[TUT] Blocking porn on all devices. Give your willpower an aid! Easy streaks

Let us know your preferences, so we could update the filters

  • I never use any search engine other than google

    Votes: 253 56.5%
  • I use search engines other than google

    Votes: 177 39.5%
  • I'm okay with blocking images on reddit and twitter as it's safer

    Votes: 233 52.0%
  • I want images on reddit and twitter even if their porn content is not blocked

    Votes: 43 9.6%

  • Total voters


Moderators, please don't move this thread. It has been moved many times to wrong categories before being brought back here by the admins.
Topics of this sub-forum include: Potential benefits, tips, advice, peer support, etc.
So this is the right sub-forum.

"NoFap is like trying to quit smoking but you always have a packet of cigarettes in your pocket."

Some of us have risked breaking their streaks and even relapsed while testing the blockers. So if you know better ways to block porn, please, let us know.

Saving your passwords
The best method is the last.

1-You could let a friend or a family member to directly enter the passwords and it's very important to tell them to save it somewhere, for example, using the "Note" app on their phone.

2-Another option is to type a random password in notepad e.g. lsfdjaljfalsjfaljf8y7ysfy7

then copy that password and paste it in the application you want to lock like forticlient for example, then paste it again in a message to your friend, then finally delete that message on your end so only your friend could see it.

3-Use lockbox.pluckeye.net
Enter a random password in notepad: jasfjdhashf87ahfa8f78a7fhas

Then copy this shit and paste it in the application you want to lock e.g. Forticlient.

Paste the password again in lockbox.pluckeye.net


An alternative to pluckeye's lockbox is ptimelock (from @IR254 ):
It's exactly the same as lockbox. You could use it instead of lockbox or together with lockbox, if you think you need to.

Why I think this is the best way?

because people, I mean kids, could trick their friends and tell them that they need the password urgently while they only want to watch porn. But here, you will have no choice but to wait.

Tips from pros

A) Telegram contains some NSFW content. If you want to filter those and have a whatsapp-like experience on Telegram use Cloudveil messenger:


Thanks @skaterdrew for sharing this!

B) Teleteens: (Android and iOS)
It lets you allow your safe groups and channels and block the rest. You could lock its settings using self-lock or by adding a parent (supervisor).

C)TelOchat: Another safe telegram client with all bad channels and groups blocked automatically. If you want to allow a group or a channel, you could request it.
Only Android:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.telochat

D)If Cloudveil desktop version is still allowing bad content, you could remove it and use Telegram Web version (https://web.telegram.org/) and filter it using pluckeye or cold turkey:


You will notice in Telegram web that each chat has its own unique URL, so you could just allow images and videos on safe chats that you want:
Say for example that the following URL is for a safe chat:

so you add to Cold Turkey exceptions:

Repeat this with chats that you need

Now, you need to add any of the safe chats that you have allowed to your bookmarks (ctrl+d), use this bookmark to access telegram as the next rule will block access to telegram web home page. You don't need to bookmark all safe chats, only one is needed.

Now add the following to your blocked sites:

This one is an accountability software that allows adding up to 3 devices for free. If you visit bad sites, it will send notifications to your friend/wife phone showing them what you have visited. It will make you think twice before trying to open porn.

This one is different because most accountability softwares are not free.

credits: @Mostly harmless for researching and sharing it.

3-Media domains of famous sites:
If you want to block images and videos on reddit, then block those:

If you want to block images & videos on twitter block those:

If you want to block images and videos on discord, then block those:


if you want even stricter filtering, also block this one as it will block profile pictures:


Android (Still updating)

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1- Call your ISP and ask them to filter your home internet from porn sites. You could do the same for your mobile data ISP.

2- Enforce a safe DNS on your router

I am going to use Cleanbrowsing family DNS in this guide ( It is the most strict DNS and is suitable for people who are willing to make sacrifices to stay away from P. Cleanbrowsing family also enforces youtube "restrict moderate" mode that is not preferred by many people. It also blocks reddit completely. If you need less strict but good DNS servers, you could try:
-Cisco OpenDNS family shield:
-Cloudflare Family:
-Cleanbrowsing adult DNS:

(If you want to use Cleanbrowsing Family while allowing reddit and unrestricting youtube, you could:
A)Edit the hosts file on your PC/Mac and redirect the domains for reddit and youtube to the unrestricted domains. (discussed under the Windows and the MacOS sections). For iOS, you could add an encrypted DNS payload of an unfiltered DNS server and add domains for reddit and youtube under SupplementalMatchDomains key.
B)Install DNSCrypt on a Raspberry Pi. I'll try to make a tutorial for that in the future.)

Step by step screenshot tutorial for Cleanbrowsing Family:

(You'll have to make changes to the blocked IP ranges if you want to use a DNS other than Cleanbrowsing Family DNS)

Stage One:
Login to your router by visiting in your web browser.

Username: admin
Password: admin

If incorrect look at the back of your router or google your router’s model.

In the router’s page, look for:
Primary DNS server
Secondary DNS server

(Routers are different, so DNS options could be anywhere, keep looking)

Change the primary DNS server to
and change the secondary to

Then save.

(PS You could use whatever DNS you like. The DNS above is Cleanbrowsing family DNS. I prefer it because it forces safe search on Google and other search engines, (also youtube). You can report sites that should be blocked to this email: [email protected] , and they will be blocked within 24 hours.)

Stage two:

Now all devices connected to your router will have filtered internet. But anyone could bypass the filter by changing the DNS on their device. To solve this problem we will create some simple rules on our router to block other DNS servers.

Go to IP filter and add those rules: (you can modify them according to your preferred DNS server)



(update for rule two: I was able to block up to
N.B If your router doesn’t support blocking IP ranges, It won’t work.

Stage three: (optional and not recommended in most cases)
Put a few drops of Superglue on the router’s RESET button while it’s still on. (to avoid gluing the fan!)



Copied from a friend who owned an xbox:
Here's how you block porn from xbox completely. First make a new email on Google and use that email to make a Microsoft account you need to use this account to create an xbox family and then add your xbox account(s) to it. When all accounts are added they need to be made into members not operators if they are operators this will cause problems(there should only be one operator and thats the account you just created), then you need to go to the family setting online and turn on "block adult sites". When you do this, it also gives you an option to put in sites you want to always be blocked, put in sites you want to be blocked, like MSN.com, and Microsoftedge.com.Now when all this is done you have to be willing to do something that a lot of people might not be willing to do, you must give up all emails that are in the family. To do this you need to go into Gmail, and click manage Google account, then go to the security section and change your recovery information and remove the phone number verification completely, and make the email verification into the account you used to create the xbox family and then change that accounts email verification to the email you just changed if you have multiple accounts you have to do this to all of them, make sure the email verification isn't and email you have access to.Now you need to go into the Microsoft family website and on the account(s) you're trying to block porn from you need to turn on allow activity reports. After this you now need to go into your xbox and sign in with the account you used to make the xbox family, using this account you need to go into setting>system> signed out content restrictions. Then click create guest key(MAKE SURE Your other account(s)don't see this option) and on that same page turn off the setting "allow accounts to be added or downloaded it should be a little checkmark you need to uncheck. Now save this guest key into a pluckeye lockbox or something like it. After this you now to change every password on all accounts. When I say this I mean you need to change your password on your Microsoft account your password on your Google account for the same email, on all your emails. Its easier to make both password the same, but make sure no two emails have similar passwords. Save the password(s) in a pluckeye lockbox. Be sure to write down the email to make it clear what password is for what email. Now there is one more problem to address, on your Xbox there are many browsers that aren't blocked automatically, and they do allow you to watch porn, you need to either find and install all browser apps so you can block them and reinstall them or you might be even able to block them from the "always blocked" page without having to install all the of them, this is very tedious and leaves a lot of room for error because it if there's even one app that allows you to watch porn left you WILL find it trust me, so there is one way to make sure that this doesn't happen and you must block the xbox store. This is drastic but it was way better than trying to find all the Browser apps, or apps that could allow you to view porn. After this you need to delete all the accounts from your phone and make sure if you copied and pasted any passwords they are deleted from clipboard. Now if you have an accountability partner this whole process would be much easier. All you have to do is get your partner to create an xbox family add your accounts on there, block adult sites and block Microsoft store, then have him/her sign in on your Xbox, create a guest key and then turn of the "allow accounts to be added or downloaded setting". Then you just need to change the password to your account on Microsoft and Google for all accounts, and save them in a pluckey lockbox. After that delete all your accounts from your phone and your good. I know this post seems long and unnecessary detailed but everything here is something you need to do. Trust me I learned the hard way so you don't have to, it took me a while to find something that works and now I can finally say that I can't watch porn on my xbox. I'm not going to claim this is perfect, if you come across a problem tell me and ill try to fix it or if you fix it reply and ill try to edit it on here. There also might be errors on here, I'm very tired at the moment but this is the best time to write this down
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I have tried blocking porn very much but it never helped - when I made the dumb decision to relapse, no blocker, addon or password could stop me. But it's a good way to have a psychological barrier, like, while dealing with undergoing it it can remind you of why you are doing that so it may help many people, thanks for sharing these!

This is important of course! But it becomes very hard to think about the consequences of your actions when porn is only a few clicks away. I believe if we use all the tools we have whether they are porn blocker or psychological barriers as you said, we could save our selves from many pathetic relapses.

Same, many filters have failed me. But I've found out that I have been using the wrong ones. I have posted only filters that can't be bypassed or uninstalled by the tech savvy porn addict. I would appreciate it if you could tell me the filters that didn't work for you.

Sorry, I don't know the names anymore but they were porn blocker addons for google chrome. I tried two different versions, one was bypassed by just uninstalling it and the other one was asking for a password even when uninstalling but 2 minutes of google and I was able to uninstall them too. I'm not even tech savvy, I just don't think you can build a porn blocker so strong it can't be bypassed with a bit of google skills ...
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But it's a good way to have a psychological barrier,
This is important of course! But it becomes very hard to think about the consequences of your actions when porn is only a few clicks away. I believe if we use all the tools we have whether they are porn blocker or psychological barriers as you said, we could save our selves from many pathetic relapses.
I have tried blocking porn very much but it never helped - when I made the dumb decision to relapse, no blocker, addon or password could stop me.
Same, many filters have failed me. But I've found out that I have been using the wrong ones. I have posted only filters that can't be bypassed or uninstalled by the tech savvy porn addict. I would appreciate it if you could tell me the filters that didn't work for you.

Sorry, I don't know the names anymore but they were porn blocker addons for google chrome.
Addons are always easy to remove. That's why I haven't included any!
I just don't think you can build a porn blocker so strong it can't be bypassed with a bit of google skills
I have some programming skills and I have created 2 programs for windows. The first is forceDNS, it changes your DNS to cleanbrwosing DNS and prevents you from changing it. The second is fapsecure, it forces safe search on google and many other search engines and blocks thousands of porn & proxy sites and it can't be uninstalled or terminated (set it and forget it). Trust me, those programs are different.

Have you tried any programs other than those addons?
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I think the porn blocker is great when you don't go looking because it feels like you're safe.

However, as spiderwaffle eluded to, every time I've wanted to watch it I've gone and done it by finding a way around it, whether that be restarting the phone, closing the app specifically so the right one overlays so I can turn them off one by one. I've had passwords on them, app locker everything but if you're smart enough you'll find a way around them.
I think the porn blocker is great when you don't go looking because it feels like you're safe.
Same here, I feel very safe when my blockers are on
restarting the phone, closing the app specifically so the right one overlays so I can turn them off one by one. I've had passwords on them, app locker everything but if you're smart enough you'll find a way around them.
I know that apps can't beat humans, you can always outsmart a stupid program. But it gives you time to think, maybe you'd change your mind. It's much better than just starting incognito mode and opening your favorite pornstar page in under 5 seconds. Some people think it's a damn challenge and enjoy getting around blockers. Don't do that cuz blockers are here to help and save you from a relapse. That's why I have put blockers that can't be removed by most people.
app locker
Have you tried Domobile Applock's advanced protection??? because it even works in safe mode. It's never easy to bypass.
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Same here, I feel very safe when my blockers are on especially fortinet's forticlient, just relaaaaaaax because the bad porn is locked away *sigh*

I know that apps can't beat humans, you can always outsmart a stupid program. But it gives you time to think, maybe you'd change your mind. It's much better than just starting incognito mode and opening your favorite pornstar page in under 5 seconds. Some people think it's a damn challenge and enjoy getting around blockers. Don't do that cuz blockers are here to help and save you from a relapse. That's why I have put blockers that can't be removed by most people.

Have you tried Domobile Applock's advanced protection??? because it even works in safe mode. It's never easy to bypass.

For me it's a challenge and it adds to the rush. Blockers don't work for me at all.
Only blocker I can confirm works on Linux if anyone was wondering is Pluckeye, however it also seems to block most functions of my package manager so it's not suitable for long-term use. If anyone has alternative system-wide porn blockers to pluckeye that work on Linux I would be grateful.
Only blocker I can confirm works on Linux if anyone was wondering is Pluckeye, however it also seems to block most functions of my package manager so it's not suitable for long-term use. If anyone has alternative system-wide porn blockers to pluckeye that work on Linux I would be grateful.
I have done some research and check those out:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/dansguardian/files/ It hasn't been updated since 2012, but who knows, it may be useful.
https://github.com/e2guardian/e2guardian A fork of Dansguardian and it had an update 2 months ago.
https://nxfilter.org/p3/download/ It supports linux, but I don't know if it's useful when you're trying to lock yourself from porn.
There is another one, but their site is down at the moment. I will check it out once they bring it back online.

I was curious, why do you use linux. You know most people use windows nowadays.
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https://sourceforge.net/projects/dansguardian/files/ It hasn't been updated since 2012, but who knows, it may be useful.
https://github.com/e2guardian/e2guardian A fork of Dansguardian and it had an update 2 months ago.
https://nxfilter.org/p3/download/ It supports linux, but I don't know if it's useful when you're trying to lock yourself from porn.
There is another one, but their site is down at the moment. I will check it out once they bring it back online.
Thank you! I'll give them a look.

I was curious, why do you use linux. You know most people use windows nowadays.
Customisability, privacy, runs way faster whilst looking nicer, and not to accuse you of ignorance but we aren't living in 2005 anymore ;) and almost all windows software (including games) can be run on linux using wine/proton or failing that virtualisation software. The only hurdle is stuff that literally affects things at a system level; like systemwide porn blockers.
Sorry to hear that. I just hope someone find those programs useful. So what do you do when you feel you wanna watch porn???

Most of the time my willpower works fine, I've managed to cut down on pmo a lot recently.

But I've realised that PMO is probably a symptom rather than a cause. I'm sure I don't get enough social contact and that's what's causing me to need pmo. Although the rest of my life is good, it's one area that I am definitely lacking. Once I move out I'll have a lot more opportunity to socialise. I also think talking to more girls and just going for it with them, rather than being worried about rejection/embarrassment will help. I'm sure once I'm having regular sex the desire for porn will completely go away. I have opportunities, just need to take them rather than shy away
Thank you! I'll give them a look.
Please, tell me if anything works.

Customisability, privacy, runs way faster whilst looking nicer, and not to accuse you of ignorance but we aren't living in 2005 anymore ;) and almost all windows software (including games) can be run on linux using wine/proton or failing that virtualisation software. The only hurdle is stuff that literally affects things at a system level; like systemwide porn blockers.
Hey Gorge, I wanted to ask a question. I have bought a lenovo laptop that comes without windows. I checked their website and the uploaded only drivers for windows 10. After I installed windows 10, I found out that the device is extremely slow, completely useless.
Could I try linux? If yes, then which version?
But I'm afraid that linux won't recognize most of the hardware.
Most of the time my willpower works fine, I've managed to cut down on pmo a lot recently.

But I've realised that PMO is probably a symptom rather than a cause. I'm sure I don't get enough social contact and that's what's causing me to need pmo. Although the rest of my life is good, it's one area that I am definitely lacking. Once I move out I'll have a lot more opportunity to socialise. I also think talking to more girls and just going for it with them, rather than being worried about rejection/embarrassment will help. I'm sure once I'm having regular sex the desire for porn will completely go away. I have opportunities, just need to take them rather than shy away
Interesting. Thanks for the reply!
cat $HOME/Desktop/pluckeye-settings.txt | pluck import -

Thanks xXsinnerXx for this great job, it's the first time I've seen a method that seems to work with PluckEye. But I get this error message in the terminal when I embed your code:
Failed to parse 'clear'.
03b4:165: ca151e1e WARNING 0x303b40d0
0411:20: ca151e1e WARNING 0x303b40d0
Is this a problem related to the operating system (Catalina)? Sorry to ask computer questions on this forum, but I really believe in the deterrent power of this kind of software ...
Thanks (I'm totally new year, btw)
Failed to parse 'clear'.
03b4:165: ca151e1e WARNING 0x303b40d0
0411:20: ca151e1e WARNING 0x303b40d0
It's okay, that's why I included "pluck clear" before you import the code, because "clear" may not work when imported on new pluckeye versions. You get an error for importing clear, but everything should work fine.
Thanks xXsinnerXx for this great job,
Glad you like it!