perfect,our sins differ but Our LORD is the MOST MERCIFUL to his creations. He left open the door of repentance to the MANKINDS and the spirits (Jinns) .You have a chance to return back to your Lord in repentance and start a new page of your life.

Prophet Muhammad said:
"Indeed, Allah (GOD) is more happy with the repentance of His slave than a man who stops in a barren, desolate land; with him he has his riding animal. He then goes to sleep. When he wakes up, [he realizes that] his mount is gone. He searches for it until he is on the verge of dying. He then says, 'I will return to the place wherein I lost it, and I will die there.' He went to that place, and he was then overcome by sleep. When he woke up, his mount was [standing] right beside his head: on it was his food, his drink, his provisions, and the things he neded. Allah is more happy with the repentance of his believing slave than the aforementioned man when he finds his mount and his provisions."

[Ref: al-Bukhaari: 6308 ; Muslim: 2744]

I WELCOME YOU AND OTHERS TO EMBRACE THE FAITH ,THE RELIGION OF ISLAM.This is where you can find the real solution of your problems and true salvation.
Our LORD said the one who embrace Islam ,his past sins will be forgiven and he will be pure as he came out from his mothers womb. WELCOME TO ISLAM.

Before we cure any problem ,first we have understand ourselves who are we and were we came from ,why we are here and where are we going after death
Will Allah forgive our sins? Even if they are too many?

From Ibn Abbas -Radhi Allaahu anhu- said who said that the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: that Allaah Azza wa Jal said:
'Whoever knows that I have the capability to forgive sins, then I will forgive him and not care, as long as he did not associate anything with Me.'

[Collected by Tabrani and Albaani declared it to be Hasan in Saheeh al-Jamia no. 4330]

Ibn Mas'ud narrated that the Prophet said:
"Indeed, Allah is more happy with the repentance of His slave than a man who stops in a barren, desolate land; with him he has his riding animal. He then goes to sleep. When he wakes up, [he realizes that] his mount is gone. He searches for it until he is on the verge of dying. He then says, 'I will return to the place wherein I lost it, and I will die there.' He went to that place, and he was then overcome by sleep. When he woke up, his mount was [standing] right beside his head: on it was his food, his drink, his provisions, and the things he neded. Allah is more happy with the repentance of his believing slave than the aforementioned man when he finds his mount and his provisions."

[Ref: al-Bukhaari: 6308 ; Muslim: 2744]

Anas (RA) said that he heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) say:
"ALLAH the Exalted said: "O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me, and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam were you to come to me with sins nearly as great as the earth, and were you then to face me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it (earth).'

[Ref: Hadith e Qudsi recorded in Al-Tirmidhi, Book 45, Hadith number 3540]

"and My Mercy embraces all things"

[al-A'raaf 7:156]

Say: O My slaves (humankind) who have transgressed against themselves! Despair not of the mercy of Allah Who forgives all sins. Lo! He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

(Az-Zumar 39:53)

The Prophet said, "When Allah created the creatures, He wrote in the Book, which is with Him over His Throne: "Verily, My Mercy prevailed over My Wrath."


In Saheeh Muslim it is narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Allaah has one hundred parts of mercy, of which He sent down one between the jinn, mankind, the animals and the insects, by means of which they are compassionate and merciful to one another, and by means of which wild animals are kind to their offspring. And Allaah has kept back ninety-nine parts of mercy with which to be merciful to His slaves of the Day of Resurrection."

[Muslim, al-Tawbah, 6908.]

It was narrated that 'Umar ibn al-Khattaab said: "Some prisoners were brought to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and there was a woman among the prisoners who was searching (for her child). When she found her child she embraced him and put him to her breast. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to us, 'Do you think that this woman would throw her child in the fire?' We said, 'No, by Allaah, not if she is able not to.' The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, 'Allaah is more merciful to His slaves than this woman is to her child.'"

[Agreed upon. Al-Bukhaari, 5653; Muslim, 6912.]

It is reported that a man came to 'Ali - Allah be pleased with him - and asked, "What do you think about a man who committed a sin?" He replied, "He must seek Allah's forgiveness and repent to Him." [The man] said, "He did that, but then sinned again?" [Ali] said, "He must seek Allah's forgiveness and repent to Him." The man again said, "He did that, but returned to sin". [Ali] said, "He must seek Allah's forgiveness and repent to Him." The man said for the fourth time, "He did, but then sinned again." Ali then said, "Until when?" Then he said, "He must seek Allah's forgiveness and repent to Him; and not give up until it is Shay?an who is defeated [overcome]."

[Ref: Hunad b. Al-Sari, Kitab Al-Zuhd article 910]

Ataa reported from Mu'aadh bin Jabl that the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: "(O people!) Keep your duty to Allaah and fear him as much as you can. And remember Allaah azza wa jal near every stone and tree (i.e. remember Allaah much). And if you committed a sin, follow it up with repentance - a secret (mistake to be repented) secretly; and an open (mistake to be repented) publicly."

[Reported by Imaam Ahmad in "al-Zuhd" (26) and Tabaraanee in "al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer" (20/159/331). Shaikh al-Albaanee said in al-Saheehah (3320): "the narrators of this narration are reliable, they are the narrators of al-Bukhaaree and Muslim; except for Shareek (one of the narrators) who is weak, and the chain is Mursal (broken) as 'Ataa did not meet Mu'aadh." This Hadeeth also has supporting chain which takes it to the level of "Hasan li ghairihee", see al-Silsilah (1475) ]

It is narrated on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas:
When this verse: "Whether you disclose that which is in your mind or conceal it, Allah will call you to account according to it" (ii 284), there entered in their (sahaabas) minds something (of that fear) such as had never entered their hearts (before). The Apostle (may peace be upon him) observed: Say: We have heard and obeyed and submitted ourselves. He (the reporter) said: Allah instilled faith in their hearts and He revealed this verse:" Allah burdens not a soul beyond its capacity. It gets every good that it earns and it suffers every ill that it earns. Our Lord, call us not to account if we forget or make a mistake. He the (Lord) said: I indeed did it (i.e accepted this supplication). Our Lord! do not lay on us a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us. He (our Lord) said: I indeed did it. And pardon us, have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector" (ii. 286). He said: I indeed did it.

[Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 229]

Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala says: Except those who repent and believe (in Islaamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds; for those, Allaah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allaah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And whosoever repents and does righteous good deeds; then verily, he repents towards Allaah with true repentance.

[Surah al-Furqaan (25): 70-71]

Abu Sirma reported: When death approached Abu-Ayyub Ansari, he said: I was concealing something from you. I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, say, "If you did not commit sins, Allah would create people who would sin and He would forgive them."

[Sahih Muslim, Book 37, Number 6620]

Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Whoever continuously seeks Allah's forgiveness, then Allah will make a way out for him from every hardship, from every anxiety, and will provide him with sustenance from where he does not expect."

[Sunan Abu Dawud, Book of Prayer, Number 1518, Hasan fil Matan]

Abu Musa reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Verily, Allah the Exalted stretches out His Hand by night for those who repent until the coming of the day, and He stretches out His Hand by day for those who repent until the coming of the night; this is until the sun rises from the west."

[Sahih Muslim, Book 37, Number 6644]
Peace be upon you.

James, first of all i appreciate your huge step towards finding the solution of your problem. You should never despair of the mercy of your Creator. You should keep in your mind that you were Created as a MAN not a WOMAN. Yes ,you are a MAN. But you should know that our creator didn't create us to play in this world. Surely, We are the best of his creation and He favour us by giving us the power of intellect.The ability to distinguish the good from the bad unlike other animals. James know this world life is nothing but a test for us. Our LORD create us to see who will do goods in this world life and who will do bad. He has Knowledge over all things.He knows their beggining and their ends. You are not too let. James, you were tested with your body like others are tested with their wealthies, children,wives, healthy etc. Your Lord tested you with the body that He gave you to see how you will appreciate his bounties, but unfortunately the SATAN (our biggest enemy) tricked you to disobey your creator by changing the creation that He created you in your mother's womb. Satan instilled his evil ideas into your mind and make you change your natural disposition. You are a MAN and this will never change till you die. All Human beings are sinners we are not perfect,our sins differ but Our LORD is the MOST MERCIFUL to his creations. He left open the door of repentance to the MANKINDS and the spirits (Jinns) .You have a chance to return back to your Lord in repentance and start a new page of your life.

Prophet Muhammad said:
"Indeed, Allah (GOD) is more happy with the repentance of His slave than a man who stops in a barren, desolate land; with him he has his riding animal. He then goes to sleep. When he wakes up, [he realizes that] his mount is gone. He searches for it until he is on the verge of dying. He then says, 'I will return to the place wherein I lost it, and I will die there.' He went to that place, and he was then overcome by sleep. When he woke up, his mount was [standing] right beside his head: on it was his food, his drink, his provisions, and the things he neded. Allah is more happy with the repentance of his believing slave than the aforementioned man when he finds his mount and his provisions."

[Ref: al-Bukhaari: 6308 ; Muslim: 2744]

I WELCOME YOU AND OTHERS TO EMBRACE THE FAITH ,THE RELIGION OF ISLAM.This is where you can find the real solution of your problems and true salvation.

Hi Kim,
Sala'am Alekkum. I appreciate your kind and thoughtful words of your faith, and certainly appreciate and respect your beliefs in them. Thank you so much for caring.

I am Buddhist, as is my family, as are the many generations of those that went before me. It is an old and revered way of life for my people, and it is one that I follow and respect. I would hope that I share this with you in the spirit of openness and spiritual curiosity:
"Various theories have been posited to explain transgenderism; that it is a psychological or hormonal disorder or that it has genetic or environmental causes. The Buddhist doctrine of rebirth could help explain transgenderism. A person may be reborn as, say, a woman in numerous successive lives during which time feminine attitudes, desires, traits and dispositions become strongly imprinted on the mind. This would determine that she be continually reborn into a female body or that her consciousness would shape the new embryo into a female form; whatever factors are responsible for the physical characteristic of gender. Then, for either kammic, genetic or other reasons, the person may be reborn into a male body while retaining all the long-established feminine psychological traits.

If this or something like it, is the cause of transgenderism, it would mean that this condition is a natural one rather than a moral perversion as some religions maintain. The Buddha said that traits or dispositions (vàsasà) developed through a succession of lives (abbokiõõanã) may well express themselves in the present life and not be an inner moral fault (dosatara) of anything done now (Ud.28)."
Hence, in my religion and my belief system, transgendered persons may actually be a culmination of the embodiment of the persons before them --- hence, while born male my natural expression of the whole person of me may actually be female.

Here is one of many stories that the Buddha told of sex-changes ---- to us it is not abnormal or sinful:

Kim, it is really sweet and loving how you have reached out to me --- I really appreciate you, and THANK YOU VERY MUCH for sharing the words of the Prophet and of the Koran --- I will read and re-read this to continue to find the enlightened words within.

Peace be Upon You,
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just regular woman----with all the same issues and phobias and concerns as genetic women. Our brains really are DIFFERENT than a guys brain. So many people think the femininity and softness and timidness I (we) display is an act --- it is not --- it is very much who I am. I was like that all thru my life --- I have never been an aggressive boy jumping into things.

Plus, we are NOT what online portrays!! We are NOT sex-crazed sluts (we love sex, yes, but we are not nymphos!). We are often times sweet and awkward and demure and forever fumbling with our hair and makeup and weight and stuff --- we are interested in politics and social issues and we binge watch "Game of Thrones" and have favorite movies (Breakfast at Tiffanys / Mean Girls / etc) and favorite music (Beyonce slays!), and we all worry that we won't find Mr Right (Mr Right-now is always available and always a WRONG choice! LOL).
And we get "princess-like" and become drama queens and all that too, just because. Period. just because. LOL.
wow.... I support everyone's right to express themselves however they are comfortable. Wear whatever makes you comfortable, act however makes you comfortable. But I just need to say that, as a woman (an adult human female), this is the biggest steaming pile of sexist bullshit I've read in a very long time. There is no one "type" of woman and the way you have described your personality, in all it's shallow and flakey glory is not becuase you have a "woman's brain". Women are not "naturally" shy and passive, we can be naturally assertive and aggressive. We have hobbies that go beyond combing our hair and watching Beyonce videos. What about all the women and girls who are nothing like the stereotypical bimbo personality you have described?! Are they actually men trapped in women's bodies. Keep doing you, but maybe do a little research into the social constructs of gender, because right now the rhetoric you are spewing in regards to what being a woman is, is really sexist. :( Also you might interested to learn that science doesn't support the idea of male and female brains
"Our brains really are DIFFERENT than a guys brain."
wow.... I support everyone's right to express themselves however they are comfortable. Wear whatever makes you comfortable, act however makes you comfortable. But I just need to say that, as a woman (an adult human female), this is the biggest steaming pile of sexist bullshit I've read in a very long time. There is no one "type" of woman and the way you have described your personality, in all it's shallow and flakey glory is not becuase you have a "woman's brain". Women are not "naturally" shy and passive, we can be naturally assertive and aggressive. We have hobbies that go beyond combing our hair and watching Beyonce videos. What about all the women and girls who are nothing like the stereotypical bimbo personality you have described?! Are they actually men trapped in women's bodies. Keep doing you, but maybe do a little research into the social constructs of gender, because right now the rhetoric you are spewing in regards to what being a woman is, is really sexist. :( Also you might interested to learn that science doesn't support the idea of male and female brains
"Our brains really are DIFFERENT than a guys brain."
Apologies to offend you....I should have restricted my description to ME and inclusive of no one else. Clearly widespread generalizations do NOT encapsulate everyone. Lesson learned. Trying to convey concepts in and out of the first-person in short written efforts fails too often --- as I just did. You are correct in your observations, mine was too narrow a characterization --- it applies to me. Period.
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"TERF" is an acronym for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist, and is used to describe those radical feminists who oppose inclusion of transgender women in spaces they reserve exclusively for women assigned female at birth....often those TERF's who actively wage online campaigns against transgender women are all too common.

Sadly, TERF's often dismiss a person's trans-identity as nothing more than an expression of cultural stereotypes (Unless you're a radical feminist. But if, as a transwoman, you're too "girly" you're dismissed as a "bimbo" by TERF's.) Even more sadly many TERF's consider gender-reassignment surgery a form of mutilation.

Transgenderism is not a term commonly used by transgender people, but often used by TERF's ---- used by anti-transgender activists to dehumanize transgender people and reduce who they are to 'a condition.'

I and others like me are not a societal "condition." We represent the breadth of choices woman have made for centuries across ALL cultures, and do not fit the narrow confines of what the so-called Feminist Ideology of the day allows or disallows.

It takes a lot of courage --- a lot of balls----to step in an unknown and unpopular direction and live a life of truth. I am NOT a bimbo. I chose.

Some of this is real concern but, sometimes I think its...
....because I can rock Louboutin 160 Daff's and steal their..... nah, I won't say it....


...I will. Because I can steal their man in the blink of an eye. :)

Feminists don't wear shoes like this. Me? Slay. Everyday. I own something like 60 pairs of Louboutins, and at least as many Giuseppe Zanetti's. yes, I am a shoe whore, proudly.

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Gents, you're both contributing to my thoughts quite robustly. Here and one-on-one in messages. Thank you both. I appreciate you guys.
Jamie ❤
And please please please continue to communicate w me. I love it