Hello!My first post here!i am 21 years old and i have some erectile dysfuction problems the past 2-3 years.First of all i have 0 morning wood,maybe some softs from time to time.I went to a doctor and he said that i must do some hormones tests.They were fine so he said that my problem is probably psychological because i dont have any other conditions like diabetes,high blood plessure or something else.The only condition that we left without testing is about a venous leak or something.The truth is that i see a lot of porn so i found out about nofap and i said lets give it a try.I am now at 10days strike and yesterday night i had a wet dream for the first time ever!Is that a good sign?I really want to believe that i have nothing like venous leak and all is about porn.Any thoughts about my condition will be really helpfull!Sorry for my english mistakes i hope you understand
Man I am experiencing the same situation, thing is, probably the venous leak is very VERY unlikely.
I know that you for now think it is not very possible to cure, but I have trust in the process and in all the experiences that other guys had.
I am 23yo as well, now on nofap for 55 days and still do not feel like my dick is anyway near complete recovery, but I know there is light at the end of the tunel. Just keep fighting this shit.
First thing is to quit porn like you never did before. Then stop all the fantasies. After that, start doing meaningful things with your life, be so enternained and foucssed on bigger goals that PIED does not even affect you.
Repeat the focus and hardwork on other important things, check your penis in 3 months.
No improvement? No problem.
Repeat the process another time, wait 3 monhts, and repeat until this is cured.
I believe in me, as so, I believe in you as well, we all gonna make it!