Trying to feel different


New Fapstronaut
Hello fellow fapstronauts,

Let me introduce myself :

I'm actually 22 (f'ed up when signing up) and studying mathematics at the university.

I've been wanking for a bloody long time, starting at 13 or so. I've never really wanted to stop, even though I was guiltripping from time to time (I guess weird hentai is sometimes disgusting as hell). That being said, I don't do any drugs nor do I smoke or drink (much), so porn (and video games okay you got me, but that's another story) has been my only real addiction : the idea of getting rid of it has already crossed my mind, but nothing serious. I don't consider myself as really addicted, I usually fap between three and seven times a week and I'm able to stop for roughly a week when in vacation. I think boredom, stress and romantic isolation (no gf for almost four years now, #icryevrytiem) are the main reasons for my wanking, I do not have urges to do so.

So everything was as usual in my life, until this year. Goddamn, this has been rough : for various reasons, I've had to face the start of a nervous breakdown. Hopefully, I reacted quickly enough for this not to go on for years (when you're overwhelmed, ducking seek help kids, especially professional help, before you lose half yourself or more), even though I'm now under medication (hope to quit in a some months, according to doc). This medicine causes me to have problems about getting an erection and even bigger ones about cumming (most of those pills destroy your libido anyway). The fapping has thus been more exhausting than pleasant, these few last months.

Therefore, after reading some online articles about porn-induced erectile dysfunctions, I've told myself : now may be a good ducking time to try quitting ! Plus last year (before I got down) with what looked like a "hook up", I think I stressed too much and wasn't able to get it up. To be fair, I already wanted to reboot in June, and lasted a month out of three. The main reason for my relapsing was that I didn't feel any real difference with myself, neither a positive one nor a negative one, so I ended up losing motivation... This time however, I want my three months, and I've decided that whenever I feel bored, I will write my book (this's a REAL dream I want to pursue, so maybe Nofap could be my weird motivation lol).

Anyway, feel free to comment, and I hope Nofap will help me improve as it did for so many other fellow human beings !

I'm leaving now, Cristof !
Welcome Truman. I can relate in that too often, my motivation to stop PM has floundered over the decade. It is an ongoing reminder it seems of the hangover: guilt, grump, tired, lack of self-confidence, shame, etc. I continue to, and will continue to have challenges in life, to which PM is not the answer. The answer is a combination of focus, prioritization, effort, patience, discussion with others, and more. :)
Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?