So, a few minutes ago while I was talking with some dudes on Telegram about NoFap, one of them sent me a meme and to reply back, I decided to send another. And when I was searching for that meme, I find some porn gif I kept in the past (idk why ) and now I feel the biggest urges to watch porn I ever had in my life. Man, I can't get that gif out of my head, everytime I close my eyes, I see that shit. What would you recommend me to do? What would you do if this was your case?
Play some Tetris or very easy game for half an hour. It will reset your visual memory. Also works quite well if you cant sleep because of thoughts, images and feelings. Give it a try. If it doesn't work, go out for a walk, talk to a friend and help a random stranger. Tell is how it it went
Personally I'd put myself in the right posture, i.e. preferably stood up (not comfortable) then let the image be in your mind but despise it and tell it 'No'! Don't be seduced by it. I know it sounds daft, but your 'draining it of its power over you' (so to speak). If not you may just be caught off guard at a time of weakness. This technique may not work for everyone but it works for me.