Update Day 3 - It's a never ending loop - Time to stop it


New Fapstronaut

fun fact - I've never posted in a forum before - but feels good that there is such a type of forum, which all have the same goal in mind.

So the main reason why I want to do the 90 Days Reboot (no porn / mastrubation) Challenge is to become more productive.

It's not that I would describe my porn consumption out of control - but what I reallised over the last couple of years, is that if I have to do a collage / work task - I sit down for some time, then get bored and in this time of losing the focus there is an urge in me, which pushes me to jerk off.

But as soon I do that, I totally lose focus on finishing up the task and just postpone it...and just start to scroll down Youtube / Instagram ....

Maybe you all had the same experience before.

And at the end of the day, you feel like shit, because you really missed your goal to finish up this kind os small task.

So now I did some preparation for this challenge, which I really can recommend for you all:

1. Set up the screen time on your iPhone - and block there your Safari Browser Time to just 30 min and also enable the limitation on adult content

2. Downlaod Self-control (it's a free Mac App) - and create there a blacklist of all the porn sites you know - then set up the timer on 24 - after this you can extend it - so I typed in 999 Hours

3. Delete instagram / tiktok from your phone

So let's see how this will turn out - but so far I am feeling still quit pumped for this challenge.

If you have any ideas to avoid sexual charged content let me know .

Cheers and hype eastern
Hey, nice. The main goal is to eliminate triggers as much as possible. If you know any sites or any place where you get triggered, do not go there, or make sure that you won't see anything you don't need to see. Fill your time with some meaningful stuff and make that counter explode :D

It's best to stop PMO altogether because Ming is the main killer. I stopped P but the main benefits started when I stopped Ming (nevertheless, if you can't do it both, start with one and then get to the next one).
So far the journey for me is going alright. No strong urges yet and overall not really emotional out of balance. But at the same time my level of motivation is def. not the tough - I still try to be occupied with work and also are crossing in my points on this app called Streak - can really recommend this one.

My goals there are kid of modest:

- No fab
- getting up without snoozing - hahah I am actually quit struggling with this one, but I will work on this on another time :D
- no social media
- eating healthy
- doing uni stuff for at least 2 hours
- doing sports

So hope u all are doing good as well