Trying to be better, for him.

For My Boyfriend

When I was in about 5th or 6th grade, I discovered pornography. Over time I grew addicted and as the addiction grew worse, as did the pornography’s subject matter. Though all of it was drawings, I’m still deeply ashamed. I stopped looking at bad porn months before I met my new and wonderful boyfriend, and soon after he and I both decided to stop because he came to the realization he had a porn problem too. I was good for about a month or so until the beginning of this month. I fell into relapse and so I sought therapy. That was Thursday. I stopped again until today. Enough is enough and I know this has consequences for me mentally and relationship-wise. I love my boyfriend with everything I have inside me and I want to be the best I can be for him. I want to make him proud and be worthy of his love and praise. I hope tonight is the beginning of my journey to end this addiction once and for all cause good God I don’t want to screw up the best thing that’s ever happened to me. For tonight, I’m just hoping I can receive tips to distract or change my behaviors. Thank you for reading.