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Ok, so according to the Law of Attraction everything is energy and frequency. Thoughts become things. All we have to do is imagine things we want as if we would already have them. The universe will deliver them to us.
If we combine that visual image with feelings then it is so much more powerful than just visualization alone without feelings.
Sexual energy is supposedly the root energy of all creation. It is the ultimate creative energy. The ultimate vibrational frequency. It is also very intense feeling.
When we feel and visualize things in our head we send our thoughts to etheric plane. That etheric plane of existence is a medium of communication between you and universe. It's like the internet connection of cosmic consciousness. It can also be used as a medium of communication between dead spirits and other entities, just as internet can be used to either access information or communicate between people.
If we would use the arousal (sexual energy) during masturbation or sex we could manifest things. All we have to do is masturbate or have sex and during that visualize what we want in life, as if we already have it. For example masturbating and edging but instead of visualizing porn one would visualize tons of money or a nice house you want to get. Imagine it as if you would be already living in it, combine it with the intense feeling of arousal. Then it will active the Law of Attraction and you will be presented with opportunities for business, money making, etc.
We must not finish with ejaculation because then Chi energy is released from the body and connection to etheric plane is lost, and high vibration is lost. It's like losing internet connection because of lack of electricity. So universe can no longer receive your manifestation requests.
I think this is partly why magical female attraction happens on long semen retention streak. People who do not ejaculate rise their vibration and get horny due to it, then they think of sexual images and women (sexual fantasies), it sends signal to universe and so universe activates Law of Attraction and starts pulling women towards you.
Always when we have sexual fantasies we visualize them as we would be there doing that stuff. That combined with intense feeling of it (energy) sends signal to activate the Law of Attraction.
Usually people who practice the Law of Attraction use gratitude as a source of energy to power connection to etheric plane. But I think sexual energy of arousal is way more powerful than energy generated by feeling of gratefulness.
If we combine that visual image with feelings then it is so much more powerful than just visualization alone without feelings.
Sexual energy is supposedly the root energy of all creation. It is the ultimate creative energy. The ultimate vibrational frequency. It is also very intense feeling.
When we feel and visualize things in our head we send our thoughts to etheric plane. That etheric plane of existence is a medium of communication between you and universe. It's like the internet connection of cosmic consciousness. It can also be used as a medium of communication between dead spirits and other entities, just as internet can be used to either access information or communicate between people.
If we would use the arousal (sexual energy) during masturbation or sex we could manifest things. All we have to do is masturbate or have sex and during that visualize what we want in life, as if we already have it. For example masturbating and edging but instead of visualizing porn one would visualize tons of money or a nice house you want to get. Imagine it as if you would be already living in it, combine it with the intense feeling of arousal. Then it will active the Law of Attraction and you will be presented with opportunities for business, money making, etc.
We must not finish with ejaculation because then Chi energy is released from the body and connection to etheric plane is lost, and high vibration is lost. It's like losing internet connection because of lack of electricity. So universe can no longer receive your manifestation requests.
I think this is partly why magical female attraction happens on long semen retention streak. People who do not ejaculate rise their vibration and get horny due to it, then they think of sexual images and women (sexual fantasies), it sends signal to universe and so universe activates Law of Attraction and starts pulling women towards you.
Always when we have sexual fantasies we visualize them as we would be there doing that stuff. That combined with intense feeling of it (energy) sends signal to activate the Law of Attraction.
Usually people who practice the Law of Attraction use gratitude as a source of energy to power connection to etheric plane. But I think sexual energy of arousal is way more powerful than energy generated by feeling of gratefulness.
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