uk, gay, 30, lonely, pied


I can't express how low and lonely I feel right now.

I could really do with a friend who's going through the same thing to talk to, preferably someone also lgbtq+ but I obviously won't discriminate.
I think most of us on here experience this feeling at some point. The hopelessness, the feeling like things won't get better. I'd strongly advise trying to come up with a practical plan to change things and then taking small steps to reach your goals. When it comes to real change, wanting something isn't enough, you really need to go all out to do it. Easy for me to say considering I'm younger than you, but 30 isn't too late to become the person you want to be.
Another (obvious but worth saying anyway) that excessive PMO use makes all these feelings worse. Like a lot worse. I can feel perfectly fine one day, and then if I reset, the next day I'll be borderline suicidal, no joke, the chemical explosion and ensuing comedown can be that potent. The best thing you can do for yourself is kick this destructive habit to the curb.